Children of Earth: Day Two (TV story)

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Children of Earth: Day Two was the second episode of the third series of Torchwood.


Torchwood 3 has been blown up by a bomb planted in Jack Harkness. Gwen, Rhys, and Ianto are on the run. Can they elude the Government and save the planet from the 456?


After the destruction of the Torchwood Hub

Shortly after the Hub has blown up, Gwen is seized by members of an assassination squad as she emerges from the rubble, and dragged into the back of an ambulance. The men pin her down flat on a stretcher while one of them prepares a needle, but accidently release her when she bites one of the men. Leaping to her feet Gwen holds the men at gunpoint and learns that the people trying to kill the Torchwood staff are from “the Government.” She escapes home to Rhys and the two go on the run.

The next morning, Johnson finds the remains of Jack Harkness in the ruins of the Hub, not much more than an arm and a head. Jack's body parts are taken to a warehouse in London, where his body begins to reconstruct itself. Meanwhile, Ianto sends a card to his sister, asking her to meet him at the park where he broke his leg as a child, and to bring a laptop computer. The children of the world again stop and chant: “We are coming – tomorrow.”

Gwen and Rhys hide in a lorry full of potatoes that is going to London; during the trip, Gwen tells Rhys that she is pregnant. When they arrive in London, Gwen tries to contact John Frobisher. Her call is taken by Lois Habiba. At MI5, Frobisher, Bridget, and Lois witness the creation of an unknown device being built by Mr. Dekker to specifications provided by the 456. Lois meets with Gwen and Rhys and tells them that it was Frobisher who issued the kill order on Jack, as well as several others, none of whose names Gwen recognizes. Lois also gives Gwen information about the compound where Jack is being kept, and suggests a way for Gwen and Rhys to gain entry.

Jack, now fully re-formed, is sealed in concrete by Johnson to prevent his escape, since he cannot be killed. Gwen and Rhys, as Lois had suggested, pose as funeral directors come to fetch Rupesh Patanjali's body, which is also being kept at the compound. However, they are caught during their attempt to free Jack. Ianto, who has also arrived in London and has also discovered where Jack was taken, steals a forklift, lifts Jack's cell, and pulls it out of the compound.

Gwen and Rhys escape with Ianto in the forklift. Ianto drops the concrete block into a quarry where it breaks apart, releasing Jack. Back at the MI5 headquarters, the mysterious device is completed: a sealed glass-walled chamber that is filled with a gas atmosphere poisonous to humans.


Production Crew

Visual Effects - The Mill


  • Ianto's leg was accidentally broken by his father when he was younger.
  • The government assumes Torchwood Two has disbanded but is unsure.
  • Queen Victoria is known to have created other institutions, although the present government is not aware of them.
  • Johnson uses the name "Lazarus" to describe Jack's immortality. This is a Biblical reference to Lazarus, whom Jesus raised from the dead.
  • This is the second time that Jack has been shown completely naked. The first time was in Bad Wolf, though on that occasion the BBC had filed a request that the "offensive" parts are either blurred or concealed by props.

Story notes

to be added


  • 5.8 million overnight (BBC 1)


to be added

Filming locations

  • Darwin Drive (play area) - Where Ianto met his sister.
  • Avesta Polarit Steelworks - Torchwood, London Warehouse.

Production errors

  • When the concrete-filled cell is pulled out of the wall by the forklift, it appears to be much smaller than what was seen earlier when it was filled with concrete. In fact at some points it doesn't appear wide enough for Jack Harkness to be lying horizontal.
  • A concrete block would not break falling from that height, but would only chip and when the concrete cell smashes apart in the quarry, there's no sign of the gurney Jack was lying on
  • When Gwen is shooting at the men after finding Jack's concrete-filled cell, she fires with her right hand; in one shot she is firing with her left and in the next shot she is shooting with her right. (Gwen is holding two guns.)
  • Gwen does not seem to run out of bullets?


If you'd like to talk about narrative problems with this story — like plot holes and things that seem to contradict other stories — please go to this episode's discontinuity discussion.
  • Whilst Lois is on the computer researching Torchwood, The MacLeish Estate and Canary Wharf are mentioned in the article.
  • Gwen and Rhys pretend to be undertakers in order to retrieve Jack. Gwen is a double of Gwyneth, who was the servant to an undertaker. (DW: The Unquiet Dead, Journey's End)
  • A new detail of Jack's immortality is revealed; he can regrow major parts of his anatomy even after experiencing physical destruction, although this is not a quick process. He is able to do so without losing memories, though it is stated that "part of a head" survived the blast, and it is not indicated if that part happened to include his brain.

Home video releases

  • This episode was released on DVD along with the rest of Children of Earth on the 13th of July, 2009.
