First Doctor/Physical appearance

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The First Doctor wearing his monocle. (GRAPHIC: Doctor Who Evergreen [+]Loading...["Doctor Who Evergreen (illustration)"])

The First Doctor's physical appearance was that of an elderly gentleman in his early sixties, with a "long, hawklike nose" and "piercing eyes". His wardrobe tended towards the Edwardian, and he would always wear a signet ring on his hand.

Appearance[[edit] | [edit source]]

The First Doctor, as remembered by his thirteenth incarnation. (TV: The Timeless Children [+]Loading...["The Timeless Children (TV story)"])

In his youth, the Doctor had short, light brown hair, (COMIC: Vortex Butterflies [+]Loading...["Vortex Butterflies (comic story)"]) and claimed that he was considered "quite a looker". (PROSE: The Plotters [+]Loading...["The Plotters (novel)"]) Though other accounts disagreed with her statement, (COMIC: Time & Time Again [+]Loading...["Time & Time Again (comic story)"]; TV: The Name of the Doctor [+]Loading...["The Name of the Doctor (TV story)"]) Iris Wildthyme claimed that, when the Doctor first fled Gallifrey, he looked younger than the Eighth Doctor, with his hair not yet greyed. (PROSE: The Scarlet Empress [+]Loading...["The Scarlet Empress (novel)"]) One account implied that the First Doctor's body was prematurely aged by too many different gravities and too many "close encounters with death". (PROSE: Prisoners of the Sun [+]Loading...["Prisoners of the Sun (short story)"])

By the time he met Ian Chesterton and Barbara Wright, the Doctor appeared to be a man in his early sixties, (PROSE: Who Killed Kennedy [+]Loading...["Who Killed Kennedy (novel)"]) who had shoulder length, greyish-white hair that grew around the back of his head, and piercing blue eyes that rested under expressive eyebrows, (TV: An Unearthly Child [+]Loading...["An Unearthly Child (TV story)"]) though Shivani Bajwa desribed his eyes as being a mixed blue-green in colour. (PROSE: Doctor Who and the Horror of Coal Hill [+]Loading...["Doctor Who and the Horror of Coal Hill (short story)"]) According to his war incarnation, the First Doctor was colour-blind. (PROSE: The Day of the Doctor [+]Loading...["The Day of the Doctor (novelisation)"]) He had short hairs growing on his arms. (TV: "Flight Through Eternity" [+]Part of The Chase, Loading...{"namedep":"Flight Through Eternity (3)","1":"The Chase (TV story)"})

A part of the Doctor disliked being "trapped in an old, decrepit body". (PROSE: Ten Little Aliens [+]Loading...["Ten Little Aliens (novel)"])

James Stirling was told by a shopkeeper that the First Doctor was a "white-haired old gentleman", (TV: "The Tyrant of France" [+]Part of The Reign of Terror, Loading...{"namedep":"The Tyrant of France (4)","1":"The Reign of Terror (TV story)"}) while Martin had been told by the head undertaker that the Doctor was "an old geezer with white hair." (TV: Remembrance of the Daleks [+]Loading...["Remembrance of the Daleks (TV story)"]) When Ace encountered the First Doctor in the Seventh Doctor's mind, she noticed that he kept his "silver hair swept back" and had a "long, hawklike nose". (PROSE: Timewyrm: Revelation [+]Loading...["Timewyrm: Revelation (novel)"]) When Legion took on the appearance of the First Doctor, William Blake saw him as "an old man with neck length grey hair". (PROSE: The Pit [+]Loading...["The Pit (novel)"]) When she found his wanted poster, Bernice Summerfield described the First Doctor as "a dignified-looking white-haired man in an Edwardian frock coat". (PROSE: Sanctuary [+]Loading...["Sanctuary (novel)"]) A waiter once described the First Doctor as the "little old man with the long grey hair". (PROSE: The Meeting [+]Loading...["The Meeting (short story)"])

Kitty though that the Doctor looked like "that disc jockey", (TV: The War Machines [+]Loading...["The War Machines (TV story)"]) while Sir Charles Summer described him as "an English gentleman in his early sixties, with imperious white hair swept back from his face and reaching almost to collar length, with haughty features and piercing eyes that burned with intelligence and wit." (PROSE: Who Killed Kennedy [+]Loading...["Who Killed Kennedy (novel)"])

The Fourth Doctor, when reflecting on his change of appearance after his first regeneration, called the First Doctor a "distinguished white-haired gentleman". (AUDIO: The Power of the Daleks [+]Loading...["The Power of the Daleks (audio story)"]) The Fifth Doctor described his first incarnation as an "old man", (PROSE: Five Card Draw [+]Loading...["Five Card Draw (short story)"]) with the Eighth Doctor calling him a "white-haired old man with a fierce beak of a nose", (PROSE: The Eight Doctors [+]Loading...["The Eight Doctors (novel)"]) a "arthritic old buzzard" (PROSE: The Taint [+]Loading...["The Taint (novel)"]) and a "crotchety old man". (PROSE: Escape Velocity [+]Loading...["Escape Velocity (novel)"])

