Eleventh Doctor/Non-valid sources

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A journal of impossible things . . .

This subpage includes information about Eleventh Doctor from sources that are not valid on this wiki.

The Eleventh Doctor was depicted in several sources considered by this Wiki as "invalid sources".

Biography[[edit] | [edit source]]

Travels with the Ponds[[edit] | [edit source]]

Whilst the Doctor confronted them atop the Royal Leadworth Hospital, (TV: The Eleventh Hour) the Atraxi was suddenly deafened by a loud shriek after it displayed a holographic image of a Sea Devil. The Doctor explained that it was the sound of thousands of Doctor Who fans across the UK "squee"-ing at the image. He told the Atraxi to clear off before he brought out the Zygons. (COMIC: Doctor Whoah! 421)

The Doctor after breaking his teeth on Amy's stone arm. (COMIC: Doctor Whoah! 422)

While investigating the Byzantium, (TV: The Time of Angels) the Doctor attempted to bite Amy's arm to prove to her that it had not actually turned to stone, only to break his teeth on what was, indeed, her stone arm. (COMIC: Doctor Whoah! 422)

to be added (COMIC: Doctor Whoah! 423)

Just before they fell into a vortex, (TV: The Journey) Amy asked the Doctor whether he'd seen the tenner she'd left on the coffee table. (COMIC: Doctor Whoah! 420)

While travelling with Amy, the Doctor outwitted some Weeping Angels by putting on a pair of sunglasses, rendering the Angels unable to tell when he is blinking. (COMIC: Angel Alert!)

By one account, the Doctor managed to escape from his imprisonment in the Pandorica (TV: The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang) through a fire exit. (COMIC: Moments in Time 466)

He returned to 13 Bannerman Road to visit Sarah Jane Smith. (COMIC: 13 Bannerman Road)

Christmas exploits[[edit] | [edit source]]

During their annual Christmas Eve trips together, (TV: A Christmas Carol) Abigail Pettigrew asked the Doctor if he and Kazran Sardick could take her to a hospital; the Doctor appears to ignore her request, opting for a trip to the pyramids instead. (COMIC: Doctor Whoah! 431)

The Doctor opens Christmas presents from Amy. (COMIC: Doctor Whoah! 429)

One Christmas, the Doctor, Amy, and Rory exchanged Christmas presents aboard the TARDIS. The Doctor had received multiple ties from Amy, to his bemusement. (COMIC: Doctor Whoah! 429) They also went to visit Amy's parents, Augustus and Tabetha. (COMIC: Christmas with the Ponds)

Further travels with the Ponds[[edit] | [edit source]]

While in the United States, (TV: The Impossible Astronaut) the Doctor and Amy had a forgotten encounter with a Silent that stole the Doctor's clothes and Amy's sandwich. (COMIC: Doctor Whoah! 434)

On House, whilst dealing with his TARDIS having taken over the body of Idris, (TV: The Doctor's Wife) the Doctor becomes even more flustered when a woman inhabited by Bessie shows up. (COMIC: Doctor Whoah! 435)

As the Doctor continued his search for baby Melody Pond, Amy and Rory recruited their two sassy friends, Symphony Stream and Harmony Lake, to help him. (COMIC: Doctor Whoah! 440)

While stuck in the alternate timeline created when River Song changed the fixed point in time that was the Doctor's death at Lake Silencio, (TV: The Wedding of River Song) the Doctor noticed a guard wearing two Eye Drives. When he quizzed him on it, the guard told him that he was "extremely forgetful". (COMIC: Doctor Whoah! 441)

The Doctor once prepared to face "every type of Dalek ever", which included the Blue Peter Dalek Cake and the 70s bubble-bath Dalek. (COMIC: Doctor Whoah! 447)

The Doctor is overprotective of his new hat. (COMIC: Doctor Whoah! 451)

When he and the Ponds went to the old west, (TV: A Town Called Mercy) the Doctor took extreme precautions to protect his new cowboy hat from potentially being destroyed by River, despite her not even being there. (COMIC: Doctor Whoah! 451)

When the Doctor met Kate Stewart for the first time during The Year of the Slow Invasion, (TV: The Power of Three) she questioned how the Doctor was able to tell that she was the Brigadier's daughter; he did not have the heart to tell her that she bore more than a passing resemblance to him, right down to the same moustache. (COMIC: Doctor Whoah! 453)

Later travels[[edit] | [edit source]]

On another Christmas, the Doctor helped Santa Claus do his yearly job by giving him a lift in the TARDIS. He dropped him off afterwards, saying "same time next year?" (COMIC: Doctor Whoah! 455)

Shortly after the Doctor began his travels with Clara Oswald, (TV: The Bells of Saint John, The Rings of Akhaten) he remembered that he still needed to rescue an imprisoned Amy and Rory, only to turn up to find them long dead and reduced to skeletons; he swiftly flew away in the TARDIS again before Clara could see. (COMIC: Doctor Whoah! 446)

Multi-Doctor shenanigans[[edit] | [edit source]]

He joined his ten numbered predecessors for a party. (COMIC: Doctor Whoah! 467)

The Doctors celebrate Christmas on Karn. (COMIC: Doctor Whoah! 468)

He later joined his tenth and war incarnations for a Christmas celebration on Karn, where he almost drank a goblet of what he thought was eggnog. (COMIC: Doctor Whoah! 468)

Alongside his tenth incarnation, he hosted an introduction to a cinema screening of the Doctor Who 50th anniversary special, The Day of the Doctor. (TV: Cinema Introduction to The Day of the Doctor)

He took part on an episode of Blind Date, alongside his seventh and ninth incarnations. (COMIC: Doctor Whoah! 470)

Undated events[[edit] | [edit source]]

The Doctor joined his ten numbered predecessors in giving a salute. (COMIC: Doctor Whoah! 433)