The BBC Past Doctor Adventures was a series of paperback novel releases by BBC Books, launched in 1997 in conjunction with its Eighth Doctor Adventures line. The line featured new adventures of the first seven Doctors, with the exception of four releases: Scream of the Shalka, which was a novelisation of a webcast story featuring the alternative Ninth Doctor; The Infinity Doctors, featuring an unspecified Doctor; The Face of the Enemy, featuring the Master; and one of the last novels, Fear Itself, which was the only PDA with the Eighth Doctor in a lead role, acknowledging the coming of the Ninth Doctor on television.
The series ended in late 2005 (along with the EDA line) when BBC Books decided to focus its publishing ventures on books related to the revived TV series. Although there was speculation regarding the PDA line resuming with novels featuring the Eighth Doctor and even the Ninth Doctor, as of 2016 the line has yet to resume in its original paperback format.
However, there have been numerous "adventures involving past Doctors" published since the advent of the BBC Wales era. The Short Trips series of short story anthologies and annual standalone "deluxe" hardback novel line that began with The Wheel of Ice are two examples of regularly released book lines featuring a Doctor not currently featuring in the television series.