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"Ruth" was the name and identity given to the daughter of Potentate Dray in Atlantis. She became a friend of Bernice Summerfield.

Remapped by the Epoch to become a priestess at the Temple of Poseidon on Atlantis, Ruth joined Benny in thwarting the Epoch and was reunited with her after some time working at University One as "Ruth Leonidas". She later travelled with her to Legion where she had adventures with her, Jack, Peter Summerfield and Irving Braxiatel. She became engaged to Jack.

Biography[[edit] | [edit source]]

Early life[[edit] | [edit source]]

The daughter of Potentate Dray lived with him and her mother in a palace in Urbania. (AUDIO: The Curse of Fenman [+]Loading...["The Curse of Fenman (audio story)"]) She once met Dorian Gray, who would later describe her as being both "revered and reviled" and said that her name could make entire empires flee. (AUDIO: Shades of Gray [+]Loading...["Shades of Gray (audio story)"]) She eagerly awaited the inheritance that she would get once her ill mother died.

When the people started to rebel against Dray, Avril Fenman, inhabiting the body of Carla, devised a scheme to get his daughter to Zordin should it become necessary for her to escape. She did not wish to leave and, when she realised that the First Family was going to be overthrown, she killed her father, let the rebels into the palace and planned on playing the victim and feigning ignorance of her family's crimes. (AUDIO: The Curse of Fenman [+]Loading...["The Curse of Fenman (audio story)"])

Becoming Ruth[[edit] | [edit source]]

Avril convinced Dray's daughter that she had to leave and implanted a crystal into her palm before erasing her memory. She travelled to Raster, destroying each ship that she travelled on with thermonuclear charges to cover her tracks, (AUDIO: The Curse of Fenman [+]Loading...["The Curse of Fenman (audio story)"]) and boarded a ship to Zordin as a member of staff. She briefly met Bernice Summerfield and Jack, asking them to strap in as they reached the spaceport and expressing her surprise when the spaceport suddenly disappeared. (AUDIO: The Kraken's Lament [+]Loading...["The Kraken's Lament (audio story)"])

On Atlantis, she became Ruth, a priestess of Poseidon who remembered living there all her life. She had little memory of her parents, but remembered having a close relationship with Leonidas and Charis. When she greeted Leo and found that he did not know her, she joined him as a Historian, (AUDIO: The Temple of Questions [+]Loading...["The Temple of Questions (audio story)"]) unaware that Avril was using her to get close to Benny through Leo and his ring. (AUDIO: The Curse of Fenman [+]Loading...["The Curse of Fenman (audio story)"]) She heard Pallis's broadcast. (AUDIO: The Temple of Questions [+]Loading...["The Temple of Questions (audio story)"])

Defying the Epoch[[edit] | [edit source]]

Ruth and Leo. (AUDIO: The Temple of Questions [+]Loading...["The Temple of Questions (audio story)"])

After Ruth and Leo met Benny and they decided to go to the Great Leader's underwater base, Ruth was remapped to become the sole priestess of Poseidon so that she would be able to summon the Chariot of Poseidon to get there. The Great Leader forced them to take part in a game during which she worried that she might have unknowingly been a traitor to Benny, but, following the Great Leader's destruction, Benny assured her that that was not the case. (AUDIO: The Temple of Questions [+]Loading...["The Temple of Questions (audio story)"])

When Benny proposed a toast to her new family, Ruth was worried about how she had no idea who she was before Atlantis. Benny assured her that she would always be kind and gentle regardless of whom she woke up as the next morning and sang her a song that she used to sing to Peter, after which Ruth joined in a toast to happy memories. (AUDIO: Many Happy Returns [+]Loading...["Many Happy Returns (audio story)"])

Ruth kept Benny at a safe house on Leo's orders to keep her safe and helped her in a failed attempt to escape when the Hierophants came for her. They examined the changes to Atlantis and joined the Historians at the Senate, finding that Leo had been remapped to become a Hierophant called Traulus. Ruth and Benny then went to reboot the Great Leader due to the stability that he provided, but the Transuniversal Export building had transformed into a spire and they waited at the top of it as nothing destroyed the city. (AUDIO: Private Enemy No. 1 [+]Loading...["Private Enemy No. 1 (audio story)"])

