The Lodger (TV story)

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The Lodger is the eleventh episode of Series 5.


A mysterious force locks the TARDIS - with Amy inside it - trapped in a materialization loop, and it's up to the Doctor to work out what that force is, or Amy could be lost forever. As he investigates, he learns of a house on Aickman road, with a staircase which people walk up but never down. To solve this mystery, the Doctor must pass himself off as a normal human being and share a flat with Craig Owens.


The TARDIS materialises in a park in Colchester and the Doctor is thrown out. The TARDIS then dematerialises with Amy still inside leaving the Doctor behind. A day later, a young man enters a house to help an elderly gentleman and enters the top floor.

Meanwhile, in the flat a man called Craig and his friend, Sophie, discuss their plans for pizza and TV tonight but Sophie has to leave as her friend is upset over a recent break up, but not before discussing a rot on the ceiling in the corner. Craig begins telling himself to confess his love for his friend when the doorbell rings. Believing it to be Sophie, who has forgotten her keys, he opens the door saying "I love you", before realising it is the Doctor. The Doctor greets Craig with a euro kiss, which he incorrectly believes to be how humans greet each other, possibly due to him recently observing van Gogh doing it, and claims to have seen an opening available as a lodger.

The Doctor walks in and gives Craig a paper bag containing a large amount of money as rent, later revealed to be three thousand pounds. The Doctor then proceeds to explore the house and eventually cooks an omelette, warning Craig to avoid touching the rot, claiming to be an expert in rot, and tells Craig that he will fix it himself. After finishing the meal, Craig asks the Doctor where he learned to cook to which the Doctor replies Paris in the 18th century. The Doctor eventually corrects his mistake after saying the 17th century and finally the 20th claiming he is not used to doing them in the right order. He is given his keys and the Doctor contacts Amy to discuss what is going wrong. The TARDIS begins shaking violently and the Doctor tells Amy how to fix it. Meanwhile, Craig is talking to his friend describing the Doctor and she worries he is a dealer.

The next day, the Doctor is showering and Craig goes upstairs after hearing a loud bang. The Doctor panics and fears Craig is in danger, so grabs Craig's toothbrush in mistake of his sonic screwdriver. After finding Craig safe, the Doctor meets Sophie. Craig then says there is a problem in his pub football league and his team lack a player. The Doctor volunteers but later claims he believes football to be the one with the sticks.

The Doctor discovers he has mistaken a toothbrush for his sonic screwdriver

At the football match, the Doctor shows how unfamiliar he is with the game but immediately shows his skill and talent scoring many goals. While celebrating their win, another of Craig's friends says that with the Doctor's help they can annhilate another team which the Doctor misinterprets as killing and claims to be "the Oncoming Storm". He then understands his misinterpretation while Craig and his friends get stuck in a loop of opening a beer can, while the TARDIS shakes violently and another person enters the upstairs flat. This eventually subsides, however but the Doctor states he is worried that Amy could be lost in the TARDIS forever.

Back at the flat, Craig asks the Doctor to keep out of Craig's way while he is with Sophie so he can profess his love for her. The Doctor however interrupts asking where the on button is for a regular screwdriver. The Doctor convinces Sophie that she can do anything and encourages her to work with Orangutans like she dreams. The Doctor is revealed to be building a scanning device in an attempt to discover the nature of the threat on the second floor. Later that night, Craig touches the rot only to pull his hand back in pain.

In the morning, the Doctor prepares breakfast for Craig only to find him nearly dead. The Doctor hits Craig to get him to breathe and then makes a remedy out of teabags for Craig to drink. Craig claims there is a business meeting he needs to go to but is told to rest. In the afternoon, Craig rushes to work to find the Doctor at his desk insulting a rude client. His manager then says he was useful at the meeting, upsetting Craig. Craig becomes jealous of the Doctor for being better than him and is worried he could lose the woman he loves.

Later, at the flat, Craig asks the Doctor to leave after discovering the Doctor's scanner and sees him talking to a cat. The Doctor headbutts Craig and reveals his history telepathically and then repeats it with what he is doing in the flat as well as showing a note from future Amy telling him to go to the flat. Sophie walks in to help a girl upstairs and the Doctor and Craig race up the stairs to save her. Amy then reveals using the building plans that there is no registered top floor. Opening the door, they find a space ship.

Sophie is then seen being pulled towards a console but is suddenly stopped. A man appears and is revealed to be a hologram that is an auto pilot. It states the ship crashed and the pilots are dead and as such the program began testing humans to find a suitable replacement. However, the humans aren't able to handle it and are burnt up. The program begins forcing the Doctor to touch a console to which the Doctor says will blow up the solar system. He realises Craig was not wanted as he wanted to stay at the flat to be with Sophie because he loves her and the auto pilot wanted people who sought to leave. Sophie says she loves him too and they kiss while touching the console. As they wanted to stay here, the ship complied but began to implode. Fleeing, they notice the ship vanish along with the entire top floor which no one else notices due to a perception filter.

The space ship revealed on the roof of Craig's flat

The Doctor tries to sneak away but is caught and given keys to the flat as a thank you. In the TARDIS, Amy looks for a red pen to write a note to tell the Doctor to go to the flat, but instead finds her engagement ring from Rory while a crack in space appears in Craig's home.


Production crew

to be added


The Doctor

  • The Doctor uses a regular screwdriver and asks where the on switch is.
  • On Craig Owen's fridge is a postcard to the Vincent van Gogh exhibition at the Musée d'Orsay
  • When the Doctor rushes out of the shower in fear of Craig's safety he grabs Craig's toothbrush rather than his Sonic screwdriver.
  • The Doctor knows how to play football (although he initially confused it with Cricket, which the Fifth Doctor was good at).

Foods and beverages

  • The Doctor makes himself and Craig an omelette with; cheese, ham, mayonaise and other ingredients.
  • The Doctor does not appear to enjoy wine, as after drinking some, spits it back into the glass.
  • The Doctor uses Tea to cure Craig after he is poisoned by the rot on his wall, stating that it would 'reverse the enzyme decay'.


  • Craig was offered a job in London, which he turned down. This may be a reference to the fact Moffat is keeping the fifth series away from the sterotypical setting in London.


  • After gaining the Doctor's knowledge, Craig realises that his device is based on the "non-technological" technology of Lammasteen.

Story notes