Game Grumps

From Tardis Wiki, the free Doctor Who reference
"Game Grumps" is a title based upon conjecture.

Check the behind the scenes section, the revision history and discussion page for additional comments on this article's title.

Game Grumps
An inhabitant on Gharusa Prime wearing a Game Grumps t-shirt. (COMIC: Doctormania)

In 3764, an inhabitant on Gharusa Prime was seen wearing a Game Grumps t-shirt. (COMIC: Doctormania)

Behind the scenes[[edit] | [edit source]]

Game Grumps is a video game "Let's Play" webseries hosted by Arin Hanson and Dan Avidan. Vitas Varnas is a frequent contributor to the show.[1] Ian McElhinney made a guest cameo in the 2016 episode "Barfing Purple Skulls".[2]

In 2013, the video game The Eternity Clock was featured on the show as part of their Steam Train series.[3]

There have been explicit references to Doctor Who within episodes of Game Grumps:

  • In the 2013 episode "The Right Path", Jon starts mimicking a Dalek saying "EXTERMINATE" and then both he and Arin talk about liking the Ninth and Tenth Doctors and the episode "The Girl in the Fireplace".[4]
  • In the 2013 episode "A Quest in Space", when Ross sees the time rift, he says that it makes him want to watch Doctor Who and asks Dan if he's seen it. Then when Roger Wilco is travelling through the time rift, the two start singing the Doctor Who theme.[5]
  • In the 2013 episode "Exploratory Inventory", when Professor Lloyd's hologram mentions the computer having unravelled the mysteries of time travel, Ross whispers "They have a TARDIS." with Dan asking "I don't know what a TARDIS is, is that a Doctor Who thing?", which Ross then chastises him for.[6]
  • In the 2013 episode "Full Moon", when Danny comments how long he'd been playing Magic: The Gathering for, Ross says that he must be a Time Lord followed by going into how much he loves Doctor Who and talking about the show.[7]
  • In the 2013 episode "Global Dragoning", when they open up the Elder Scroll and view into the rift in time, Ross begins singing the Doctor Who theme.[8]
  • In the 2014 episode "Triple Grapple", Ross mentions that the nerdiest thing he does when Holly's not home is playing either the USS Enterprise or TARDIS engine noises whilst he's asleep.[9]
  • In the 2014 episode "Jump Scare City", after running down stairs whilst being chased by a ghost, Ross states that ghosts can't use stairs just like Daleks.[10]
  • In the 2014 episode "Innuendo", when they acquire the Sonic Spanner, Ross explains that it's a reference to Doctor Who, to which Arin replies "More like Doctor Poo".[11]
  • In the 2015 episode "Use the Force!", Ross talks about the fake trailer for the 50th Anniversary Special and how at first people believed it to be real.[12]
  • In the 2015 episode "Crack a Fat", Ross mentions that the character Brigadier Bazooka looks similar to a character in Doctor Who, alluding to Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart.[13]
  • In the 2015 episode "Trial and Error", Dan talks about a made up character named Doctor Hu, a Chinese doctor who's constantly made fun of in regards to his name and asked where his TARDIS is, which then replies aggressively "I'M NOT THAT DOCTOR WHO!".[14]
  • Their 2015 let's play of the game Xmas Carnage features a Snowman from the titular TV story as the thumbnail series artwork.[15][16]
  • In the 2016 episode "Oxenfree", Brian and Ross comment on the cupboard in the caves looking like a TARDIS if the chameleon circuit had been malfunctioning. Brian then asks Ross if he'd seen the 2015 Christmas special and Ross comments how he liked how they wrapped up River Song's storyline.[17]
  • In the 2016 episode "Space Livin'", Brian jokingly states that Doctor Hume was the inventor of "Doctor Hue, the famous British show."[18]
  • In the 2019 episode "Yume Nikki: Dream Diary", when encountering the dead branches Arin mentions that "these all tickle your butt-hole [sic] if you don't look at them, if you don't pay attention to them, they're like, it's like Doctor Who", a reference to the Weeping Angels.[19]
  • In the 2020 episode "Partyin' with Arin and Dan!", when the character Ashley describes the waxing machine she claims to have she says that it looks like "one of those evil robots from Dr. Who". Arin questions whether she does watch the show, which Dan replies claiming that he doesn't watch it, with Arin retorting that she's "a big Moffat fan."[20]
  • In the 2021 episode "Encountering the CREAM BEAST", when encountering the enemy K-9, Arin wonders if that's mean't to be a "Doctor Who joke", alluding to the character K9.[21]

External links[[edit] | [edit source]]

Footnotes[[edit] | [edit source]]