Judge, Jury and Executioner was a short story released in The Doctor: His Lives and Times.
to be added
- For her research on the Tenth Doctor, River has:
- A newspaper article written by Vivien Rook, on Harriet Jones, just after the destruction of 10 Downing Street.
- A police report on the incident at the New New York Hospital.
- A report on the incident at Balmoral Castle.
- A newspaper article about Deffry Vale High School.
- A salvage report on the SS Madame de Pompadour.
- A website on Ambrose Hall.
- A poster advertising Magpie's Marvelous Tellies.
- An article by Harriet Jones praising the actions of Harold Saxon on 25 December 2007.
- A message from Yvonne Hartman to Torchwood One staff sending congratulations for a successful Ghost Shift.
- Homework from a member of LINDA with known sightings of the Doctor's TARDIS.
- An extract of Benjamin Franklin's essay on electricity.
- An account of Elizabeth I meeting the Tenth Doctor.
- An obituary of the Face of Boe.
- A review of the Broadway show, Pig Slaves in Manhattan.
- A selection of posters promoting Barber's Belles.
- An extract of A Journal of Impossible Things.
- A transcript of the Doctor's message to Sally Sparrow.
- The Last Will and Testament of the Human Race
- A letter to Jack Harkness from Elizabeth II, lifting the Tenth Doctor and Rose's exile from Earth.
- A packet of the Adipose pill.
- A poster promoting Ood Operations.
- An ATMOS SatNav.
- A letter from Jenny to the Doctor.
- A letter to Sir Godfrey from Agatha Christie.
- A letter from Strackman Lux to River Song.
- The Tenth Doctor's ticket for Crusader Tours.
- An article written by Cedric Crossland for The Journal of the Royal Planetary Society.
- A letter from Robert Newman to Henry.
- An internal memorandum from Erisa Magambo to Alan Mace, regarding the 200.
- A newspaper article on the 200 and Christina de Souza's theft at the International Gallery.
- The History and Present Status of Electricity, a book about humanity's interactions with electricity.
- This story acts as an in-universe recap of the Tenth Doctor's era.
- Somehow, Jackie has returned from Pete's World.
- River has photographs depicting events from TV: The Christmas Invasion, New Earth, Tooth and Claw, School Reunion, Smith and Jones, The Shakespeare Code, Evolution of the Daleks, Blink, Utopia, The Sound of Drums, Voyage of the Damned, Partners in Crime, Planet of the Ood, The Stolen Earth, The Doctor's Daughter, The Poison Sky, The Unicorn and the Wasp, Silence in the Library, Midnight, Turn Left, Music of the Spheres, The Next Doctor, Planet of the Dead, The End of Time, and Death of the Doctor.