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C'rizz was a male Eutermesan from Bortresoye. He became a companion to the Eighth Doctor, who was travelling with Charlotte Pollard at the time.


C'rizz' father Guidance gave him a moonstone on the day of his wedding to L'da. (AUDIO: The Last, The Next Life)

According to his father, C'rizz was "a broodling of the third order." He had a brother. (AUDIO: The Next Life)

Most of his family and friends were killed when the Kromon invaded Eutermes. (AUDIO: The Last, The Next Life) However, his father survived. (AUDIO: The Next Life)

When C'rizz met the Eighth Doctor and Charley Pollard, he was grieving the loss of L'da, whom he had left behind when he had escaped the Kromon biodome. With the Doctor and Charley, he returned to rescue L'da and free his people from the Kromon. He succeeded in the latter, but was forced to kill L'da, who had been transformed into a Kromon queen. Still coming to terms with what he had done, he asked to join the Doctor and Charley when they went to the next zone on Bortresoye in search of the TARDIS and the answer to the mysteries of the universe they were in. (AUDIO: The Creed of the Kromon)

The Doctor, Charley and C'rizz visited Light City, where their memories were preserved and used in an experiment. (AUDIO: The Natural History of Fear)

Eventually, it was revealed that C'rizz was an adept of the Church of the Foundation, which believed that all things must die, and had murdered in its name before he had met L'da and left the Church. It was also revealed that the Eutermesans were more than physical chameleons, but emotional and mental ones as well, shaping their personalities to those around them but also making them easily manipulated. (AUDIO: The Next Life)

When the Doctor and Charley returned to their own universe, C'rizz came with them; he trusted the Doctor to keep him stable and himself. They emerged on an Earth conquered by the Daleks, who unsuccessfully tried to brainwash C'rizz into becoming their new Emperor. The Dalek attempt added to C'rizz's deteriorating mental state; he would continue to hear, in his mind, the voices of the people whom he had killed. (AUDIO: Terror Firma)

C'rizz once attacked bystanders in King's Cross station. The Doctor and Luke Tillyard knocked him out and took him back to the TARDIS. (PROSE: Salva Mea)

C'rizz was later granted massive psychic powers on a planet that resembled Hell, with citizens who had been turned to demons save one domed city. He changed into a form that Charley likened to Lucifer. The Doctor theorised that the Eutermesans had genetically engineered C'rizz to house their souls in some mad bid for immortality. C'rizz gave up his new form and powers by restoring the planet and its citizens to their original forms. This exhausted C'rizz. He thanked the Doctor for healing his emotional wounds (save for L'da's death) and called Charley his sister before he died, his body turning to ashes. (AUDIO: Absolution)

When the Eighth Doctor was about to regenerate he remembered C'rizz among his past companions. (TV: The Night of the Doctor)


C'rizz rarely talked about himself. (AUDIO: Faith Stealer) He was also afraid of heights. (AUDIO: Caerdroia)


C'rizz had an exoskeleton and wore a half-moonstone pendant given to him by his father on the day of his wedding to L'da. (AUDIO: The Last)

Because he was an Eutermesan, he was able to change the colour of his skin to blend in with his surroundings. (AUDIO: The Creed of the Kromon)