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Fantastic was a word used to describe something good or otherwise extraordinary. It was a term used frequently by the Ninth Doctor, as a catchphrase. (TV: Rose, etc.) Unlike the catchphrases of his successors, such as "Allons-y" or "Geronimo", "Fantastic" could be used in a sentence as well as being its own standalone statement.

Jack Harkness used the term to describe the Ninth Doctor to the Sixth Doctor. (AUDIO: Piece of Mind)

The Ninth Doctor first heard the word uttered when Connie Daniels said it as he awakened from unconsciousness; he quickly grows fond of it. (AUDIO: Battle Scars)

The Doctor used the word when he realised that the London Eye was the Nestene Consciousness's transmitter, having been indicated by Rose Tyler. (TV: Rose)

The Doctor normally used it during moments of excitement, regardless of the situation at hand. Notably, when faced with a dangerous situation alongside Jabe, he described it as "fantastic", to which she incredulously responded "In what way is that fantastic?" (TV: The End of the World)

He used the word in reference to a corpse reanimated by the Gelth, and then Charles Dickens. (TV: The Unquiet Dead) After the webmaster of Who is Doctor Who? was given an old photograph of Dickens with the Ninth Doctor and Rose Tyler in the background, he found it to be "fantastic" that Rose was still out there, even if she was out of reach. (PROSE: Rose sighting confirmed)

The Ninth Doctor used the word to describe witnessing the destruction of Big Ben at the hands of an alien spaceship and the aftermath of, believing it to be a piece of history. (TV: Aliens of London)

He used the word twice in rapid succession when he found that "Metaltron's" gunstick did not work. When Adam Mitchell used the word in reference to him nearly starting World War III, Rose observed that he sounded like the Doctor. (TV: Dalek)

The Doctor deemed the Fourth Great and Bountiful Human Empire to be a "fantastic period of history." (TV: The Long Game)

The Doctor used the word when Stuart Hoskins gave him his father's mobile phone. (TV: Father's Day)

The Doctor used the word after using the nanogenes to cure the Empty Child plague. (TV: The Doctor Dances)

The Doctor used the word to describe the tribophysical waveform macro-kinetic extrapolator. (TV: Boom Town)

When the Eleventh Doctor contacted the Ninth, the latter muttered a sarcastic "fantastic" under his breath, which Rose believed to be the first time he ever used the word in such a way. (AUDIO: Night of the Whisper)

Sending her back to Earth in 2006 for her own protection, the Doctor told Rose to "have a fantastic life." He described the planet Barcelona as a "fantastic place". Immediately before his regeneration into his tenth incarnation, the Ninth Doctor used the word to describe Rose Tyler, and then himself. (TV: The Parting of the Ways)

His next incarnation would later use the word to describe the adventures he and Rose would have together, further assuring her he was still the same man after regenerating. (TV: The Christmas Invasion) The Tenth Doctor himself would receive a compliment from his predecessor as having been "absolutely fantastic." (COMIC: The Forgotten)

Jack Harkness described the last remaining humans in the universe as "fantastic" to the Tenth Doctor. (TV: Utopia)

Mr Clever used the term while imitating the Ninth Doctor's accent, during his chess game against the Eleventh Doctor. (TV: Nightmare in Silver)

The Eleventh Doctor would use the term to describe his ninth incarnation to Alice. (COMIC: The Promise)

The Tenth and Twelfth Doctors believed that a Continuity bomb was ineffective in finding a timeline out of billions where the Ninth Doctor's actions weren't "anything less than fantastic." (COMIC: Four Doctors)

When the Twelfth Doctor was forced to degenerate, the briefly emerged Ninth Doctor claimed that the energy required to maintain such a localised time storm was "fantastic". (AUDIO: The Lost Magic)

When the Fourteenth Doctor started to regenerate, Melanie Bush remarks that all of his past selves were "fantastic". (TV: The Giggle [+]Loading...["The Giggle (TV story)"])