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An artist's depiction of the Last Centurion during the London Blitz. (TV: The Big Bang)

Centurion was a rank in Roman armies. An Auton duplicate of Rory Williams came to be known as "the Lone Centurion" and "the Last Centurion" after spending nearly two thousand years protecting the Pandorica. (TV: The Big Bang, A Good Man Goes to War)

Marcus Aurelius Gallius was a centurion from 60 who was placed in 1959 London by a time eddy and became a brief ally of the Ninth Doctor. (AUDIO: Sphere of Freedom)

In July 64, a centurion hired an assassin called Ascaris to kill Maximus Pettulian. (TV: The Romans)

At Gavin Walker's fancy dress party in Monte Carlo in 1966, a security guard dressed as a centurion. (AUDIO: The Veiled Leopard)