Wish Upon a Star (episode)

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Wish Upon a Star was the twenty-third event in the Lost in Time video game made by Eastside Games. It featured the Fifteenth Doctor and Ruby Sunday.


One hell of a tan.


The TARDIS materialise on a platform by the star Epsilon Eridani. The Fifteenth Doctor notes that this is a wonderful surprise. Ruby Sunday asks him where they are and why the place is so shiny. The Doctor welcomes her to the star. Ruby is bewildered that they’re standing on a literal sun, and the Doctor tells her they’re not exactly on it, but as close as they can be with their flammable bodies. Ruby says that it is amazing and beautiful. The Doctor agrees but says that the TARDIS stopped here, noting that there must be a reason for it apart from the sights, telling her to look at the rings of platforms around the sun.

Ruby asks him what the platforms are for, but he says he doesn’t know as last time he dropped by the system… then he stops talking. Ruby asks him what it is as he has an expression of realizing something. The Doctor says he has a friend living here and maybe they decided to open up. Ruby is bewildered by that statement, but consider her question parked. A voice behind them says that they aren’t exactly parked, but in a very slow orbit. The Doctor greets his friend P’x, a rock-like bipedal lifeform, saying it has been ages. P’x expresses that they're glad to see him too but be careful with the hugs as they just swam in plasma. Ruby tells the Doctor that his friend must be rock solid. The Doctor admires her on her pun.

P’x asks the Doctor what brings him to their little corner of time and space. The Doctor says that he and Ruby are seeing all the sights. Ruby introduces herself, saying it’s a pleasure to meet them. P’x introduces themself saying the pleasure is all theirs. The Doctor asks for the latest news, and P’x tells him that it is not a good time for visits as they’re having some issues. The Doctor is about to ask, when a voice behind him says that the problem is aliens such as him coming to their home and doing as they please.

P’x greets the individual, Elder C’w, saying it’s a wonderful surprise that they grace them with their presence. C’w deducts the sarcasm, saying this is another unbecoming trait P’x has picked up in their travels. The Doctor says that he is the guilty party, saying P’x was too straightforward for his liking. C’w says they are not talking to him, the mere fact they got out of the plasma already being more impurity than they can handle. Ruby note that that is quite the attitude. The Doctor tells her not to mind them, as P’x told him about the elders of their sun before. C’w ask him what P’x told him, but the Doctor retorts that he thought they wasn’t talking to him, with the whole impurity speech. C’w tells P’x that this is the kind of disrespect they and T’r has brought to them. P’x says that opening up to others and learning is not treason, but rather wisdom.

C’w says they won’t waste anymore time with the cretins, then disappears. The Doctor says it was nice to meet them and tells them to have a nice day. Ruby asks if he is killing them with kindness. P’x says that at this point in their life, C’w may be allergic. The Doctor ask them what the problem was and that maybe he and Ruby can help. P’x tells him that their star has slowly become unstable and certain reactions aren’t happening as expected. The Doctor note that that sounds bad, asking when it started. P’x says that some of the elders, like C’w, blame the new platforms for visitors. The Doctor says that the platforms should not affect the sun at all.

Ruby asks what the platforms are for, and P’x explains to her that a while back, they got lost travelling and the Doctor brought them back. They decided to tell their people about the adventures and a large group led by T’r decided to install the platforms. The Doctor says that they’re a thing of beauty, taking in solar energy to create forcefield domes for non-Vedaty visitors. Ruby says that she’s guessing that is the name of their species. P’x confirms that they’re the Vedaty, saying their hearts are micro stars and that they have their own mavity. Ruby says that that is amazing, apologizing for all the questions due to being one of the first times meeting an alien. P’x says that no offense taken, and they almost did the same when meeting the Doctor. The Doctor note that P’x said T’r led the installation, asking to talk to them. P’x says that this is part of the problem, they vanished and the elders are complaining.

Ruby says that she does not like how familiar that sounds, asking if this happens even on aliens planets, or suns. P’x asks the Doctor what she means. The Doctor tells P’x that he thinks she might be right considering the mavitational readings. P’x asks if he is saying that T’r is the one affecting the star. The Doctor says that this makes the most sense as their people have their own mavitational field. P’x says that T’r loves their home and wants to see it flourish. Ruby says that they might not be doing it on purpose, saying that maybe someone threw them in. P’x says that they are the best at navigating plasma, unless… the Doctor says that he bet they’re thinking what he is thinking. P’x continues that maybe someone found a way to anchor them down there and maybe the mavitational disturbances are messages.

The Doctor pulls out his sonic screwdriver saying they should do some scans to see if they can find something. What he finds, he declares not good. Ruby asks what’s wrong. P’x asks if he found them and if they can rescue them. C’w returns, asking why the impures are still there, demanding they be removed. The Doctor says they they’re busy and they should come back later. C’w tells them that they have accepted the mockery for too long telling them to stop what they’re doing. Ruby deducts that it was C’w who did it and now they’re stopping them from saving T’r. C’w says that this is a scandalous accusation, and they would never, but then says that T’r deserved it.

P’x scolds C’w for daring to break their sacred laws and then come and complain about impurity. The Doctor tells everyone to stay calm, saying that T’r is alive and just need to be rescued. C’w says they forbid it, saying T’r wanted to add more of the odious platforms to their land. Ruby ask if C’w tried to kill them for it, saying that this is mad. The Doctor says they he is still trying to find out how… then immediately knows, asking P’x if any platforms are missing. P’x confirms, saying that some are taken offline for maintenance and repairs, then too realises. The Doctor says that they used the forcefield to keep T’r inside and unable to move. C’w tries to interrupt, but P’x tells the Doctor to go on, saying they’ll handle it.

Apprehending C’w, they say they yield, telling them not to break their shell. P’x tells that they will be judged by T’r on their arrival back. Materalising in the TARDIS, T’r thanks P’x for apprehending the criminal and thanks the Doctor too. The Doctor says that it why he is here, and adds that he loves the platforms even after T’r's mishap with them. T’r says they don’t blame them and only blame C’w and their antiquated views. C’w says that those are traditions that T’r abandoned and recklessly mock. The Doctor retorts that “tradition” is a word they use to justify their hatred of others, saying that they thankfully ended up doing the silent part out loud and was caught. Ruby says they she hope they learn from this because staying ignorant after this would be sad.

T’r asks P’x if they’re willing to do it. P’x asks if they are sure they can do it. T’r says that expanding their platforms will not only allow more visits but they could also start exporting energy. P’x asks what the elders will say, but T’r says that after what C’w did, they have seemingly distanced themselves from those extreme views. P’x agrees to become the Vedaty ambassador to the Shadow Proclamation. T’r says that this will help them so much with establishing contacts.

Back in the TARDIS, Ruby says that it is both sad and amazing at the same time they they find problems like this out in the universe. The Doctor says that Earth is not the only place with prejudice and close-mindedness. Ruby asks if there is a place without it, or a time. The Doctor tells her that there are no perfect utopias except the ones they make for themselves, saying that perfection is impossible and they can always do more and be better. Ruby concurs, saying at least there is hope in the universe, but the Doctor says there is no hope in the universe, however that the universe and its infinite possibilities is hope itself.


Event Tips

Cards have different maximum Levels, and fully upgrading a Card grants big bonuses! Trades appear frequently and will help you get Cards that you need!
