The Caribbean was an Earth region defined by the Caribbean Sea.
The First Doctor sailed around the Caribbean on a pirate galleon. (PROSE: Byzantium! [+]Loading...["Byzantium! (novel)"])
The Caribbean was one of the locations where Ben Jackson would have preferred to spend Christmas rather than in Northumberland. (PROSE: Do You Dream in Colour? [+]Loading...["Do You Dream in Colour? (short story)"])
Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart remembered the smell of the Bougainvillaea flower on a beach in the Caribbean. (AUDIO: The Paradise of Death [+]Loading...["The Paradise of Death (audio story)"])
Born in Bromsgrove, England, Daniel Barton was British African-Caribbean. (TV: Spyfall (part one) [+]Loading...{"part":"one","1":"Spyfall (TV story)"})
Behind the scenes[[edit] | [edit source]]
Trinidad, Tobago and Jamaica have all been referenced in the DWU. The West Indies is another name for the Caribbean.