First Doctor/Other realities

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Versions of the First Doctor existed in other realities existing separate to, or spinning off from, the Doctor's universe as commonly documented.

Parallel universes[[edit] | [edit source]]

In a parallel universe where the Second Doctor escaped his trial, the First Doctor went to the Academy with a Time Lord who found him to be an eternal bore. (AUDIO: Exile [+]Loading...["Exile (audio story)"])

In a universe where the Time War started early, a temporal "aberration" of the Sixth Doctor reflected on his first visit to Aridius shortly after arriving on the planet. (AUDIO: Dust Devil [+]Loading...["Dust Devil (audio story)"])

Alternate timelines[[edit] | [edit source]]

The Doctor is crowned as Lord President of Gallifrey. (COMIC: Time & Time Again)

In an alternate timeline created by the Discordia, the Doctor had a passionate romantic relationship with River Song that began in his first incarnation, having married her by his fourth incarnation. The Doctor would have difficulty "smuggling" River into the Capitol through the Cloisters. (AUDIO: Someone I Once Knew)

In an alternate timeline created by the Black Guardian as revenge on the Doctor, the First Doctor never left Gallifrey, eventually becoming Lord President and forming an alliance with the Dalek Empire. The Seventh Doctor, Bernice Summerfield, and Ace, with instructions from the White Guardian, were able to retrieve the Key to Time to set the timeline straight. (COMIC: Time & Time Again)

When the Valeyard used his control of the Dark Matrix to corrupt the Doctors, the First Doctor's corruption occurred when he murdered other Time Lords in order to leave Gallifrey. This timeline was later undone by the Seventh Doctor. (PROSE: Matrix)

Aborted timelines[[edit] | [edit source]]

This section's awfully stubby.

Info from That Time I Nearly Destroyed the World Whilst Looking for a Dress needs to be added

When the TARDIS crashed on Tick-Tock World, the Doctor, along with Ian and Barbara, were devoured by the Xesto, creatures that consumed time and all possible futures. He then woke up in a dream-like dimension, encountering other alternative outcomes of how he could have been devoured. A woman helped him to make contact with Susan, as the state of "death" on the planet meant someone would be disposed outside time itself. As he was fading away, he realised the woman was an older version of his granddaughter, and he persuaded the younger Susan to touch her older self. Their violation of the Blinovitch Limitation Effect caused an explosion which allowed the older Susan to avert the original crash, by having her original self to suggest her grandfather to shut down the defence systems of the ship. (AUDIO: Tick-Tock World [+]Loading...["Tick-Tock World (audio story)"])

When Jamie McCrimmon and Zoe Heriot reattached the time path indicator in the Second Doctor's TARDIS, they overloaded its systems, causing a temporal collision with the First Doctor's ship, disabling its dematerialisation circuit and causing it to crash on Urbinia. The Doctor spent the next three months repairing the circuit. When he finished, the Dalek Empire invaded the planet, able to complete the Time Destructor without the Doctor's interference. With the chancellor fleeing, the Doctor took charge of the planet, trying to coordinate an evacuation before he was approached by his succeeding incarnation who explained how the timeline had been altered and what the correct path should be. Though the First Doctor was initially amenable, he protested when he learned that Katarina would die. After escaping a Dalek landing force, the Doctors reunited with their companions in the spaceport where the Second Doctor explained to Katarina what would happen. When the Daleks turned the Time Destructor on the planet, Katarina agreed to the Second Doctor's plan, the First Doctor giving his successor the repaired dematerialisation circuit. Unsure if the timeline would be reset, the First Doctor stayed behind in the spaceport, defying the Daleks before the timeline was ultimately reset. (AUDIO: Daughter of the Gods [+]Loading...["Daughter of the Gods (audio story)"])

In a negated timeline, the TARDIS was attacked on 23 November 1963 by a conceptual bomb bought by the Decayed Master and began to be erased from time. The First Doctor, along with his second and third incarnations, became trapped in another dimension, and tried to warn their other incarnations by reducing the explosion to a blinking light on the TARDIS with the coordinates of the explosion. However, when their four successors followed the warning, the Master took direct action in attacking them, until the Sixth Doctor managed to bring them together to formulate a plan. After the Fifth Doctor ensured that the TARDIS would not explode, the Doctors prepared to time ram the Master's TARDIS. However, rather than kill the Master, the First Doctor instead turned off the automatic distress actions, making it so none of the Doctors followed it into the explosion and undoing the events of the day. (AUDIO: The Light at the End [+]Loading...["The Light at the End (audio story)"])

When the Cyberiad allied with Rassilon to take over history, (COMIC: Supremacy of the Cybermen [+]Loading...["Supremacy of the Cybermen (comic story)"]) the First Doctor was ambushed by three CyberMondans outside his TARDIS in 76 Totter's Lane on the day he was supposed to leave Earth with Susan Foreman, Ian Chesterton and Barbara Wright. When Susan entered the junkyard, the Doctor told her to run. (COMIC: Prologue: The First Doctor [+]Loading...["Prologue: The First Doctor (comic story)"]) This timeline was eventually unwritten by Rassilon and the Twelfth Doctor. (COMIC: Supremacy of the Cybermen [+]Loading...["Supremacy of the Cybermen (comic story)"])