UNIT North America
Info from Vampire Science, Submission, The Zygon Invasion, The Zygon Inversion, The Dalek Transaction, Arena of Fear, and Night of the Intelligence needs to be added.
These omissions are so great that the article's factual accuracy has been compromised. Check out the discussion page and revision history for further clues about what needs to be updated in this article.
UNIT-US, (PROSE: Bullet Time) later called UNIT North America, (AUDIO: The Dalek Transaction) was the branch of UNIT in the United States of America. It underwent major changes in 2005 to centralise its activities, (PROSE: UNIT's New York Operation Expansion) having previously been spread across multiple divisions such as UNIT ONE and UNIT THREE, (PROSE: The Dying Days) after expanding from a single division. (PROSE: Vampire Science)
Carolyn McConnell thought that UNIT was essentially "the Fortean branch of the military". (PROSE: Vampire Science)
20th century
Major Russell Barry met members of UNIT-US whilst serving in the Vietnam War. Their experiences with traps came to mind when he observed a tribal vllage, though he had to remind himself that he wasn't in Viatnam, and that the war had been over for decades. (PROSE: Bullet Time)
After the attacks from guerrillas and Sir Reginald Styles voyage to China to attempt to convince them to return to the World Peace Conference, the international situation worsened to the point that troops amassed along the Russian-Chinese front and that fighting had already started in South America and southern Asia, prompting UNIT to send an urgent message to all "UNIT National HQs". (PROSE: The Secret Lives of Monsters)
From the mid-1980s to the early 2000s, a less eventful era of UNIT's history, governments around the world began to cut back the troops they provided to UNIT, causing them to shrink in size. (PROSE: UNIT History: Fighting the unknown) In around 1996, there was only a small division of UNIT in America. (PROSE: Vampire Science)
Brigadier-General Adrienne Kramer led UNIT's North American division in the 1990s. In 1996, Kramer sent George Oxwell to investigate the death of Gordon Pymble, though he was killed. Kramer, UNIT, and Carolyn McConnell helped the Eighth Doctor and Sam Jones defeat a rogue group of vampires. (PROSE: Vampire Science)
UNIT ONE (Creative Intelligence) and UNIT THREE were divisions of this American branch. During the Martian Invasion of 1997, UNIT ONE co-ordinated groups, while UNIT THREE was a liaison with NASA and the White House. (PROSE: The Dying Days)
In 1999, Mel Tyrone was the head of UNIT's Los Angeles office. (PROSE: The King of Terror)
21st century
By 2005, after the death of Major C Jones and her colleagues in the Jersey Tollgate Situation, Major A Highway, a former friend of Jones, took Jones' old job at the UNIT New York Liaison Office, and Major Highway promised that he would reorganise UNIT's pan-territorial activities into a "pivotal single base operation", a change necessitated by the rise in "threats to national security", (PROSE: UNIT's New York Operation Expansion) such as Operation Mannequin. (PROSE: Operation Mannequin) The ambitions of Major Highway, and his distain over the death of his friend, was documented in the press briefing filed by Staff Sergeant A. Frederick, embargoed until 31 March 2005. (PROSE: UNIT's New York Operation Expansion)
By the late 2000s, Lieutenant-General Sanchez was the head of the New York base, which carried out projects like Project Indigo with Martha Jones as Medical Director. During the 21st century Dalek invasion, the base was one of many military locations attacked by the Daleks, who exterminated many of the base personnel, including Sanchez, (TV: The Stolen Earth, PROSE: The Time Traveller's Almanac) before destroying the base. (PROSE: Dalek: The Astounding Untold History of the Greatest Enemies of the Universe)
UNIT had established a base in Washington by September following the Dalek invasion, when the 456 took control of every child on Earth. UNIT ran tests on a couple of children including brain scans, blood sugar and a check for radiation. At Torchwood Cardiff, Captain Jack Harkness received a call from who he called "Sergeant Grunt", who informed him that UNIT had found nothing from the tests. Jack lamented that he could not speak to Martha, who was on her honeymoon at the time. (TV: Children of Earth: Day One)
In the 2010s, Petronella Osgood acknowledged a Dr Jones working at UNIT North America. (AUDIO: The Dalek Transaction)
Following the 3W Institute Affair, Malcolm Taylor shared Missy's Masterplan Journal with UNIT Command (New York) as well as UNIT Command (Geneva). (PROSE: The Secret Diary of the Master)
Upon returning to Manhattan with Gabby Gonzalez, sometime in the mid-2010s, the Tenth Doctor was lead to the Ebonite Auction Rooms in the Rockefeller Center by a signal emanating from an Osiran quantum harvester, but unbeknownst to him, he was followed by Cleopatra Hunsicker. In the auction rooms, the Doctor found that the harvester had already been bought, and that everything else for sale either wasn't alien in origin or was either grossly misunderstood; he left, passing a trio of individuals who appeared to be wearing UNIT uniforms, and outside he sent a message to UNIT HQ in New York requesting they clean up any suspicious items.
After a misunderstanding with Hunsicker, she instructed the Doctor to hide from a squad of armed UNIT soldiers in the immediate vicinity. (COMIC: The Fountains of Forever)
After foiling the Shoal of the Winter Harmony's plot to take over Earth using the corporation Harmony Shoal Institute as a front, the Twelfth Doctor tipped UNIT off to their existence. Refusing to accept defeat, however, Harmony Shoal vowed revenge and secretly infiltrated a UNIT soldier who had been sent to close their head office in New York. (TV: The Return of Doctor Mysterio)
By 1996, UNIT in North America was only a small division. However, they did have the SETSO programme set up — a programme to provide counselling services. (PROSE: Vampire Science)
By 1997, UNIT had since been split into multiple divisions, such as UNIT ONE and THREE. (PROSE: The Dying Days)
Behind the scenes
- The scenes of UNIT North America seen in The Stolen Earth were filmed at South Wales Traffic Management Centre, Coryton, Cardiff.
- The U.N.I.T. tie-in website homepage lists New York as one of the locations of UNIT, along with Geneva, Hong Kong, and Essex.