From Tardis Wiki, the free Doctor Who reference
Timeline for 2033
21st century | 2030s

2027 • 2028 • 2029 • 2030 • 2031 • 2032 • 2034 • 2035 • 2036 • 2037 • 2038 • 2039

2033 was a year.

Events[[edit] | [edit source]]

Dated[[edit] | [edit source]]

The Eleventh Doctor accidentally trapped Nora Wicker in a Time Bubble on 19 August 1987. On 16 December 2033, the Doctor nearly broke her out on the 16,921st day she was in the time loop, with the help of the Fifteenth Doctor. (AUDIO: The World Tree [+]Loading...["The World Tree (audio story)"])

Undated[[edit] | [edit source]]

In the 925th Universe, many fandom wikis including the Data Core and Wikipedia were merged into the Wiki, partially to quell the backlog of inclusion debates in each wiki's forums. (PROSE: "Scene 8" [+]Part of The Book of the Snowstorm, Loading...{"namedpart":"Scene 8","1":"The Book of the Snowstorm (short story)"})