Lists of Appearances

From Tardis Wiki, the free Doctor Who reference


It's been a longstanding issue that, contrary to expectations, many lists of appearances fail to list some of the character's licensed appearances! Thank you @Epsilon the Eternal for inviting me to write the opening post for his proposed fix: include invalid sources on lists of appearances. For instance, add David Tennant's performance in Attack of the Graske to Tenth Doctor - list of appearances, where (quite frankly) it belongs.

Please see Martha Jones - list of appearances for 2 options regarding implementation:

  1. Present valid and invalid appearances in the same way. For instance, Legacy, an invalid video game, is not presented any differently than Lost in Time, a valid video game.
  2. Add a separate column which marks whether each appearance is valid or invalid. This makes it easy for users to sort and focus on one or the other.

Both options use a new tabular format for LoAs, as also demonstrated at Sabbath Dei - list of appearances, to provide more information to the reader while being more compact than the current system. While for now the tabular format will simply be an option which editors can choose to manually implement, one day it could be automated through @Bongolium500's infobox code tests. Additionally, in both cases, Rule 3 invalid sources – meaning those which we have pages for but are unreleased – can be listed in a separate section from the officially released appearances, as can mentions.

Regardless of which option we choose, it's a plain fact that LoAs aren't in-universe pages, so it makes no sense to omit invalid stories entirely. Hopefully we can prove the viability of these new temporary forums by coming to a quick consensus on this matter! – n8 () 14:53, 9 January 2023 (UTC)


Please outline the reasons you support this proposal below.

I completely support this proposal. As said above, we have a great many lists that needs to cover appearances that they at this point do not cover at all. And that’s not even talking about invalid sources. Not much to say, just I support. Danniesen 21:00, 9 January 2023 (UTC)

Personally I think Option 2 is better (because readers SHOULD care if a source is valid or not - even if they don't use those words - otherwise T:VS is completely useless), and of course agree that invalid sourcss should be covered in lists of apprarances Cousin Ettolrhc 21:03, 9 January 2023 (UTC)

Not much to add, frankly, but I very much support this. "Attack of the Graske" is a good example. David Tennant appears in character as The Doctor, it was made by the BBC, with the official production teams and was released in an official capacity. I'd like to draw comparison too - on the list of appearances for the Eleventh Doctor, the "Adventure Games" are listed. Whilst "Attack of the Graske" isn't an Adventure Game, it effectively plays as such, is interactive in the same way, is officially licensed, etc. and features live action Tenth Doctor (whereas the aforementioned games don't even have that, yet are still listed because they feature the character). In summary, I agree these lists should be more comprehensive with additions made. FractalDoctor 21:25, 9 January 2023 (UTC)


Why do you oppose this proposal?


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