When Affinity took on the First Doctor's appearance, the Twelfth Doctor noted that his first incarnation was "an elderly gentleman," with his "white hair receded from a high forehead and spilled over the collar at the back of his neck." The manifestation was dressed "in a [typically Victorian] dark jacket and checked trousers with a thin black cravat." (PROSE: Silhouette [+]Loading...["Silhouette (novel)"])

Clothing[[edit] | [edit source]]

Main attires[[edit] | [edit source]]

Making his fashion decisions with a computer to better blend in with modern society, (PROSE: A Big Hand for the Doctor [+]Loading...["A Big Hand for the Doctor (short story)"]) the First Doctor affected a slightly eccentric Edwardian dress sense; wearing a double breasted frock coat of plain black velvet with a shawl collar, a single breasted waistcoat of beige tweed with a fob watch, a white shirt with a wingtip collar, a navy blue ribbon bow tie, grey tartan trousers, and shiny elasticated boots when he left Earth with Susan, Ian and Barbara. (TV: "An Unearthly Child" [+]Part of An Unearthly Child, Loading...{"namedep":"An Unearthly Child (1)","1":"An Unearthly Child (TV story)"}) On occasion, the Doctor instead wore a mustardy brown waistcoat and a cream ascot tie with ivory stripes to accompany his usual gear, (TV: The Rescue [+]Loading...["The Rescue (TV story)"]) and would replace his black frock coat with a light blue blazer. (PROSE: Doctor Who and the Daleks [+]Loading...["Doctor Who and the Daleks (short story)"])

The Doctor wore a blue signet ring on the middle finger of his right hand, (TV: "An Unearthly Child" [+]Part of An Unearthly Child, Loading...{"namedep":"An Unearthly Child (1)","1":"An Unearthly Child (TV story)"}, Twice Upon a Time [+]Loading...["Twice Upon a Time (TV story)"]) which had special powers, such as to unlock the TARDIS doors, (TV: "The Web Planet" [+]Part of The Web Planet, Loading...{"namedep":"The Web Planet (1)","1":"The Web Planet (TV story)"}) facilitate hypnotism and protect the Doctor from an electrical shock. (TV: The War Machines [+]Loading...["The War Machines (TV story)"]) He also often wore a small silver ring on the little finger of his left hand. (TV: "The Edge of Destruction" [+]Part of The Edge of Destruction, Loading...{"namedep":"The Edge of Destruction (1)","1":"The Edge of Destruction (TV story)"}) On occasions, he did not wear his rings and wore fingerless gloves instead. (TV: The Tenth Planet [+]Loading...["The Tenth Planet (TV story)"], The Five Doctors [+]Loading...["The Five Doctors (TV story)"])

He would occasionally wear a cape, (TV: "An Unearthly Child" [+]Part of An Unearthly Child, Loading...{"namedep":"An Unearthly Child (1)","1":"An Unearthly Child (TV story)"}, "Planet of Giants" [+]Part of Planet of Giants, Loading...{"namedep":"Planet of Giants (1)","1":"Planet of Giants (TV story)"}, "The Lion" [+]Part of The Crusade, Loading...{"namedep":"The Lion (1)","1":"The Crusade (TV story)"}, "The Watcher" [+]Part of The Time Meddler, Loading...{"namedep":"The Watcher (1)","1":"The Time Meddler (TV story)"}, The War Machines [+]Loading...["The War Machines (TV story)"], The Smugglers [+]Loading...["The Smugglers (TV story)"], The Tenth Planet [+]Loading...["The Tenth Planet (TV story)"]) and would don a silver grey scarf when in the cold. (TV: "An Unearthly Child" [+]Part of An Unearthly Child, Loading...{"namedep":"An Unearthly Child (1)","1":"An Unearthly Child (TV story)"}, The Tenth Planet [+]Loading...["The Tenth Planet (TV story)"]) For headgear, he would wear an Astrakhan, (TV: "An Unearthly Child" [+]Part of An Unearthly Child, Loading...{"namedep":"An Unearthly Child (1)","1":"An Unearthly Child (TV story)"}, The War Machines [+]Loading...["The War Machines (TV story)"], The Tenth Planet [+]Loading...["The Tenth Planet (TV story)"]) or a white Panama hat. (TV: "The Dead Planet" [+]Part of The Daleks, Loading...{"namedep":"The Dead Planet (1)","1":"The Daleks (TV story)"}, "The Executioners" [+]Part of The Chase, Loading...{"namedep":"The Executioners (1)","1":"The Chase (TV story)"}, "Golden Death" [+]Part of The Daleks' Master Plan, Loading...{"namedep":"Golden Death (9)","1":"The Daleks' Master Plan (TV story)"})

