Common cold

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Common cold
The First Doctor develops a cure. (TV: The Ark)
You may wish to consult Cold (disambiguation) for other, similarly-named pages.

The common cold was an illness caused by a virus. It was frequently contracted by humans. Time Lords were also susceptible to it.

The First Doctor was suffering from a cold when he, Ian Chesterton, Barbara Wright and Vicki Pallister visited Sonning Palace in England in 1400. (AUDIO: The Doctor's Tale [+]Loading...["The Doctor's Tale (audio story)"])

The Urbankans associated conditions such as the common cold with the flesh time. (TV: Four to Doomsday [+]Loading...["Four to Doomsday (TV story)"])

The Fifth Doctor told Tegan Jovanka that he once forced himself to catch the common cold out of curiosity for what it felt like. (AUDIO: Ghost Walk [+]Loading...["Ghost Walk (audio story)"])

The Sixth Doctor caught a cold shortly after taking on Evelyn Smythe as his companion. (AUDIO: The Spectre of Lanyon Moor [+]Loading...["The Spectre of Lanyon Moor (audio story)"])

Leonardo da Vinci had a cold when he drew a sketch of which Grace Holloway had a print in her home. (TV: Doctor Who [+]Loading...["Doctor Who (TV story)"])

Henry van Statten found the cure for the common cold in the Russian crater. However, he chose not to market it as he could make more money from repeatedly selling duds. (TV: Dalek [+]Loading...["Dalek (TV story)"])

By the late 22nd century, cold vaccines were available. (PROSE: Fear Itself [+]Loading...["Fear Itself (novel)"])

By the 30th century, the illness had become known as the "uncommon cold". (AUDIO: Backtrack [+]Loading...["Backtrack (audio story)"])

During the 57th Segment of Time, 20th-century native Dodo Chaplet nearly wiped out the inhabitants of the Ark when she passed it on to them, as they had no immunity to the infection, all human knowledge of the common cold having been lost in the Primal Wars during the Tenth Segment of Time. A Monoid died from the virus. The First Doctor was able to develop a cure and save the ill. He used Steven Taylor as a guinea pig for his tests on the orders of the Ark's commander. However, the Doctor cured but one strain. After he and his companions left, the cold severely weakened the human population of the Ark. (TV: The Ark [+]Loading...["The Ark (TV story)"])

While sickened with a cold caused by recent travel to various snowy locations, the Twelfth Doctor was convinced that his ailment was far worse and insisted on going to the hospital on New Hippocrates to seek treatment. He was irate when the doctor there confirmed it was simply a cold and nothing more. (COMIC: The Day at the Doctors [+]Loading...["The Day at the Doctors (comic story)"])