The Curse of the Black Spot (TV story)

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The Curse of the Black Spot was the third episode in the sixth series of Doctor Who.


The TARDIS is marooned onboard a 17th-century pirate ship whose crew is being attacked by a mysterious and beautiful sea creature. Becalmed and beset by cabin fever, the pirates have numerous superstitious explanations for the Siren’s appearance. The Doctor has other ideas but, as his theories are disproved and every plan of escape is thwarted, he must work to win the trust of the implacable Captain Avery and uncover the truth behind the pirates’ supernatural fears – and he must work quickly, for some of his friends have already fallen under the Siren’s spell…[1]


On a becalmed ship, a man with a minor cut is brought to the captain, Henry Avery. Avery says that he is a dead man after a black spot is found on the man's palm. An eerie song is heard outside. The wounded man leaves with sword in hand, and is heard screaming. When the crew leaves the cabin, Avery remarks that his disappearance is the same as 'all the others' with no sign of what happened. A banging is heard below the deck; a wooden grille is flipped open to reveal the Doctor, Amy and Rory, with the TARDIS behind them.

In Avery's rooms, the Doctor says the TARDIS picked up the ship's distress signals, though the crew never made any signals. When the Doctor says the trio are sailors, he is held at gunpoint, as they are believed to be stowaways, and later made to walk the plank. The Doctor notices that the ship is too big for a crew of five, before Amy is shoved below the deck to be put to work, but emerges in pirate attire, sword and all. She quickly engages in sword fights with some of the crew, cutting a man's hand in the progress, and when she drops the sword it cuts Rory as well. She is surprised by the over-reactions of the crew, and by the black spots which quickly appear on both of the men's hands.

The strange song is heard again; Rory and the wounded pirate begin to act like fools. A ghostly blue woman (who the crew refer to as a demon) rises from the sea and lands on the deck, stretching out her hand to the men. The wounded pirate takes it and instantly disappears with a scream. When Rory begins to walk towards her, Amy steps between the demon and him. The demon turns red and hisses at Amy, sending her flying across the deck. As the crew head below deck with the Doctor, Amy and Rory, the crew refer to the demon as the Siren; she has been taking any members of the crew with the smallest wound, as if she can smell blood. A man suddenly realises there is a leech on his leg; as everyone scrambles out of the water, a black spot appears on his hand. The Siren appears in the room and takes the bleeding man. The Doctor concludes that she is using water as a portal, and so the group head to the driest room on board- the armoury. They discover Avery's son Toby (whom he abandoned) hiding, and clearly ill. He explains that his mother died the previous winter and he wanted to meet his father, an honorable Captain in the Navy. He also reveals that he has the black spot, despite having no wounds. The Doctor concludes that the Siren is coming for the sick as well as the wounded.

Avery and the Doctor head to the TARDIS. Once there, the Doctor begins to try explaining the function of his console beginning with navigation, only to be suprised that Avery has quickly gotten the hang of it. Suddenly, the TARDIS begins to dematerialise. Not knowing where it's going, the pair leave only to see the TARDIS vanish. The Boatswain and Mulligan (two remaining crew) plan to leave the ship, revealing to Toby that his father is a pirate. Still loyal to his father, Toby grabs a sword and cuts Boatswain, as the Mulligan leaves. Mulligan, Avery and the Doctor all run into each other, and Mulligan is chased into a small room, where he accidentally burns himself. The Doctor hears the Siren's song and sees a glow from under the door. They enter the room, but there is no water; she doesn't just use water as a portal, but any reflective surfaces. They run back to Amy, Rory and Toby, and they realise that the only option is to sit and wait.

As everyone sleeps, Amy sees the Eye Patch Lady looking at them through a hatch in the door; the hatch quickly disappears. As she goes to tell the Doctor, a storm begins, and all head up to the deck to lift the sail. A crown Avery had been unable to throw away falls out of his coat and the Siren emerges, taking Toby, but the Doctor throws the crown overboard before she can take Rory. However, Rory is knocked overboard and begins to drown; knowing he will die anyway, the Doctor allows the Siren to come and take Rory. The remaining three prick their fingers and allow themselves to be taken.

They touch the Siren's hand and suddenly find themsleves in a high-tech space ship that is taking up the same space as the Fancy. The Doctor, Amy, and Avery walk through the ship to find that all of the crew had died long ago from an earth diesase.