The Epoch took Ruth and Benny and made them watch two other versions of themselves in different realities to work out which version of them was the real one. She began to remember moments from her life before Atlantis and was joined by the version of her from the Victorian London reality, who shut down the field around the solar system so that she, Jack and her version of Benny could escape. One Ruth was teleported to the London reality, but the other remained behind due to the device running out of battery and trapped Benny in a stasis chamber to survive the destruction of the reality they were in. (AUDIO: Judgement Day [+]Loading...["Judgement Day (BFBS audio story)"])

Travels with Benny[[edit] | [edit source]]

Ruth found herself on another planet circa 2615 and worked as a lookout for a con artist, who later gave her an identity card. She searched for Benny without success until she overheard a discussion about the worship of the Beneficiary on Lyndyaz and travelled there to study archaeology at University One, becoming Harry Burtenshaw's assistant (AUDIO: Brand Management [+]Loading...["Brand Management (audio story)"]) and making connections with people such as Clell Hordenza (PROSE: The Weather on Versimmon [+]Loading...["The Weather on Versimmon (novel)"]) whilst waiting for Benny to show up. In 2616, Benny arrived and, after she and Burtenshaw defeated Gabriella and Federico Dominicci, Ruth left with her to find Peter on Legion. (AUDIO: Brand Management [+]Loading...["Brand Management (audio story)"])

Ruth as the Empress of the Drahvins. (AUDIO: Empress of the Drahvins [+]Loading...["Empress of the Drahvins (audio story)"])

Having rented a faulty spaceship, Ruth and Benny crash-landed on Drahva and were captured by the Drahvins as they searched for the Golden Bough to get them back into space. Ruth shared her name and general appearance with a legendary Empress of the Drahvins and was declared Empress Eternal, which caused a rift between her and Benny due to what she believed was Benny's jealousy. She selected Gorath VI to be her consort and was, to her surprise, to be encased in cement with him after their wedding, but Benny put an end to it with Zabel's help and the two of them left Drahva in the Golden Bough. (AUDIO: Empress of the Drahvins [+]Loading...["Empress of the Drahvins (audio story)"])

Learning of the Sphere of the Serenity which could lead them to Legion, Ruth and Benny disguised themselves as nuns and joined the Sisters of Celestion in order to gain access to the Talishante Monastery. Ruth suspected Mother Aurelia after Sister Caitlin and Dr Gaiter were murdered and worked with Sister Marianne to investigate, unaware that she was the real murderer. Sister Marianne attacked her and she went to Benny's aid with Bishop Synesius, after which she and Benny left with the Sphere on a medical ship. (AUDIO: Bad Habits [+]Loading...["Bad Habits (audio story)"]) They were eventually kicked off because of Benny's drunken antics. (AUDIO: Paradise Frost [+]Loading...["Paradise Frost (audio story)"])

Ruth suggested that she and Benny visit Versimmon, where she intended to steal some cuttings from the Archive Tree to give to Teregela, an artist whom she met at a show at University One. Separated from Benny during a hailstorm, she instead found the Worldseed and learnt that the keepsake that Teregela had given her had been recording her thoughts as part of an art piece. It was decided that the Worldseed would be taken to restore Sosostris and, after ensuring that Ribnor's devastation of Versimmon would be revealed once he returned to Palastor, Ruth and Benny continued on to Legion. (PROSE: The Weather on Versimmon [+]Loading...["The Weather on Versimmon (novel)"])

Ruth and Benny continued their journey with Ray in his taxi until it was pulled down to Kaff Zarnak by Carol Bauer and Yukon 9's tractor beam. They joined Dr Bauer and Yukon, whose interspecies relationship took Ruth aback, in evading the sand roaches and making their way to Jared Jones at the top of Xanadu Tower to escape. Dr Bauer, Dr Jones and Ray were killed and Ruth and Benny left the planet with Yukon in a shuttle, dropping Yukon off before continuing towards Legion. (AUDIO: Paradise Frost [+]Loading...["Paradise Frost (audio story)"])

Settling on Legion[[edit] | [edit source]]

Ruth and Benny arrived in Legion City and found Peter Summerfield, Irving Braxiatel and Jack in the White Rabbit. (AUDIO: Paradise Frost [+]Loading...["Paradise Frost (audio story)"]) At some point after arriving on Legion, Benny showed Ruth, who was unfamiliar with books, the 20th century book Zombies and Shit. (PROSE: The Slender-Fingered Cats of Bubastis [+]Loading...["The Slender-Fingered Cats of Bubastis (novel)"]) Ruth found Legion City depressing. (PROSE: Filthy Lucre [+]Loading...["Filthy Lucre (novel)"])

