New human (New Earth)

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The New humans or The Flesh were a creation of the Sisters of Plenitude and were used for curing diseases. The New humans were grown from human cells and were given every known disease, in order for the Sisters of Plenitude to find the cures to them. Since they were infected with diseases since 'birth', they were immune, for a time at least, to these diseases. The Sisters regarded them as 'merely flesh' and would disintegrate any who showed signs of sentience. When released in the year 5,000,000,023, the New humans went on to wreak havoc across the New New York Hospital, but were all soon cured by the Tenth Doctor and taken into care, later founding a new race of humanity. (DW: New Earth)

They also have the ability to infect sombody with all the diseases known to man with a single touch,killing the victim.

Behind the scenes

  • The New humans were originally to have featured large open wounds, however this was changed through the design process as it was considered too horrific for the younger members of the audience.