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Timeline for 2001
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2001 was a year.



January - February

Sometime before 6 February, Fitz Kreiner was dropped in London by Compassion to meet the Eighth Doctor at the St Louis Bar and Restaurant. (PROSE: Escape Velocity [+]Loading...["Escape Velocity (novel)"])

On 6 February, Fitz travelled to Belgium and met Anji Kapoor and her boyfriend, Dave Young. They became embroiled in a Kulan plot. (PROSE: Escape Velocity [+]Loading...["Escape Velocity (novel)"])

On 8 February, Fitz met the Eighth Doctor at the St. Louis Bar and Restaurant in London. (PROSE: Escape Velocity [+]Loading...["Escape Velocity (novel)"])

June - September

On 31 July, (AUDIO: Brave New Town [+]Loading...["Brave New Town (audio story)"]) Mary Miller got her daughter, Lucie, a pair of rollerblades for her thirteenth birthday. (AUDIO: The Revolution Game [+]Loading...["The Revolution Game (audio story)"])

On 23 August, Cassandra Schofield was reported missing by her family. (AUDIO: Project Destiny [+]Loading...["Project Destiny (audio story)"])

On 11 September, the World Trade Center was destroyed in a terrorist attack, (AUDIO: The Longest Night [+]Loading...["The Longest Night (audio story)"]) an event that would go on to be known as 9/11. (PROSE: I Was a Monster!!! [+]Loading...["I Was a Monster!!! (short story)"], The Danger Men [+]Loading...["The Danger Men (novel)"])

On Halloween, Clara Oswald went to a party, during which she got lost in a forest while playing a game of hide and seek with her friends, and was inadvertently whisked away on an adventure with the Eleventh Doctor, her memory of which was erased due to her encountering him earlier than intended. (PROSE: Clara Oswald and the Enchanted Forest [+]Loading...["Clara Oswald and the Enchanted Forest (short story)"])

November - December

In November, Tony Blair visited several of York's tourist attractions and local businesses. (AUDIO: Project: Twilight [+]Loading...["Project Twilight (audio story)","Project: Twilight"])

Shortly after Blair's visit to York, the Sixth Doctor and Evelyn Smythe got takeaway at the Slow Boat. After Nimrod mortally injured Eddie, the Doctor and Evelyn got involved in the conflict between the Forge and their vampire super-soldiers. The Doctor helped Amelia Doory purify the Twilight Virus so it could be reverse engineered into an antidote. However, Amelia was just using the Doctor. Amelia planned to convert all of London into vampires by pouring the virus into the water supply, but was killed by the Doctor before she could. During these events, Cassandra Schofield was infected with the purified virus and became the only member of a new breed of superior vampires. The Doctor and Evelyn took Schofield to Norway, where she could live as a vampire away from sunlight and civilisation. (AUDIO: Project: Twilight [+]Loading...["Project Twilight (audio story)","Project: Twilight"])

Also in November, Marnal wrote part of The Monkey to Time saga. (PROSE: The Gallifrey Chronicles [+]Loading...["The Gallifrey Chronicles (novel)"])

On 23 November, (TV: Death in Heaven [+]Loading...["Death in Heaven (TV story)"]) Clara Oswald celebrated her fifteenth birthday. (PROSE: Clara Oswald and the Enchanted Forest [+]Loading...["Clara Oswald and the Enchanted Forest (short story)"])

On 27 November, the Hubble Space Telescope discovered a hydrogen atmosphere on the planet Osiris, capital of the Osiran Empire. (PROSE: Time Traveller's Diary [+]Loading...["Time Traveller's Diary (novel)"])

For Christmas, Donna Noble received a bottle of Odeur Delaware as a gift from her mother Sylvia Noble. (COMIC: The Widow's Curse [+]Loading...["The Widow's Curse (comic story)"])


Dr. Who and Jason attempted to kill Queen Elizabeth II. (PROSE: Head Games [+]Loading...["Head Games (novel)"]) This year was the beginning of the Ghost Point. (PROSE: The Book of the War [+]Loading...["The Book of the War (novel)"])

An attempted Sontaran invasion of Earth was foiled by an Earth defence force led by Gareth Jenkins. (HOMEVID: A Fix with Sontarans [+]Loading...["A Fix with Sontarans (home video)"])

The Eighth Doctor and Izzy Sinclair visited London. (COMIC: The Fallen [+]Loading...["The Fallen (comic story)"])

The Fifth Doctor, Martin Ashcroft, Sir Jack Merrivale and Johanna Bourke recorded a commentary on Doctor Demonic's Tales of Terror for its 25th anniversary DVD release. (AUDIO: Special Features [+]Loading...["Special Features (audio story)"])

Births and deaths


On 16 January, Dale Hicks was born. (TV: Fear Her [+]Loading...["Fear Her (TV story)"])

On 6 June, William Crow Dog was born at the Pine Ridge Reservation hospital. (PROSE: The Book of the War [+]Loading...["The Book of the War (novel)"])

Untold numbers of people were killed in the 9/11 terror attacks. (PROSE: Touched by an Angel [+]Loading...["Touched by an Angel (novel)"], AUDIO: The Longest Night [+]Loading...["The Longest Night (audio story)"])


Ally was born. (COMIC: The Girl Who Loved Doctor Who [+]Loading...["The Girl Who Loved Doctor Who (comic story)"])

Samuel Lloyd's parents were killed in a car accident. (TV: The Mad Woman in the Attic [+]Loading...["The Mad Woman in the Attic (TV story)"])


By 1997, the first manned flight from Earth to Jupiter was being planned for 2001. (PROSE: The Dying Days [+]Loading...["The Dying Days (novel)"])

Behind the scenes

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According to a minigame on the Torchwood House website, strange signals began being detected by the Torchwood Institute coming from the Tycho crater in this year. [1]
