The Mad Woman in the Attic (TV story)

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The year is 2059. In the derelict attic of 13, Bannerman Road, an elderly Rani Chandra tells the story of the day she met the alien Eve, and her life went wrong...


Part one

In the year 2059, a young boy called Adam walks inside the dark, mysterious 13 Bannerman Road. It is no longer inhabited by Sarah Jane Smith, but instead by a self-described "mad old woman," Rani Chandra. Mr Smith has died and the whole house seems to be deteriorating; Rani herself is unkempt and unwell, and lingers over old photographs and drawings as she tells Adam how she came to this sorry state.

In 2009, Rani is intrigued by reports of strange lights, and goes over to Sarah Jane's to discuss them. There, Sarah Jane, Luke and Clyde are laughing about Maria Jackson, who is now hiding aliens from the American government. Sarah Jane says that the strange lights were just lightning, as Mr Smith had already checked up on it. Hurt by Sarah Jane's dismissive attitude, Rani returns home to sulk and finds an e-mail from Sam Lloyd, her best friend before he moved to Ealing. Sam is an orphan who dropped out of contact with Rani, even though she confided in him about her adventures with Sarah Jane.

Rani meets Sam, who tells her that there is a "demon" inside a closed funfair and people have disappeared. Rani goes in to investigate, but Sam returns to the orphanage. Rani finds the caretaker, Harry and pretends she has a twisted ankle in order to get into his office. While there, Rani hears a voice says 'Playtime has Begun'. She then witnesses the people who disappeared walk out from the haunted house and begin playing on the rides; all of their eyes have turned red and they smile fixedly while the rides appear to operate themselves. While Rani observes the people on the rides, Harry is contacted by a red face in his mirror. The voice says, 'Playtime is Over' and the people return to the haunted house.

Rani makes her way into the haunted house and discovers a red-skinned alien called Eve. Eve is just a child, and the two talk with each other; during the conversation, Sarah Jane tries to call Rani, and she mutters to herself that she wishes they'd just leave her alone. Eve reveals that her race can allow people to see their past and future and manipulate timelines, and were thus killed off in a conflict between two other races--most likely the Last Great Time War. Eve's parents placed her in a Ship that crashed on Earth, where Harry found her and has raised her ever since, hidden in the fair.

Eve then says that the people she possessed are her friends, as she is not allowed to go outdoors because of her inhuman appearance. Eve asks Rani if she wants to see her future. Rani sees her old, insane self and violently denies that such a thing could happen to her. She also decides to help Eve escape.

Part two

Rani, possessed by Eve.

Meanwhile, Clyde investigates into Rani's disappearance and finds Sam's e-mail. Sarah Jane, Luke and Clyde go to the orphanage home and Sam tells them where Rani is. Sarah Jane and Clyde leave to find Rani, while Luke stays behind with Sam, who says that Eve saw Rani in his mind, and that she wanted to meet Rani. The red face appears via a mirror in his room. Sarah Jane and Clyde find Harry, and they also see the face in the mirror. The face scans Sarah Jane's mind and shows her past, as well as a glimpse of her future: The Doctor's TARDIS in her attic. Sam captures Luke and the face does the same to him, showing him as a university graduate. Sarah Jane runs outside and Clyde follows. The face exclaims that they need "the darkness" that it is their future.

Sarah Jane and Clyde go to find Eve, who is escaping with Rani, and though they argue Rani insists on taking Even outside. Meanwhile, back at the orphanage, Luke brings a couple of mugs into Sam's room but then discovers that he is gone. He goes over to the computer and sees a note that says that it wasn't Eve that wanted Rani.

Eve is thrilled to see the outside world, but soon her ability to manipulate people and rides goes out of control: she sends her "friends" out for "playtime" and causes the rides to spin wildly. When Rani gets angry at her and storms off, Eve possesses her as well, causing her eyes to turn red. Sam arrives at the funfair and Eve explains that she was scared of the future and growing old, but now she will be young forever. But Eve begins to double over in pain, energy flashing between the rides and her body. Sarah Jane tells her that she has to let the people go, but Eve tells her that she doesn't know how.

Sarah Jane and Clyde go back inside to consult the face in the mirror. The face reveals herself to be Ship, the computer system that drives Eve's ship, which was programmed to protect Eve until she was fully grown. Ship explains that Eve is dying: she is too young to control her powers and must be brought back to Ship for treatment.

Harry makes the homeless people and Rani sit down while Sarah Jane, Sam and Clyde go down to the beach to locate Ship and get Eve on board. Ship is able to absorb Eve's excess energy, saving her life and returning Rani and the others to themselves. Rani and Harry run down to the beach and also board Ship, and Eve invies Sam and Harry to come travel the stars with her. As the only thing that can power Ship is a black hole, Sarah Jane asks K9 to bring one to them, which allows him to come home for good. As soon as K-9 teleports back home, Mr. Smith enquires if he will be staying permanantely. "Affirmative," K-9 replies. "Oh Good," Mr. Smith exclaims.

As Rani and her friends prepare to leave, Ship stops her and offers to grant Rani a wish. As she had previously said she wished Clyde, Luke and Sarah Jane would leave her alone, Ship erases them from existence; before Rani can ask for them back, Ship leaves, taking Eve, Sam and Harry with it.

