Albert Square

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Albert Square
You may wish to consult Albert (disambiguation) for other, similarly-named pages.

Albert Square was a fictional location in EastEnders.

The Queen Vic was located at 46 Albert Square, Sharon's old flat was at 43 and the Fowlers' residence was 45 Albert Square.

When tested by Lazlee Flowers on tangential warp offset, the Ninth Doctor reminded Rose Tyler of the Fowlers' address in Albert Square in order to reach an answer of 45. (PROSE: The Monsters Inside)

Behind the scenes

References in invalid sources

The Doctor encountered several residents of Albert Square when changing between various incarnations while being trapped into a time loop by the Rani. (NOTVALID: Dimensions in Time)

The Eleventh Doctor ended up in Albert Square once again by accident when he was on his way to the National Television Awards with Dermot O'Leary. (NOTVALID: Dermot and the Doctor)

External links