Dalek invasion of Trodos

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A Dalek invasion of the planet Trodos was launched in response to a planned peace treaty between the Trods and the Second Doctor, who travelled with his grandchildren, John and Gillian. (COMIC: The Trodos Ambush)

History[[edit] | [edit source]]

Background[[edit] | [edit source]]

In 2066, MacTaggart constructed the Trods to give himself power over the other human colonists and used them to enslave everyone. When the First Doctor arrived on Trodos with his grandchildren, John and Gillian, they deactivated the Trods and freed the slaves. (COMIC: The Trodos Tyranny) Some time later, a space traveller came to Trodos and reactivated the Trods. (COMIC: Return of the Trods)

The Invasion[[edit] | [edit source]]

Led by the Dalek Supreme, the Daleks, using slatless Dalek War Machine casings, became aware that "Dr. Who" was to arrive on Trodos to make peace with the Trods after centuries of conflict. Before the Doctor's arrival, a Dalek invasion craft set down on Trodos where the Daleks began an attack on the Trods, intending to exterminate them all before the peace treaty could be signed. Having apparently wiped out the disorganised Trods, the Daleks were ordered by the Supreme to conceal themselves in anticipation of the Doctor's arrival, with the invasion craft moving to the other side of the planet.

As the TARDIS arrived on Trodos, the Doctor along with John and Gillian saw the aftermath of an explosion through the TARDIS scanner. Disembarking with his companions, the Doctor used his blast-meter to determine that a fallen Trod was struck down by a Dalek exterminator. At that moments, the Daleks arrived and surrounded the time travellers intending to exterminate them. Fortunately for the Doctor, the ground which had been weakened by explosions gave way, sending the travellers falling into an underground corridor leading them to a subterranean city where they found surviving Trods.

Anticipating that the Daleks were in pursuit, the Doctor instructed the Trods to disperse to hiding places from where they could snipe at Dalek patrols as they arrived as he scouted ahead to warn the Trods when the Daleks approached; it was the Doctor's hope that, by picking off the Daleks in small numbers, he could tear down the main force enough to break through to the TARDIS.

Though the Daleks were unable to follow through the corridor, they eventually found an entrance to the city with the Supreme taking Daleks 3, 4, 8, 9 and 10 with him whilst instructing the Daleks to break into squads and each search through different sections of the city. When the Daleks did not find their enemies, the Supreme changed tactics and ordered all Daleks to move beyond the city limits. Dalek 4 was then sent to into the city alone to bait the enemy into disclosing their position.

Returning to the city, Dalek 4 was set upon by the Doctor, who used his stovepipe hat to obscure the Dalek's eye antenna before using a high-pitched note from his recorder to penetrate the Dalek's inner hearing system, obliterating its senses and sending it out of control. The Doctor realised too late that the lone Dalek was bait as he was surrounded by group Daleks, however, he was saved when the Trods arrived and destroyed the Daleks, having followed the Doctor with John and Gillian.

The Trods then shown the travellers a secret way back to the surface of Trodos. Eventually, they found the TARDIS, guarded by a single Dalek. The ammunition tanks of the Trods were now empty, rendering their guns useless, forcing the Doctor to immobilise the Dalek by smashing a rock against its dome section. As the Doctor feared, this sent the Dalek's automatic S.O.S. system into action, alerting the Daleks who proceeded to converge on the TARDIS. However, the Doctor and his grandchildren managed to escape to the TARDIS along with the Trod survivors just before the Daleks arrived. Safely within the TARDIS, the Doctor vowed that this would be the last time he would run from the Daleks, that he would ultimately rid the universe of their "evil power". (COMIC: The Trodos Ambush)