Future-Worm! (series)
Future-Worm! is a children's animated television series created by Ryan Quincy which was broadcast on Disney XD. The series follows the due of Danny Douglas and the titular Future-Worm, who travel through time and space in a lunch box time machine created by Douglas, which led to his initial meeting with Future-Worm.
The series crossed over with the Doctor Who universe somewhat differently to the Disney XD shows which crossed over with it in an untitled promotional video, as Future-Worm!'s collaboration instead occurred during the story Breaking News! That Hasn't Broken Yet!, a duology of short televised fiction used as a genuine means of advertising.
The story presented an in-universe version of the Doctor Who series, Danny Douglas and Future-Worm hosting Disney XD News and announcing the series' upcoming arrival on Disney XD in the Summer.
The promos featured Danny Douglas and Future-Worm being portrayed by their voice actors from the series - Andy Milonakis and James Adomian, respectively.
Other connections
to be added
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