The Piggybackers (comic story)

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This story has not yet been fully published. Please exercise caution in asserting any more than is actually present in the narrative so far. Be aware that certain facts which appear to be true may not be true once the story is completely published.

The Piggybackers was a comic story published in Doctor Who Magazine in 2020, featuring the Thirteenth Doctor and friends.


Part one

Over a grainy black and white film, a voice informs you what to do if there is the flash of the atomic bomb. Duck and Cover. The film ends and a teacher tells her class that was an important film made by the government and that there will be a test later. The teacher, Edith Harcourt, asks her class what the first thing to do in the event of an atomic attack is, to which a voice calls out drop dead. Enraged, Edith demands who asked that and a kid, Tommy says how they would all just die. Another kid, Stevie, gets in a fight with him and Edith goes from anger to paranoia as she has never lost control of a class. Then a voice tells Edith that this isn't right and that it will help her.

The TARDIS arrives in Bridgeport, although Graham remarks that it doesn't look much like 51st century New Asgard. The Doctor dismisses it as the TARDIS' navigation system rebooting after battling a psychic squid, and much to Ryan's dismay, Yaz thinks it looks like 50's America. Graham and Yaz notice the locals acting strangely but the Doctor leads them into a diner where they are cheerfully greeted by a woman named Lizzie, which leads Yaz and Ryan to smile that it isn't Alabama. Lizzie says they don't get many visitors and Graham says their vehicle broke down. Lizzie says her husband could take a look at it, but the Doctor says it's a foreign job. Later, Yaz is amazed how the Doctor has managed to finish her third milkshake, when a news bulletin interrupts them to inform everyone how Russian ships are approaching and how president Kennedy says an attempt to cross the blockade will be an act of war. Graham whispers that it's the Cuban missile crisis in October 1962, and has to re-inform Ryan about it. Ryan asks if Graham remembers it, but Graham says he was just a toddler and learned about it in school. Yaz asks the Doctor if history is OK, and the Doctor replies that it is probably fine. An old man, starts talking about how this isn't going to be fine and it will be hell and the world will burn, before leaving. The Doctor says they should have a nosey around town, and Graham suggests meeting back at the diner in a few hours

The Doctor catches up with the man, Mr Endicott and says she is new in town and asks where the harbour is. Mr Endicott is confused at the Doctor's remark about being a boy, so she quickly corrects it to tomboy, before being informed the coastlines over 300 miles away, which the Doctor thinks odd since the town is named Bridgeport. They witness a shop keeper arguing with someone, and Mr Endicott tell the Doctor how everyone's preparing for the apocalypse.

Yaz and Ryan notice it start to get dark when they find parents crowded around a school, because they aren't letting the children out. Yaz and Ryan decide to go round back and enter through a window. Yaz decides to look upstairs while Ryan check downstairs and that the school is eerily quiet. Ryan hears a voice and heads towards it, shocked to see the classroom full of the children, but with their mouths removed. Edith says they have a latecomer, and orders Ryan in, demanding his name, with Ryan mumbling it won't happen again. Edith says it won't, and tells Ryan to sit down, now he also doesn't have a mouth.

Part Two

to be added

Part Three

to be added




Foods and beverages

  • The Cuban Missile Crisis leads to panic buying.
  • The Doctor drinks three milkshakes, with an amazed Yaz wondering how "anyone can take that much lactose and live".
  • A store sells cans of beans for one dollar.




Original print details

(Publication with page count and closing captions)
  1. DWM 549 (8 pages): Next: The Countdown
  2. DWM 550 (8 pages): Next: Eve of Destruction
  3. DWM 551 (8 pages): Next: Zero Hour


  • Yaz initially believes that Team TARDIS have ended up back in 1950s America, prompting Ryan to say "here we go again". They later express their relief upon realising they are not in Alabama. (TV: Rosa)
  • The Doctor, while speaking to Abner Endicott, mentions having been a boy, to Endicott's confusion. (TV: An Unearthly Child, et al.)