Heaven Sent (TV story)

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Heaven Sent was the eleventh episode of the ninth series of Doctor Who produced by BBC Wales.

Jenna Coleman appears as Clara Oswald as a manifestation of the Doctor's imagination after he lost her to the Quantum Shade in the previous story. The episode shows the Doctor dealing with and grieving over Clara's death.

The episode is notable for a number of truths conceded by the Doctor, he being inside his own Confession dial. It is also notable for showing the Doctor finally finding his way back to Gallifrey since he found out that it was not in fact destroyed in the Time War, but placed in a pocket universe.

This story takes place over an outstandingly long period of time, seeing the Doctor stuck in a recursive cycle that lasts for at least 2 billion years, during which he repeatedly perishes and comes back to life.


The Doctor is trapped in an old rusty castle by himself and is stalked by a creature unlike any other.

Can he make it through? Can he make it back to Gallifrey?


As gears turn inside the walls of a castle, a mysterious figure, with blood on his hands, makes his way into a room with a teleporter. He flips a switch and collapses to the ground, his body fading away into oblivion, as the teleporter activates, materialising the Doctor inside its chamber. The Doctor steps out of the teleporter, looking around the room. He bends down to grasp some of the sand on the ground, the memory of Clara's death still fresh in his mind. He then threatens the ones responsible for bringing him there, promising to never stop until he finds them.

The Doctor steps out of the teleporter and into a circular corridor, filled with windows and a monitor. Looking out one of the windows, he sees that he's inside the central tower of a castle. He speaks out to whoever captured him, again, mentioning that the technology in the teleporter means he can only have been moved a maximum of one light year from where he was before, and he knows he's still in the same time zone he was in before, so all he has to do is wait until nightfall, and then he'll be able to use the stars to figure out where he is.

Walking down the corridor, he finds a shovel, covered in dirt, leaning against one of the walls. He starts shouting again, trying to get the kidnappers to come out and face him. At that moment, the monitor in the corridor activates, showing the Doctor himself on the screen. Seeing that the image is being projected from something outside one of the windows, the Doctor runs over to said window and looks outside. He sees a hooded figure in another window, looking right at him. It is from this figure that the footage on the monitor is coming from. The Doctor backs away from the window in fright, watching as the figure turns and moves away.

Looking at the monitor, the Doctor watches as the image moves down a corridor. The Doctor finds the particular corridor, and sure enough, the figure is coming towards him. The Doctor runs down another corridor to a door, but finds the door locked. He turns back in time to see the figure enter the hallway and realises he's seen this creature before. He turns back to the door and uses an old trick he knew when he was younger, to form a psychic link with the door, getting it to unlock.

He opens the door, only to find a wall. He turns back to see the Veil coming closer and closer to him. Unfortunately, he can't see a way out of this situation. As the figure reaches for him, the Doctor admits that he is scared of dying, and the figure freezes. The Doctor wonders if this is because of something he said. He notices that even the flies that were buzzing around the figure have also frozen in place.

A noise causes him to step over to the window. He watches as the sections of the castle begin to revolve, rearranging themselves. He turns back to the door to see the wall slide open. Running through the new opening, the Doctor finds himself in a bedroom.

The Doctor grabs one of the flowers, but freezes when he notices a portrait of Clara sitting on top of the fireplace. He smiles sadly at the picture, before grabbing a minature magnifying glass, so he can take a closer look, not noticing the nearby monitor. The monitor is showing that the figure is on the move again, and is entering the bedroom.

The Doctor deduces that the painting is very, very old, before noticing a fly on it. He quickly turns and sees the figure. He talks about a time when he was a child. He had seen a dead, old woman, who was covered in veils. It was a hot day, so flies were buzzing around her corpse. The sight of this, gave the Doctor nightmares for years. He recognises the figure as that very nightmare.

As he tries to question the Veil, he pulls out petals of the flower, letting them drop to the ground. Avoiding letting the Veil touch him, the Doctor deduces that the castle is some type of torture chamber. The Doctor refuses to play along, and runs over to grab a stool, throwing it through a window. He then jumps through the window himself, falling down towards the misty depths below.

The Doctor walks into the TARDIS, apologising for being late. He says it's because of jumping through the window and asks if he should reveal how he got out of that situation alive. He turns to look at Clara, who is standing near a chalkboard, with her back to him. On the TARDIS monitors, the Doctor can see the fall, revealing that he isn't really in the TARDIS with Clara. He is actually still falling, but has sped up his thinking process to slow down his perception of time. The TARDIS he is standing in, is a "storeroom" within his own mind, which he has created to give himself more time to think.

The Doctor reveals he had smelled the salty air earlier, which means that the castle is standing in the sea. But jumping from a great height into the water doesn't guarantee that he will survive, so he needed to know the exact distance between the window and the water, which is why he threw the stool through the window. He listened for the splash of the stool reaching the water, which took seven seconds. Other things he had done in the room, including dropping the magnifying glass and the flower petals, were to determine other factors that he used to determine if he could survive the fall.

