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The weaponised shadow of an agent of Faction Paradox. (COMIC: Bêtes Noires & Dark Horses [+]Loading...["Bêtes Noires & Dark Horses (comic story)"])
You may wish to consult Shadow (disambiguation) for other, similarly-named pages.

A shadow was a dark image made by an object blocking light.

Some species seemed to be made of shadows, such as the Quiet Ones, (AUDIO: Shadow of Death [+]Loading...["Shadow of Death (audio story)"]) a shadow creature encountered on Charon, (PROSE: Pluto [+]Loading...["Pluto (short story)"]) and the Elemental Shades. (TV: Love & Monsters [+]Loading...["Love & Monsters (TV story)"])

The Vashta Nerada were not shadows, but a carnivorous swarm that took the shape of shadows to latch onto food sources. Their name literally meant "the shadows that melt the flesh". (TV: Silence in the Library [+]Loading...["Silence in the Library (TV story)"])

The Shadow Kin moved through shadows. They could take the form of pure shadow, but even in their most solid form, could not exist where there was no shadow. (TV: For Tonight We Might Die [+]Loading...["For Tonight We Might Die (TV story)"])

The literal translation of the name "Gallifrey" was "They that walk in the shadows". (PROSE: The Pit [+]Loading...["The Pit (novel)"])

Shadows and Faction Paradox[[edit] | edit source]

During initiation into Faction Paradox, each new Cousin would have a shadow-weapon bound to their shadow. (PROSE: The Book of the War [+]Loading...["The Book of the War (novel)"], etc.) Legends heard by the Doctor said that all Faction Paradox members lost their shadows; (PROSE: Unnatural History [+]Loading...["Unnatural History (novel)"]) indeed, many of the Faction's most experienced agents either had unusually faint shadows or lacked them altogether. However, these shadowless were feared by younger members (PROSE: The Book of the War [+]Loading...["The Book of the War (novel)"]) and kept separate from those members with shadows. (AUDIO: The Shadow Play [+]Loading...["The Shadow Play (audio story)"])

When the Third Doctor regenerated on Dust, he became infected with the Faction's biodata virus, and when he began to succumb to it in his eighth incarnation, he lost his shadow (PROSE: Interference - Book Two [+]Loading...["Interference - Book Two (novel)"]) during a visit to San Francisco in 2002. (PROSE: Unnatural History [+]Loading...["Unnatural History (novel)"]) The Faction gave him a false shadow so he wouldn't notice. (PROSE: Interference - Book Two [+]Loading...["Interference - Book Two (novel)"]) He later lost his shadow again, but regained it following the destruction of Gallifrey and the Faction. (PROSE: The Ancestor Cell [+]Loading...["The Ancestor Cell (novel)"])

History[[edit] | edit source]

In 1843, Lord Byron lost his shadow during the Clockwork Ouroboros affair. (PROSE: The Book of the War [+]Loading...["The Book of the War (novel)"])

In the 2000s, Abaddon's shadow killed every human it touched; when it touched Jack Harkness, he died as well, but the excess life force also killed the demon. (TV: End of Days [+]Loading...["End of Days (TV story)"])

Undated events[[edit] | edit source]

Salim tried to steal Ace's shadow, but was stopped by the Seventh Doctor. (AUDIO: The Shadow Trader [+]Loading...["The Shadow Trader (audio story)"])

Fu Manchu's son feared that his father would learn to detach his shadow and send it up a drainpipe to strangle him in his sleep. (PROSE: The Beasthouse [+]Loading...["The Beasthouse (short story)"])

Other references[[edit] | edit source]

In a letter sent by the Eleventh Doctor to thank a group of humans for saving him and the world, after he told them to look out for him returning to check up on them, he listed a shadow out of place among the things they should look out for. (PROSE: Hello! [+]Loading...["Hello! (short story)"])