SLEEPY is the forty-eighth novel in the Virgin New Adventures series. It featured the Seventh Doctor, Bernice Summerfield, Chris Cwej and Roz Forrester. It is author Kate Orman's third novel.
Publisher's summary
"Stay the hell out of my mind," hissed Forrester. "Just stay away from me." She turned and stalked out of the room. Chris put his head in his hands.
The Earth colony on Yemaya 4 is a very ordinary place. The colonists spend their time farming, building homes, raising families.
But when the Doctor and his companions arrive they find a virus sweeping through the population, unleashing the colonists’ latent psychic powers. The Doctor and Chris fall prey to the infection, and discover telepathy is not the only symptom. Chris is unable to resist the call of an ancient place of sacrifice, while Roz and Benny travel back in time to the origin of the virus, and uncover a desperate bid for immortality.
And all the while the Doctor is playing a dangerous game with troopers of the Dione-Kisumu Company, who have come either to reclaim the stolen biotechnology -- or to sterilise the planet.
Chapter Titles
Part One: The Voice of the Turtle
- 1 - Home by the Sea
- 2 - ESP is Catching
- 3 - Looking for Things
- 4 - The Queen's Temple
- 5 - Hear no Evil
- 6 - Death in a Nest of Spices
- Very Short Dream Sequence
- 7 - Fire with Fire
- 8 - The Poetry of Madmen
Part Two: Hit and Missions
- 9 - White
- 10 - J'adoube
- Prelude ...
- 11 - Turtle Fugue
- Dinner with White
- 12 - Thin End of the Cwej
- 13 - Can't See the Forrester for the Trees
- Dinner with White
- 14 - GRUMPY
- Dinner with White
- 15 - A Door Made of Doors
- Dinner with White
- 16 - Day Dreams
- 17 - Techno-Seance
- 18 - Prince Charming
- Dinner with White
Part Three: The Phoenix and the Turtle
- 19 - Yellow
- 20 - The Last Four Hours
- 21 - Turtle Power
- 22 - One Wedding, No Funerals
to be added
- Seventh Doctor
- Bernice Summerfield
- Chris Cwej
- Roz Forrester
- Wolsey the cat
- Kylie Smith-Smith
- Dot Smith-Smith
- Cinnabar Flynn
- Byerley St John
- Zaniwe
- Jenny
- Zinkiewicz
- Gjovaag
- Cephas Mabgwe
- Dimitri Molokomme
- Death
- Madhanagopal
- Colonel White
- Captain Kamotja
- Lieutenant Seketo
- Lieutenant Ngaiyo
- James Munoru
- Lieutenant Chesinen
- The Yemaya Temple has some Exxilon and Osirian architecture.
- The Doctor injects himself with infected blood in order to see what the colonists see.
- Chesinen refused her parents' wishes to be circumcised.
- Bernice authored An Eye for Wisdom: Repetitive Poems of the Early Ikkaban Period.
- The Doctor has a copy of Flaubert's Parrot.
- The Dione-Kisumu Company conducted medical experiments on the colonists of Yemaya 4.
The Doctor
- The Doctor bleeds from the eyes when Dot Smith-Smith tries to read his mind.
- The Doctor is able to deflect some if not all of Colonel White's psychic probe.
- The Doctor can read people's minds by touch.
- The Doctor's Gallifreyan name has thirty eight syllables.
- Dot Smith-Smith is deaf. Her parents refused to have her either healed medically or fitted with a healing aid.
- Dot Smith-Smith is driven into near catatonia by what she sees after reading the Doctor's mind.
- Roz doesn't like telepaths.
- The Doctor wins a bet with Death.
- The Doctor knows sign language.
- There is some Ikkaban poetry read throughout the novel (something about a turtle and death).
- The Doctor bought his beach house in Sydney, Australia, while his house in Kent was being painted.
Psychic powers
- Chris has a psi ability.
- In a child's toybox Benny sees a toy Dalek. Benny muses that there could be a fluffy Hoothi in amongst the toys also.
- Bernice jokes, "How many Sontarans does it take to change a light bulb? None, the bulb died a glorious death!"
- The HADS is once again functioning in the alternate universe TARDIS.
- This is another of Kate Orman's novels to feature pyramids.
- Orman's back-cover author profile makes fun of the fact that, as of this book's publication, she was the only female, non-British New Adventures writer.
- This was one of several NA releases to be illustrated, featuring work by Jason Towers.
- The Exxilons first appeared in TV: Death to the Daleks.
- FLORANCE first appeared in PROSE: Transit.
- The Doctor spent his thousandth birthday with two broken ribs onboard a ship. (PROSE: Set Piece)
- The Doctor searched for the Brotherhood in PROSE: Christmas on a Rational Planet and battled them in The Death of Art and So Vile a Sin.
- Some AIs from this story pop up in PROSE: Seeing I.
- The Doctor can read a person's dreams by touch, which he does again in TV: The Girl in the Fireplace.