At Peter's request, Ruth and Benny went with him to decide what to do about the Vesuvius and investigated Sheira Rynn's apparent murder, in the course of which Ruth discovered that one of the cryo-pods had recently been active, helping them realise that Sheira had disguised herself as Rickard Karne. She learnt of Peter's boyfriend, Antonio Tulloch, and mentioned him to Benny. (AUDIO: Vesuvius Falling [+]Loading...["Vesuvius Falling (audio story)"])

Ruth, Jack and Irving. (AUDIO: Legion [+]Loading...["Legion (audio anthology)"])

After Benny was contracted to recover Dorian Gray's portrait from Triptic House, Ruth and Jack joined her. The trio used a process similar to a séance to relive the memories held by the portrait, with Ruth taking on the roles of Caitlin, Sam and Victoria. Upon awakening, they met Dorian, who told Ruth that he knew her in her original life and that her name could turn back whole empires. (AUDIO: Shades of Gray [+]Loading...["Shades of Gray (audio story)"])

Ruth found that Peter was very different from the Peter that Benny told her about and hoped to befriend him for Benny's sake. She approached him and tried to get to know him better, but he was dismissive and told her that Antonio believed that he should keep away from her. Jack attempted to speak to him as well and planted a video bug in his apartment which he and Ruth watched; they saw Peter talking to himself and chose not to tell Benny about it yet. (AUDIO: Everybody Loves Irving [+]Loading...["Everybody Loves Irving (audio story)"])

When Benny was hired by Bil Bil Gloap to write a book of poetry, Ruth and Jack joined her in Irving's new shuttle and travelled to the Star Seasons, where Ruth unwittingly downloaded information on Bubastis into her mind at the Experimental Library. They went to Bubastis to find Mina Gloap but Ruth, overwhelmed by the information in her head, remained at the compound whilst Benny went out looking for her. She and Jack saved Benny after she was captured by the Bal and tried to stop Neon Tsara, who destroyed one of the Cats of Bubastis and found what Ruth identified as the skeletons of the Nobal inside. (PROSE: The Slender-Fingered Cats of Bubastis [+]Loading...["The Slender-Fingered Cats of Bubastis (novel)"])

Working for Irving[[edit] | [edit source]]

After Jack plugged in a WonderBox 3000 hologram cube which he did not realise was a prison for the Great Shifting Wurm, he, Benny and Irving were embroiled in an adventure which came to an end when they had Ruth unplug it. (PROSE: Wurm Noir [+]Loading...["Wurm Noir (short story)"]) She started studying history and started a project on Legion's history, but had difficulty finding many records due to them having disappeared or been destroyed. (PROSE: Filthy Lucre [+]Loading...["Filthy Lucre (novel)"])

Ruth and Jack. (AUDIO: New Frontiers [+]Loading...["New Frontiers (BFBS audio anthology)"])

During Advent, Irving sent Ruth, Benny and Jack to deliver documents to Harrison in the Theia Quadrant on behalf of Till Madden. After they did so, they learnt of a distress call from Nemeqit which they went to investigate, finding Bel and Lud in a dome called Eden. Ruth and Benny looked into the Nemeqitian religion at their request, in the course of which Ruth was almost suffocated by quicksand, and they eventually realised that Bel and Lud were children of the planet; the two of them left Eden and became new worlds. (AUDIO: A Handful of Dust [+]Loading...["A Handful of Dust (audio story)"])

Ruth supported Benny during her day of sobriety and, after she returned from meeting Adam Yarryl, Ruth went with her and Jack in the Irverfield to Bella Sol for a holiday. On the return journey, they received a distress call and went to help Sylana Shakhar, Jardin and Wolf, but the freighter they boarded crashed into a lake infested with hybrid creatures on Oxyrincus. Ruth, Benny and Jack escaped and travelled back to Legion, where Ruth needed some time to deal with her recent experiences. (PROSE: Filthy Lucre [+]Loading...["Filthy Lucre (novel)"])

On Advent Day, Ruth told Peter that Antonio was imaginary and was surprised when he joined them in travelling to the Crater Base. Avril manifested through him and told Ruth the truth about who she was before Atlantis and how she had been used to get close to Benny. She was upset at what she learnt about her past life as she did not like the person that she had been, but Jack reassured her that she was a different person and had the choice not to let that life affect her present one. (AUDIO: The Curse of Fenman [+]Loading...["The Curse of Fenman (audio story)"])