The Doctor successfully dives into the water, but falls unconscious, represented in the mind TARDIS by everything turning off. The lights start turning back on and the mental manifestation of the Doctor wakes up to the sound of Clara writing on the chalkboard. He looks at the chalkboard to see what is written: Question 1 - What is this place? The Doctor asks why he can't just sleep. On another chalkboard, question two appears: What did you say that made the creature stop? The Doctor asks if he has to know everything. On a third chalkboard appears another question: How are you going to win?

At that moment, the Doctor full regains consciousness in the water. As he floats in the water, the Doctor makes a horrifying discovery. On the sea bed are many, many skulls. He quickly swims back to the surface, ending up at the base of the central tower. The Doctor walks inside and into a room with a lit fireplace. Warming his hands with the fire, the Doctor discovers an identical set of his clothes next to the fireplace. The Doctor takes the duplicate clothes and trades them with his own, making sure to place his clothes exactly as the other set were placed, before leaving the room.

The Doctor finds a small room, with arrows pointing to a missing section of the stone floor. He looks up at the nearby monitor, noting that the Veil keeps coming for him. He asks why does it do that. In the mental TARDIS, Clara writes on a chalkboard again: Wrong question! Upon asking her what the right question is, he gets a written response: Not why. What?

The Doctor walks over to the monitor, pondering on the fact the Veil is tracking him. He realises that the Veil is trying to terrify him, as the monitors are set to show him where it is at all times. The castle and the Veil are a killer puzzle box designed to scare him to death.

The Doctor heads down another corridor that leads him to an outside garden. He notices a rectangular mound of dirt in the center of the garden, and a shovel nearby, which means something is buried beneath the mound that he is supposed to dig up. Grabbing the shovel, the Doctor contemplates whether to start digging, as it could be a trap, or a clue left by a previous prisoner. After all, the presence of the skulls proves that there were others here before the Doctor. Noting how slow the Veil is moving, the Doctor deduces he has an hour before it arrives, so he starts digging.

Some time later, the Doctor is still digging, having not found whatever is buried, when he notices flies buzzing near him. Running to the nearby monitor he sees that the Veil is strangely standing in one place, staring at a smooth surface. The Doctor opens the door to leave the garden, only to discover the Veil standing on the other side. The Veil quickly tries to enter the garden, but the Doctor manages the force the door shut, and props the shovel against the door in a way to keep it shut. The Veil continues to try to force the door open a few more times, before walking away. The Doctor looks at the monitor and notes that the Veil has walked into the room with the missing section of the floor. Wondering where its going, the Doctor looks around. The door is the only way in or out of the garden. He grabs the shovel and resumes digging.

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  • What seems like more than two billion years passes within the confession dial between the Doctor's arrival and the last copy of the Doctor leaving.
  • The Doctor says he hates gardening.
  • A portrait of Clara is hanging in the castle.
  • The Doctor discusses the Brothers Grimm to the Veil and the tale of the Shepherd Boy who is asked by the King "how many seconds of time are there in eternity?” To which he replies: “In Lower Pomerania is the Diamond Mountain, which is two miles and a half high, two miles and a half wide, and two miles and a half in depth; every hundred years a little bird comes and sharpens its beak on it, and when the whole mountain is worn away by this, then the first second of eternity will be over.”

Story notes

  • Whilst the episode was promoted by various news outlets as a one-hander, the presence of an imagined Clara and the Veil, and the appearance of the young boy at the end of the episode, technically go against this; however, the bulk of the storyline was carried by the Doctor alone with him having all but one line of dialogue. The 2013 mini-episode Clara and the TARDIS remains the only true one-hander produced to date.
  • While imagining talking to Clara, the Doctor breaks the fourth wall, looks at the camera and says "I'm nothing without an audience".
  • Each and every one of the skulls in the episode are modelled from Peter Capaldi's own skull.[1]
  • Jenna Coleman's name has been removed from the opening credits, making this the first regular episode of the revived series to only credit one actor during the title sequence. To make up for the extra time required, Capaldi's name is held on screen for a couple of seconds before moving away, also a first.
  • Prior to the broadcast of Series 8, Steven Moffat stated in interviews that he had already worked out the cliffhanger for the penultimate episode of Series 9, and was quoted as saying "you won't see it coming." The Doctor says almost those exact same words before jumping out the window in this episode, the penultimate episode of Series 9 which does, indeed, lead to a major cliffhanger.


Filming location

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Production errors

If you'd like to talk about narrative problems with this story — like plot holes and things that seem to contradict other stories — please go to this episode's discontinuity discussion.

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Home video releases

DVD releases

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Blu-ray releases

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External links

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