Back in 2059, Rani has finished her tale, and Adam tells her that he's not from across the road: his mum sent him. Rani is confused but then Adam's eyes glow red. She realises that he is the son of Eve and Sam. He explains that Ship was damaged and she got it wrong, so he has come here to grant her a wish. She wishes Ship never took her friends away and Adam attempts to correct it.

The scene on the ship repeats, but this time, Ship keeps quiet and doesn't erase anyone. Ship takes off happily with Eve, Sam and Harry, onwards to more adventure. Sarah Jane, Rani and Clyde are joined by Luke, and find K9 at Sarah Jane's house when they return there. Sarah Jane takes a photo of Rani, Luke, Clyde and K9.

In 2059, Rani is now living a very different life. She stills inhabits Bannerman Road, but appears healthy and sane, and the house is clean and well-lit. Her three grandchildren rush into the attic to hug her, followed by their father, Shuresh, who asks her how her trip to Washington, D.C. was. She says it was great and she and Luke got to catch up with Maria. The photo of Rani with Luke, Clyde and K9 is visible on a shelf.


Production Crew

to be added


Races and species

  • Sarah Jane references the Terrible Zodin while talking to Luke and Clyde. This is a continuation of a running joke - Zodin is always referenced but never seen - dating back to DW: The Five Doctors. Although various Doctors and companions have claimed to have encountered her, this is the first time Sarah Jane had made such a claim.
  • Eve refers to her race being targeted by both sides in a war and many being "exterminated" because of their ability to read the "Timelines". This is presumably a reference to the Last Great Time War, the two races being the Time Lords and the Daleks.
  • "Older Rani" talks about the time before people became truly aware of aliens. Cybermen and Daleks are mentioned in a likely reference to either the Battle of Canary Wharf or the events of DW: The Stolen Earth.


  • Many references are made to Maria Jackson and Rani's fears of being compared to her. This is also touched upon by Mrs Wormwood in SJA: Enemy of the Bane.
  • The Doctor is seen and mentioned by Ship.


  • In the fun park, there are pictures of many characters from other shows. As well as logos. Some of them are Mickey Mouse, Pluto, and the Warner Bros. logo (likely caught on camera unintentionally).
  • Eve and her son's name are a biblical reference to the first humans, Adam and Eve.
  • Rani mentions to Sam that he ignored her on Facebook.
  • Rani has a poster of Zac Efron on her bedroom wall, and Eve also mentions him when she is reading Rani's mind.
  • The fun park is closed down due to the economic slowdown of the late 2000s. This is one of the few Doctor Who-franchise stories to make direct reference to this current event.

Story notes

  • Harry was played by Brian Miller, Elisabeth Sladen's husband. Miller previously appeared in Doctor Who, in DW: Snakedance and voiced Daleks in DW: Resurrection of the Daleks, DW: Remembrance of the Daleks
  • The fact that Rani mentions the Daleks and Cybermen being part of the reason people are very aware of aliens may hint that the government ended the cover-up story mentioned in Torchwood at some point following the events of the DW: The Stolen Earth / Journey's End.
  • Several clips from the classic era are shown when Sarah Jane's mind is read, including DW: The Five Doctors, The Hand of Fear and The Time Warrior, as well as footage of Jon Pertwee and Tom Baker. This marks the first time footage from the classic series had appeared on one of the spin-off series, though the first overall "revival era" story to use such clips had been DW: The Next Doctor. A line of dialogue is spoken by Baker in his flashback, making him the first classic-series Doctor other than Peter Davison to actually be heard in any of the revival series.
  • This is the only episode of the series to not have an actual villain per se, as neither Eve nor Ship are depicted as having ill intent, despite their actions.
  • The Gravitron is never mentioned, but it was up and running by 2059, (per DW: The Moonbase) and the opening shot of part 1 makes it clear that the people in the Moonbase did not bother with preventing run-of-the-mill thunderstorms.
  • This episode forshadows Luke leaving for university in the Premier Story of the next series, and the events of the next story, SJA: The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith.


to be added


  • Since Eve said about playing games in the trailer, some people thought she was related to the Celestial Toymaker or the Isolus.
  • People thought another fairytale creature might be shown (such as the Pied Piper or Gorgon) because that was the normal format.
  • People thought Sarah Jane would be classified as mad and Luke will have to live in a home.
  • The Trickster could have been involved as he constantly tries to Remove Sarah Jane from time

Filming locations

Production errors

  • Luke first says Maria is "helping the government hide aliens" - when this scene is replayed by Eve, he says Maria is "helping aliens hide from the government". (The latter is probably the right version of the line)
  • When Eve scans Rani's mind a Gorgon appears: the Gorgon appeared in series 1, but Rani appeared in series 2. There are also clips of the Star Poet Maria saw in Sarah Jane's yard. You can even see part of Maria in the clips. Rani is also able to "remember" Sarah Jane's encounter with the Trickster, again in Series 1.
  • Clips of DW: The Five Doctors is shown but Sarah Jane was supposed to have forgotten about that adventure. However, the only scene from this story is of Sarah Jane kneeling down next to K-9 from before she was taken away to the Death Zone. Therefore this was more likely a generic remembrance of K-9 than of the events of The Five Doctors. Also, it has never been confirmed that she doesn't remember The Five Doctors, only that she hadn't seen her Doctor (Fourth Doctor) in all those years.


If you'd like to talk about narrative problems with this story — like plot holes and things that seem to contradict other stories — please go to this episode's discontinuity discussion.