Like Jack, Ruth claimed to be busy when Irving asked for somebody to investigate Danny Crosby's show, so Benny was sent instead. (AUDIO: White Christmas [+]Loading...["White Christmas (audio story)"])

Capture by the Epoch[[edit] | [edit source]]

Ruth and Jack went with Benny to Saravas when she was invited to take part in Big Dig and both ended up doing menial tasks for Shepton Rothwell and Ronnie Brockman despite being part of her entourage. Shepton, under the control of the Epoch, made Ruth believe that Benny was romantically interested in Jack, but she was conflicted when she confronted her about it as she simultaneously believed it to be true whilst knowing that it was not. Upon entering the Saravasian tunnels, Shepton made Ruth, Jack and Ronnie paranoid and they all ran away from Benny. (AUDIO: Big Dig [+]Loading...["Big Dig (audio story)"])

Ruth. (AUDIO: Missing Persons [+]Loading...["Missing Persons (audio anthology)"])

Dr Bernard Springmoore and the Epoch removed Ruth and Jack from the timeline and remapped them to make them think that they were called Brooke and Troy, believing that removing them from Benny's life would reduce the temporal instabilities around her and also make her more vulnerable to remapping. (AUDIO: In Living Memory [+]Loading...["In Living Memory (audio story)"]) After being transmatted off of the planet, Benny had no memory of either of them. (AUDIO: Big Dig [+]Loading...["Big Dig (audio story)"])

To bury Benny's identity after capturing her, she and her friends were remapped to believe that they were actors, with Ruth becoming Ayesha Antoine. They realised what was happening and escaped to the Heart of Time with Victorian Benny, who threw herself and Dr Springmoore into the Time Vortex and reset the universe, rendering the Epoch redundant. When Benny suggested that, rather than return to Legion, they use the Epoch's technology to find those that they had lost, Ruth said she would like to find Leo. (AUDIO: In Living Memory [+]Loading...["In Living Memory (audio story)"])

Later life[[edit] | [edit source]]

Ruth entered into a relationship with Jack and accepted his marriage proposal. Whilst she wanted to remain on Legion in case Benny needed them, Jack wanted to leave their life on Legion behind and start a quiet life elsewhere. To compromise, they agreed that they would move to a planet near Legion.

A shard of the Glamour transported Ruth, Benny, Peter and Jack to the 51st century where they became trapped in a time eddy and sent postcards to the Twelfth Doctor to get him to find and save them. They appeared in 2015 Sydney and awaited the arrival of the Pyramid Eternia, which they planned to return to the 51st century by recovering the Glamour. The Doctor managed to resolve the situation and reverse what had happened, although they all retained their memories. (PROSE: Big Bang Generation [+]Loading...["Big Bang Generation (novel)"])

Legacy[[edit] | [edit source]]

At Braxiatel University, Benny had several cats named after friends of hers, including Ruth. (AUDIO: The War Master [+]Loading...["The War Master (audio story)"])

Alternative timelines[[edit] | [edit source]]

The Epoch placed three versions of Ruth in different realities: one was with them (AUDIO: Judgement Day [+]Loading...["Judgement Day (BFBS audio story)"]) and was saved from her reality by Avril Fenman, (AUDIO: The Curse of Fenman [+]Loading...["The Curse of Fenman (audio story)"]) one was on a prehistoric Earth and was erased before she could be eaten by a Tyrannosaurus rex like her Benny and one was in Victorian London. The Victorian Ruth ended the Epoch's control of the solar system (AUDIO: Judgement Day [+]Loading...["Judgement Day (BFBS audio story)"]) and died leaving the Epoch's base. (PROSE: Adorable Illusion [+]Loading...["Adorable Illusion (novel)"])

Personality[[edit] | [edit source]]

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Ruth considered herself to be a "glass half-full" kind of woman. (PROSE: Filthy Lucre [+]Loading...["Filthy Lucre (novel)"])

Appearance[[edit] | [edit source]]

Ruth had dark skin and long, dark hair (PROSE: Big Bang Generation [+]Loading...["Big Bang Generation (novel)"]) which she wore in braids whilst on Versimmon. (PROSE: The Weather on Versimmon [+]Loading...["The Weather on Versimmon (novel)"]) She was no taller than five foot. (PROSE: Big Bang Generation [+]Loading...["Big Bang Generation (novel)"])

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