R. B. Nevitz

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Ronald Bela Nevitz was a 20th century scientific theorist.

He was born in 1912 in Warsaw, then moved to England and did most of his work at Cambridge. In his 1958 book The Tree of Time he explained his theory of time DNA and coined the term "biodata".

In 1979 Nevitz was assassinated by Remote shock troops who believed that killing the father of the biodata theory would put them on a level with the Great Houses.

A heavily fictionalised film about his life, Frozen Moments, (PROSE: "Ronald Bela Nevitz" [+]Part of The Book of the War, Loading...{"namedep":"Ronald Bela Nevitz","1":"The Book of the War (novel)"}) was produced and directed by Michael Brookhaven and released in 1987. (PROSE: "Brookhaven: A Filmography" [+]Part of The Book of the War, Loading...{"namedep":"Brookhaven: A Filmography","1":"The Book of the War (novel)"})