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Beachelguese, a planet home to the oldest beach in the universe. (COMIC: Surfshock [+]Loading...["Surfshock (comic story)"])
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A beach was a sandy area next to a body of water.

In 1066, the Doctor's TARDIS materialised on a Northumbrian beach near a cliff. The Monk observed this from the top of the cliff. Eldred also saw it on the beach, and left to get Wulnoth. (TV: The Time Meddler [+]Loading...["The Time Meddler (TV story)"])

In 17th century Cornwall, the TARDIS materialised in a cave near a beach. The Doctor and his companions were cut off from the TARDIS when the tide came in. (TV: The Smugglers [+]Loading...["The Smugglers (TV story)"])

The First Doctor, Ian, Barbara and Susan spent time in 1742 on a New England beach recovering from the Salem witch trials of 1692. (PROSE: The Witch Hunters [+]Loading...["The Witch Hunters (novel)"])

On 20 July 1969, the Second Doctor, Jamie McCrimmon and Zoe Heriot played on the beach on the Isle of Wight while most people were inside watching the Apollo 11 moon landing. (PROSE: One Small Step... [+]Loading...["One Small Step... (short story)"])

The Fourth Doctor once took Romana II and K9 Mark II to a beach in Brighton. K9 suffered considerable damage when he followed a beach ball into the water. (TV: The Leisure Hive [+]Loading...["The Leisure Hive (TV story)"])

In 1985, the Sixth Doctor and Peri Brown visited Blackpool Pleasure Beach, where they encountered the Toymaker and his servant, Stefan. (PROSE: The Nightmare Fair [+]Loading...["The Nightmare Fair (novelisation)"] / AUDIO: The Nightmare Fair [+]Loading...["The Nightmare Fair (audio story)"])

For their first date, Rhys Williams took Gwen Cooper to a beach, not realising that it was in fact a nudist beach. (AUDIO: Love Rat [+]Loading...["Love Rat (audio story)"])

A sketch of the Ninth Doctor washed up on a beach on Sumatra after Krakatoa erupted — implying the Ninth Doctor was a witness to it. Eventually the sketch found its way into Clive Finch's collection of artefacts related to the Doctor. (TV: Rose [+]Loading...["Rose (TV story)"])

The Tenth Doctor thought the beaches of the planet Pootle were lovely, despite the armed sharks. (PROSE: The Sontaran Games [+]Loading...["The Sontaran Games (novel)"])

Florana was a beach planet. Rory Williams once chided the Doctor for going to Florana during beach season. (COMIC: Summer Wholiday [+]Loading...["Summer Wholiday (comic story)"])

Temple Beach was a location River Song and the Eleventh Doctor agreed to go to for a date after River tied up loose ends with Martin Flint. (PROSE: A Gamble with Time [+]Loading...["A Gamble with Time (short story)"])

Beachelguese was the oldest beach in the universe. When the Twelfth Doctor and Clara Oswald visited, their chosen spot had already been claimed by a Sea Devil, Silurian and Macra. Undeterred, the two travelled to the planet's beginning so that they could truly be the first ones there. (COMIC: Surfshock [+]Loading...["Surfshock (comic story)"])

The beaches of Marinus were made of glass. (TV: The Keys of Marinus [+]Loading...["The Keys of Marinus (TV story)"])

When visiting Kastarion 3, Ruby Sunday lamented that the TARDIS had arrived in a war zone rather than a beach, to which the Fifteenth Doctor remarked: "Give it time. Everywhere's a beach eventually." He also repeated this to Mundy Flynn when insisting that "everything is possible" in regards to his Time Lord DNA. (TV: Boom [+]Loading...["Boom (TV story)"])