Template talk:Companions of the Twelfth Doctor

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Revision as of 21:25, 24 February 2023 by Dragonus Nesha (talk | contribs) (→‎Proposed update)
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A bit early?[[edit source]]

Isn't it a bit early to be declaring Clara Oswald a Twelfth Doctor companion? Yes, she is present at his regeneration, but that does not necessarily mean she will end up travelling with him. And per T:SPOIL and T:OFF REL, we can't really say such a thing until she see her travelling with him in months' time.
--SOTO (/\) 22:46, January 31, 2014 (UTC)

Courtney[[edit source]]

So, Courtney's taken a trip to space in the TARDIS. Is this enough to consider her a companion, or should we wait to see what the rest of the season holds? Sean Fennel 06:18, September 30, 2014 (UTC)

After Kill the Moon it's definitely time to add Courtney to this template. Tardis1963 talk 02:42, October 5, 2014 (UTC)

Companions which need to be added[[edit source]]

George V (Ghosts of the Seas (comic story)) should be added. The Champion of Time 00:38, March 22, 2016 (UTC)

River Song (The Husbands of River Song (TV story)) and Bernice Summerfield (Big Bang Generation (novel)) should be added under TV and Novel, respectively. to me 02:36, December 26, 2015 (UTC)

I think Maxwell Edison, Destrii, Frobisher, Sharon Allen, Izzy Sinclair, and Majenta Pryce need to be added to the single-story companions section because they appear in The Stockbridge Showdown. LegoK9 20:07, February 25, 2017 (UTC)

Requests that have been fulfilled[[edit source]]

Ceri should be included in the original to prose section. Fireball99 23:14, December 24, 2014 (UTC)Fireball99

It's been several months and Ceri still needs to be added as an original to prose companion. Mewiet 23:31, March 28, 2015 (UTC)

Lumpy also is an obvious addition missing. OS25 (talk to me, baby.) 19:14, September 8, 2015 (UTC)

Sonny and one-off companions[[edit source]]

At the risk of incurring the wikigods' wrath, should Sonny the Stuffed Swordfish be included? Yes, the Titan Comics treats it as a running joke, but in the story the Doctor seems to take Sonny seriously and in the end it's not that more preposterous than the tin dog, Handles and that giant talking robot dinosaur Eleven travelled with for a while. On a more serious note, since we're including one-off companions like Benny and River and Ceri there should be a comics section added to cover off the one-off companions DWA has been featuring. to me 13:47, April 19, 2016 (UTC)

Danny Pink[[edit source]]

I think it's justified to include Danny Pink under the "narratively ambiguous" category used in other templates, due to his direct involvement in the events of The Caretaker, Dark Water and Death in Heaven (with two of those being directly aiding the Doctor; one could also include In the Forest of the Night). On a related note, seeing as he didn't just catch a lift home but actually travelled with the Doctor briefly - travelling to the modern day to pick up Clara - Orson Pink I think is likewise a justifiable inclusion. 23skidoo 07:02, February 25, 2017 (UTC)

The thing about Danny Pink is that he's antagonistic towards the Doctor, particularly in The Caretaker. One of Clara's bigger set of lies throughout that series is what she tells Danny she's doing when she's really with the Doctor. She actively hides her involvement with the Doctor from Danny. And I doubt he would consider himself a "companion". He's set up explicitly as the guy who polices the Doctor's actions, making sure that the Doctor doesn't push Clara too far. He's at best a "frenemy", not a companion.
As for Orson, the case is even more tenuous. Travelling with the Doctor is not in itself the sole requirement for being a companion. There are plenty of super minor characters -- Albert Einstein in Time and the Rani, anyone? -- who have travelled in the Tardis but are not seriously considered (even ambiguous) companions. If we admit him as a companion then we'd be obliged to admit literally dozens of others -- a good handful from just the Fifth Doctor's era alone. Heck, tiny little Black Orchid has more people travelling in the TARDIS than the total number of main, televised companions in the whole of the Eleventh Doctor's tenure.
czechout<staff />    17:40: Thu 09 Mar 2017

Ashildr/Me[[edit source]]

Ashildr/Me is an omission, given she performed the companion role in "Woman Who Lived" and qualified as a one-off based on "Girl who Died" by itself. 23skidoo 07:23, February 25, 2017 (UTC)

I don't think so. Ashildr explicitly sets out her purpose in her new, immortal life in The Woman Who Lived:
ASHILDR: Someone has to look out for the people you abandon. Who better than me? I'll be the patron saint of the Doctor's leftovers. While you're busy protecting this world, I'll get busy protecting it from you.
DOCTOR: So are we enemies now?
ASHILDR: Of course not. Enemies are never a problem. It's your friends you have to watch out for. And, my friend, I'll be watching out for you.
DOCTOR: Ashildr, I think I'm very glad I saved you.
ASHILDR: Oh, I think everyone will be.
She's not travelling with the Doctor. She's not been offered the chance, nor, it woudl seem would she accept it. She's very much doing her own thing -- which is not being the Doctor's companion.
czechout<staff />    17:45: Thu 09 Mar 2017

Companion order[[edit source]]

Nardole should be before Bill, since he became a companion before she did. Memnarc 04:46, April 16, 2017 (UTC)

Agreed. OS25 (Talk) 22:19, April 16, 2017 (UTC)
Vote #3.BananaClownMan 15:10, April 19, 2017 (UTC)

Post-2017 Suggestions[[edit source]]

So here is where I would like to suggest we post suggested additions for after 2017, for more easy sorting through the talk page. OS25 (Talk) 21:20, May 3, 2017 (UTC)

Sonny and Lumpy[[edit source]]

I only know of two companions currently not listed on the template. Lump, who would go under "Original to games," and Sonny, who is the most controversial option as he is literally a stuffed fish that the Doctor decides to travel with and talk to.

However, the Doctor seems to disagree with us:

Our new companion. He saved my life earlier tonight. He's a character. A cutting intellect and a razor-sharp sense of humor.Twelfth Doctor [Twelfth Doctor [src]]

I'm not sure why the addition of Lumpy has yet to be added, perhaps there's something secretly controversial about him. OS25 (Talk) 21:20, May 3, 2017 (UTC)

Gaz[[edit source]]

Although he doesn't yet have a page, Gaz from A Cold Snap needs to be added to the original to comics (single adventure) section. 66 Seconds 23:00, August 9, 2017 (UTC)

Should Missy be considered a companion of the Twelfth Doctor?[[edit source]]

She did travel with the Doctor in the Tardis and was there for more then 1 story; so I think technically she would qualify.

Thoughts, opinions? Tzvi 20:03, February 24, 2018 (UTC)

Proposed update[[edit source]]

Hi, it's been a few years, can we get these additions made? OS25🤙☎️ 11:57, 7 July 2022 (UTC)
So to correct what I said in the edit history, the above template was made by User:BananaClownMan, who never signed it. I have some sort of false memory of creative the above template, but that's only because I left the message suggesting we make the additions two years later. Never the less, I don't think we should change the above template as it will be altering the talk history. Apologizes for my tone.
So I'm going to make my own template from scratch, since I think some changes are needed.

OS25🤙☎️ 18:37, 22 February 2023 (UTC)

All seems sound. Tardis Blue check mark.png Done!. Scrooge MacDuck 19:25, 22 February 2023 (UTC)
The proposal and update use the "group5" and "list5" parameters for both the "Original to audio" section and the "Original to games" section, so the audio section currently does not appear in the navigation template. The codes for the games header and its list should be moved to "group6" and "list6", respectively. Dragonus Nesha 21:25, 24 February 2023 (UTC)