Exodus of the Silurian (episode)

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Exodus of the Silurian was the sixth event in the Lost in Time video game made by Eastside Games. It featured the Tenth Doctor and Martha Jones.

Synopsis[[edit] | [edit source]]

A colony of Silurians have left Earth in the far future, using a refitted ship obtained from a wreckage to transport their people across the stars. A malfunction of its engine puts the whole crew in danger so the Tenth Doctor and Martha will arrive to help.

Plot[[edit] | [edit source]]

Aboard a Minyan Ship, the Silurian Eldane asks his fellow crew members Commander Jenstra and Science Officer Reysa for status report. Jenstra reports that she just lost another soldier to strange lights. Reysa says he's still running diagnostics but that it might involve the engines. Eldane asks for worst case scenario, but Reysa says he does not know but they should check them out. Jenstra blames lousy human technology. Reysa says it isn’t and that the ship was salvaged by them, with his help. Jenstra says she doesn’t care, and that she only cares about solving the issue. Eldane reminds them that they chose the journey and need to live with their choices, adding that they need to fix the issue for the future of their race.

(the above paragraph documents a later addition to the storyline which wasn’t present in the originally released story)

Eldane is getting worried about the continued failures of the ship and begs the question if there is anything they can do to get early warnings for the incidents. Reysa suggests they could install some kind of alarm or another form of warning. The TARDIS arrives at the scene. Out steps the Tenth Doctor and Martha Jones. Martha complains that it doesn’t look like ancient Greece. The Doctor concurs and claims the TARDIS confused Minoan with Minyan. Martha claims this is a stretch. The Doctor gets defensive telling her to not blame him before seeing that Silurians are aboard the ship, wondering what they’re doing there. Eldane overheard Martha say "Doctor" and asks him if he is "the Doctor".

Eldane asks to confirm that he is the same man with another face. Then he tells Jenstra that the Doctor saved them many years ago, before her time. Jenstra is less impressed, saying they don’t need any more help from mammals. The Doctor then says that they might need him more than she thinks. Martha asks what’s happening, to which the Doctor replies that he feels a rupture in time, that something is not right. Eldane says that he thinks the engine might be the problem. The Doctor asks if anyone can guide him there, and Eldane orders Jenstra to take her there. The Doctor tells Martha to stay where she is as he doesn’t know the level of danger.

Reysa asks Martha if she’s a companion of "this 'Doctor'", asking if he’s a physician. She replies that she doesn’t know, but says that she’s a medical doctor. Reysa finds it interesting to meet "a mammal… human doctor", he corrects himself. Martha then asks Reysa between doctors what’s happening at the ship, to which he replies that they woke up from hibernation to check the state of the ship and that three of them vanished and were swallowed by strange fissures. Martha asks if the issue is the engine, and Reysa concurs. Martha then says that she is sure the Doctor can help them, which Reysa hopes.

As the Doctor and Jenstra enters the engine room, Jenstra note that the engines have been acting up since they awakened. The Doctor responds that he noticed as soon as he arrived. Jenstra is confused by this, so the Doctor explains that his people can smell when time is wrong. When Jenstra asks him if he can fix it, the Doctor says he is not sure, then notices it’s very bad, saying that the engine is failing again and that the ship has very advanced technology, rudimentary time travel technology that someone has tampered with, telling her to brace herself.

Back in the main room, Eldane is worried as the Doctor and Jenstra seem to have vanished. Reysa says that this saves him the trouble. Eldane is confused, and Reysa elaborates that he thought he would have to deal with Jenstra himself, but she was eliminated along with a mammal as a bonus. Martha says she doesn’t understand why Reysa is doing this. Reysa explains that the Silurians were forced into exile by her kin and he was forced to help rebuild what he deems a floating prison. Eldane complains that they all voted for this, choosing to travel the stars. But Reysa retorts that the traitors chose this and that they will burn for it.

Reysa explains how he sabotaged the engine and he’s the only one who knows how to fix it. