Series 3 of Torchwood, subtitled Children of Earth consists of one continuous story, delivered over five episodes broadcast over five consecutive nights. The series has a new producer: Peter Bennett. Veteran Doctor Who director Euros Lyn will directed the entire series. The first, fourth, and fifth episodes have been written by Russell T Davies, who also wrote the story arc. The third episode has been written by James Moran whilst the second is by newcomer John Fay.
Production on this series began in August 2008 for expected broadcast in July 2009, when it will air on BBC 1 in a post-watershed slot. The Series will air from Monday the 6th of July to the 10th. [1] This is consistent with the announcement that the first episode of the series will be shown by the British Film Institute on 12 June.[2]
Story Notes
- Toshiko Sato and Owen Harper will not appear, as confirmed by Julie Gardner
- Children of Earth was orginally planned to air in the second week in June, but was changed to July
- The only confirmed main cast members for Series 3 John Barrowman, Eve Myles, Gareth David-Lloyd, Tom Price, and Kai Owen.
- The story is set in September 2009, this was revealed in Day One when Ianto picked up a newspaper dating it. In Day Five, the final scenes take place six months later making it March 2010.
- Ianto Jones died meaning apart from Gwen Cooper all characters from the torchwood team have died of course with jack he can't die.
- Jacks revolver never appears
- The Weevils never appear.
Returning Cast
- Captain Jack Harkness - John Barrowman
- Gwen Cooper - Eve Myles
- Ianto Jones - Gareth David-Lloyd
- Rhys Williams - Kai Owen
- Andy Davidson - Tom Price
New Cast
- Lois Habiba - Cush Jumbo
- Dr. Rupesh Patanjali - Rik Makarem
- Alice Carter - Lucy Cohu
- Bridget Spears - Susan Brown
- Johnson - Liz May Brice
- John Frobisher - Peter Capaldi
- Clem MacDonald - Paul Copley
- Mr. Dekker - Ian Gelder
- Brian Green PM - Nicholas Farrell
- Rhiannon Davies - Katy Wix
- Rick Yates - Nicholas Briggs
International Broadcast
Early in 2009, several sources including Doctor Who Magazine reported that BBC One and BBC America were planning to coincide their broadcasts, allowing Children of Earth to be broadcast in the UK and US on the same days. This ultimately did not occur, with the UK now scheduled to see the miniseries the week of 6th July, followed by BBC America the week of 20th July 2009.
A Canadian broadcast on Space of Children of Earth is expected in July 2009, as well, but the exact airdates have yet to be announced as of mid-June.
DVD/Blu Ray Release
Children of Earth is scheduled for release on both DVD and Blu-Ray in Region 1 (North America) on 28th July, but on the 13th of July for the UK.[3]
External Links
- ↑ Outpost Gallifrey - Watch's Schedule Suggested UK Airdate for Children Of Earth (But Not Anymore) accessed 20 June 2009
- ↑ Outpost Gallifrey - aTorchwood: Children of Earth teaser and preview screening accessed 20 June 2009
- ↑ TVshowsOnDVD.com - Torchwood - Correct release date & package art for Children of Earth on DVD & Blu-ray accessed 20 June 2009
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