Raine Creevy

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Raine Creevy (born 7 November 1967) was a companion of the Seventh Doctor and travelled with Ace. She was a safecracker from 1989.


Meeting the Doctor

Raine met the Seventh Doctor on 13 October 1989 at a garden party where he was hiding in a safe. Together they defeated the Metatraxi. During the adventure they forged a friendship and started to travel together. (BFA: Crime of the Century)

Travels with the Doctor

Raine's first journey with the Doctor was to Margate University in 2001 where, with Brigadier Bambera and UNIT, they defeated an alien plot. (BFA: Animal)

Their next stop was the space vessel Vancouver. Its mission: to guard a vast shipment of grain from Earth to the planet Safenesthome. Onboard the Doctor posed as the ship's medical officer. They had to stop another plot by the Metatraxi. (BFA: Earth Aid)

Behind the scenes

  • A character named Raine Cunningham was intended for a companion of the Seventh Doctor following Ace's departure in the unmade Season 27 of Doctor Who (which would have aired in 1990 had the series not been cancelled). A feature in DWM 255 gave the character the name Kate Tollinger, but according to an interview with script editor Andrew Cartmel in DWM 433, the character was always intended to be named Raine. The character is being revived in the second season of Big Finish Productions' The Lost Stories, which would follow the intended stories for Season 27. However the character has been renamed Raine Creevy, as Cartmel had since discovered someone named Raine Cunningham existed in real life. In The Lost Stories, she is played by Beth Chalmers.

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