The Doctor leads them further into the ship, where they find sick bay. In the sick bay are all the crew members, Toby and Rory as well as the TARDIS. Amy attempts to unhook Rory from the machine he's hooked up to, but the Siren appears and hisses her away. The Doctor explains that the Siren is not a demon, but rather, a virtual doctor who takes the appearance of the species she treats. Amy once agian tries to help Rory, but the Siren doesn't allow her near him. Crying over the safety of her husband, Amy complains about the Siren not leting Rory's wife take care of him. The Doctor then realises that the Siren will not let anyone help her, prompting him to have Amy show her ring to her to prove that they're "connected". The Siren produces a glowing yellow arch on her hand and the Doctor explains that its a contract of consent that Amy will take responsiblity for Rory. Amy "signs" the contract.

However, upon unplugging Rory from life support, the Doctor realises that if Rory is disconnected, he will drown. However, Rory is sure that Amy will save him and he begins to inform her how to perform CPR. In the meantime, Avery tries to make sense of the life support machine Toby is hooked up to as the Doctor explains that if he's taken off life support, he'll die of his fever. Avery decides to captain the vessel, with the Doctor wondering if he can handle such advanced technology. Avery makes a similar remark as to when they were in the TARDIS when he commented that "a compass is a compass", assuring the Doctor that he can. Amy and the Doctor disconnect Rory from life support and pull him into the TARDIS as Amy begins CPR to revive him. Though it seems unsucessful, Rory does recover after a minute, sharing a loving hug with Amy.

Back on the ship, Avery takes the captain's seat with Toby taking co-pilot and the crew behind them. They set off on a journey to see Sirius up close.

In the TARDIS, Amy and Rory says good-night to the Doctor, who seems to be worries about Amy. The Doctor says that he always worries about her, prompting Amy to remember his death. Amy and Rory head off to bed while the Doctor looks at his monitor, one agian viewing Amy's pregnancy going between positive and negative.




Cultural references

  • The Siren in this episode is based on Greek mythology.
  • The Black Spot is an allusion to the Black Spot in Robert Louis Stevenson's Treasure Island.
  • The title of the story, as well as several mentions of a compass, may be a nod to Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl and its sequels. Amy is shown fighting off numerous pirates like Elizabeth Swann, and the Black Spot is shown appearing on the palm of the victim's hand as it did for Jack Sparrow.
  • Having an automated program running the sickbay is similar to The Doctor from Star Trek: Voyager, who also happens to have the same name as The Doctor.
  • Walking the plank is a staple of modern pirate lore, but the practice itself was actually quite rare. Some believe it to be entirely apocryphal, but there are historical instances of it.


  • The Doctor again scans Amy using the TARDIS console regarding her pregnancy or non-pregnancy.

Story notes

  • This episode was supposed to air in the autumn half of the series, but was swapped around, along with The Doctor's Wife being fourth instead of third and Mark Gatiss' episode being ninth instead of fourth. This was because Steven Moffat felt Gatiss' episode was too dark.[2]
  • A prequel for this story was released online. [3]
  • Lily Cole is credited as The Siren on-screen, and as Sea Siren in Radio Times.
  • This episode is notable both in that none of the guest cast die and there is no villain of the piece.
  • As with this story, Earth-born diseases were the bane of the aliens in The War of the Worlds.
  • This story bears some resemblance to the Ninth Doctor two-part story The Empty Child and The Doctor Dances. In both stories an automated medical entity is initially perceived as a threat due to its lack of familiarity with human physiology. In addition, in both stories all the characters survive.


to be added


Filming locations

Production errors

  • Although Boatswain was marked, he is never seen after Mulligan leaves the hold. In fact after Mulligan leaves, he is shown blockading the door again, but is not seen in there when the Doctor and Captain Avery come back.
  • In the scene where The Doctor examines Rory, he takes the disc with the tissue sample out of his pocket.
  • Like many television shows and films, this episode shows a very unrealistic depiction of CPR. The process of CPR is not intended to revive a victim. The purpose of CPR is to keep a minimum amount of oxygen flowing to the brain to prevent brain damage until professionals arrive to treat the victim.
  • When the Doctor takes the hat from the dissaperated pirate in the belly of the ship he puts it on, the camera switches away, when the camera switches back he's putting it on again, and then he takes it off, the camera flashes outside the hold and the Doctor is once again taking off the hat.
  • Within the Hospital room Toby has his shirt on, while very other person within the room has theirs off, and she got Rory's off and she stole Rory after Toby so she did have time. Why is either A. Toby's shirt not off, or B. Everyone's shirt stay on.
  • When the Doctor discovers the dead "captain" of the "ghost ship" he scans the body and says that the cause of death was "human bacteria." He then elaborates, explaining that it was "A virus, from our planet. Airborne, travelling through the portal." Viruses and bacteria are not the same thing.


Home video releases


The DVD will be released in two halves. Part One, which will contain episodes one to seven, will be released in Summer, shortly after the airing of episode seven.[6]


External links

to be added