He also carried a monocle on a necklace that he would use for examinations, (TV: "The Unwilling Warriors" [+]Part of The Sensorites, Loading...{"namedep":"The Unwilling Warriors (2)","1":"The Sensorites (TV story)"}, "The Daleks" [+]Part of The Dalek Invasion of Earth, Loading...{"namedep":"The Daleks (2)","1":"The Dalek Invasion of Earth (TV story)"}, "The Web Planet" [+]Part of The Web Planet, Loading...{"namedep":"The Web Planet (1)","1":"The Web Planet (TV story)"}, "The Space Museum" [+]Part of The Space Museum, Loading...{"namedep":"The Space Museum (1)","1":"The Space Museum (TV story)"}, "The Dimensions of Time" [+]Part of The Space Museum, Loading...{"namedep":"The Dimensions of Time (2)","1":"The Space Museum (TV story)"}, "Air Lock" [+]Part of Galaxy 4, Loading...{"namedep":"Air Lock (3)","1":"Galaxy 4 (TV story)"}, "Day of Armageddon" [+]Part of The Daleks' Master Plan, Loading...{"namedep":"Day of Armageddon (2)","1":"The Daleks' Master Plan (TV story)"}, The War Machines [+]Loading...["The War Machines (TV story)"], Twice Upon a Time [+]Loading...["Twice Upon a Time (TV story)"]) and sometimes wore half-moon reading glasses. (TV: "The Ambush" [+]Part of The Daleks, Loading...{"namedep":"The Ambush (4)","1":"The Daleks (TV story)"}, "A Race Against Death" [+]Part of The Sensorites, Loading...{"namedep":"A Race Against Death (4)","1":"The Sensorites (TV story)"}, "World's End" [+]Part of The Dalek Invasion of Earth, Loading...{"namedep":"World's End (1)","1":"The Dalek Invasion of Earth (TV story)"}, "The Powerful Enemy" [+]Part of The Rescue, Loading...{"namedep":"The Powerful Enemy (1)","1":"The Rescue (TV story)"}, "Inferno" [+]Part of The Romans, Loading...{"namedep":"Inferno (4)","1":"The Romans (TV story)"}, "The Executioners" [+]Part of The Chase, Loading...{"namedep":"The Executioners (1)","1":"The Chase (TV story)"}, "Escape Switch" [+]Part of The Daleks' Master Plan, Loading...{"namedep":"Escape Switch (10)","1":"The Daleks' Master Plan (TV story)"}, "The Plague" [+]Part of The Ark, Loading...{"namedep":"The Plague (2)","1":"The Ark (TV story)"}, The War Machines [+]Loading...["The War Machines (TV story)"], The Tenth Planet [+]Loading...["The Tenth Planet (TV story)"])

He also used a smoking pipe on one occasion, (TV: "The Cave of Skulls" [+]Part of An Unearthly Child, Loading...{"namedep":"The Cave of Skulls (2)","1":"An Unearthly Child (TV story)"}) and also employed a walking stick (TV: Marco Polo [+]Loading...["Marco Polo (TV story)"]) given to him by Kublai Khan. (COMIC: The Forgotten [+]Loading...["The Forgotten (comic story)"])

Other costumes[[edit] | [edit source]]

The Doctor attacked by a Voord while wearing a space suit. (PROSE: Doctor Who and the Daleks [+]Loading...["Doctor Who and the Daleks (short story)"])

When adventuring into Earth's past, the First Doctor would make changes to his wardrobe so as to blend in with the local population, (TV: "A Change of Identity" [+]Part of The Reign of Terror, Loading...{"namedep":"A Change of Identity (3)","1":"The Reign of Terror (TV story)"}, "The Slave Traders" [+]Part of The Romans, Loading...{"namedep":"The Slave Traders (1)","1":"The Romans (TV story)"}, "The Lion" [+]Part of The Crusade, Loading...{"namedep":"The Lion (1)","1":"The Crusade (TV story)"}, "War of God" [+]Part of The Massacre, Loading...{"namedep":"War of God (1)","1":"The Massacre (TV story)"}) and would gladly accept the vestments of extraterrestrial societies. (TV: "Kidnap" [+]Part of The Sensorites, Loading...{"namedep":"Kidnap (5)","1":"The Sensorites (TV story)"}, The Savages [+]Loading...["The Savages (TV story)"])

When he traveled to Marinus during the Battle for the Great Power, the Doctor wore a yellow space suit with a blue sash and silver neck collar, with a green hooded cloak as an accessory. (PROSE: Doctor Who and the Daleks [+]Loading...["Doctor Who and the Daleks (short story)"])

To keep himself warm in Christmas-land, the Doctor donned a dark Inverness cape with yellow stripes on the trims. (COMIC: A Christmas Story [+]Loading...["A Christmas Story (comic story)"])