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A bandolier was a belt with loops or pockets to carry ammunition for guns, slung across the torso.[source needed]

Cass Fermazzi got a bandolier of dark brown leather with brass plating from the Thirteenth Doctor. (PROSE: The Day of the Doctor [+]Loading...["The Day of the Doctor (novelisation)"]) After her death, the War Doctor claimed it shortly after his eighth regeneration, (TV: The Night of the Doctor [+]Loading...["The Night of the Doctor (TV story)"]) who wore it throughout the Time War between Daleks and Time Lords, (COMIC: Four Doctors [+]Loading...["Four Doctors (comic story)"], The Lost Dimension [+]Loading...["The Lost Dimension (comic story)"], The Clockwise War [+]Loading...["The Clockwise War (comic story)"], The Whole Thing's Bananas [+]Loading...["The Whole Thing's Bananas (comic story)"], Four Doctors [+]Loading...["Four Doctors (comic story)"]) up to his death after the 1562/2013 Zygon Invasion of Earth and the Fall of Gallifrey. (TV: The Day of the Doctor [+]Loading...["The Day of the Doctor (TV story)"])

The War Doctor's Auton copy wore a bandolier during the Battle of the Althos System. (PROSE: Decoy [+]Loading...["Decoy (short story)"])

Kahler-Tek wore a bandolier to carry ammunition. (TV: A Town Called Mercy [+]Loading...["A Town Called Mercy (TV story)"])

Jackson Lake used a bandolier to carry infostamps when he and Rosita Farisi helped the Tenth Doctor foil Cybus Cybermen during the 1851 Incident. (TV: The Next Doctor [+]Loading...["The Next Doctor (TV story)"])

Shockeye, an Androgum cook, wore a bandolier. (TV: The Two Doctors [+]Loading...["The Two Doctors (TV story)"])

Ahab, the mercenary, wore a bandolier. (TV: The Bounty Hunter [+]Loading...["The Bounty Hunter (TV story)"])