Dr. Who's reality (Dr. Who and the Daleks)

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"Dr. Who's reality (Dr. Who and the Daleks)" is a title based upon conjecture.

Check the behind the scenes section, the revision history and discussion page for additional comments on this article's title.


From what it described as "film evidence", the Dalek Survival Guide was aware of an alternative version of the Dalek Invasion Force (PROSE: Dalek Survival Guide) who were defeated by the version of Dr. Who who had a niece called Louise and a granddaughter called Barbara in addition to his granddaughter Susan. (NOTVALID: Dr. Who and the Daleks, Daleks' Invasion Earth 2150 A.D.) The guide identified this Dalek Invasion Force as hailing from a "version of history B" relative to the First Doctor's "version of history A". (PROSE: Dalek Survival Guide)

One of the possible parallel universe versions of the Tenth Doctor drawn up by Gabby Gonzalez's "magic" notebook resembled (COMIC: Four Dimensions) Dr. Who. This suggested that his reality was a parallel universe relative to the Tenth Doctor's. (NOTVALID: Dr. Who and the Daleks, Daleks' Invasion Earth 2150 A.D.) However, other accounts of how this Dr. Who related to other versions of the Doctor existed. (PROSE: Unnatural History, The Five O'Clock Shadow, etc.)

Relation to other realities

The Movie

Main article: Dr. Who and the Daleks (Peaceful Thals Ambushed!)

Dr. Who and the Daleks was a Technicolor feature film released in 2065 (PROSE: Lady Penelope Investigates the stars of the Sensational new film Dr. Who and the Daleks!) or sometime prior to the 1970s. (PROSE: A Visit to the Cinema) It was a fictionalised account of the circumstances of the Thal-Dalek battle which had been reported eighteen months prior to 2065. (PROSE: Lady Penelope Investigates the stars of the Sensational new film Dr. Who and the Daleks!) The film starred Peter Cushing (PROSE: Lady Penelope Investigates the stars of the Sensational new film Dr. Who and the Daleks!, A Visit to the Cinema) as Dr. Who and Roberta Tovey as his granddaughter. At one point, their characters were captured by the Daleks, including at least four silver War Machine Daleks, a Red Dalek and a Black Dalek. (PROSE: Peaceful Thals Ambushed!)

Agent 671107 and their friend went to see Dr. Who and the Daleks at the cinema. (PROSE: From Agent 671107) By one account, the Third Doctor enjoyed the film and its sequel in a local cinema in the 1970s. The film had a scene in which a young chap sat upon a box of chocolates. (PROSE: A Visit to the Cinema)

It was followed by a sequel, Daleks: Invasion Earth, with both films being collected as VHS cassettes within UNIT's Black Archive. The two movies were very much enjoyed by the Tenth and Eleventh Doctors, who pitched a third one to Cushing on the phone. (PROSE: The Day of the Doctor)

Other references

In the Dalek City visited by Dr. Who, Blue Daleks followed a Red Dalek itself subordinate to the Black Dalek. (NOTVALID: Dr. Who and the Daleks) During the 2150 invasion, the Black Dalek was subordinate to a Gold Dalek. (NOTVALID: Daleks' Invasion Earth 2150 A.D.) This Dalek hierarchy bore similarities to points in the Daleks' timeline in the Doctor's universe. Indeed, the Golden Emperor was known to be assisted by the Black Dalek Leader (COMIC: Plague of Death) and the Red Dalek Leader. (COMIC: Eve of War) When the Dalek Prime solidified his hold on Skaro from Davros, the Eighth Doctor observed that, in order of seniority, the Emperor was served by Gold Daleks, Black Daleks, Red Daleks, Blue Daleks and Grey Daleks. (PROSE: War of the Daleks)

As Searcher One Leader, (COMIC: The Archives of Phryne) the Black Dalek Leader's casing was identical to that of the Black Dalek who led the Dalek City in the account of the Thal-Dalek battle involving Dr. Who. (NOTVALID: Dr. Who and the Daleks)

As reported by the Space News Agency, the Black Dalek and Red Dalek Leaders planned the invasion of Alvega alongside several blue War Machine Daleks. (PROSE: Daleks Seek New Conquests) Similarly, TV 21 presented an image of Dalek Tracking station PZ8 just before its fall to the rust plague, with the Daleks present appearing as Blue Daleks from the Dalek City. (PROSE: Daleks Suffer Heavy Losses!)

Recovered on Earth in 2094, a collected edition of the Dalek Chronicles was released in print to the public. A newspaper article was printed to report those news, illustrated with a photograph showing a platoon of Silver Daleks, (PROSE: The Dalek Chronicles Found!) appearing as they did in the 2150 occupation thwarted by Dr. Who. (NOTVALID: Daleks' Invasion Earth 2150 A.D.)

From what they described as "film evidence", the Dalek Survival Guide identified a "Dalek Invasion Force Type 2" which was present in a "version of history B" relative to the First Doctor's "version of history A" and the "version of history C" seen in the Time Paradox Incident. The Invasion Force of the "B" history consisted of a Gold Chief Dalek, a Black Mine Controller, a Red Saucer-Pilot Dalek and Silver Dalek drones. (PROSE: Dalek Survival Guide)

In the pursuit of the First Doctor, the Pursuer-Daleks were supported by a War Machine variant that resembled the Blue Daleks. (TV: The Chase)

While being interrogated by Davros in an agony seat during the Genesis Incident, the Fourth Doctor stated that a Dalek invasion of Earth, which he claimed occurred in the year 2000, was foiled by the magnetic properties of the Earth's core which the Daleks had attempted to mine, as well as the determination of human resistance fighters. (TV: Genesis of the Daleks)

During the Last Great Time War, the Time Lords were aware of multiple, alternative accounts of the Doctor's first encounter with the Daleks, all of which involved Ian Chesterton. Opinions varied as to whether these accounts were apocryphal or evidence of Dalek activity in parallel dimensions. (AUDIO: Sphere of Influence, PROSE: Dalek Combat Training Manual)

Behind the scenes

The Red Dalek among its brethren. (DOC: The Witch's Familiar: Behind the Scenes)


  1. "Daleks in the 21st Century - An introduction to The Dalek Chronicles", DW50Y 1
  2. The Witch's Familiar: Behind the Scenes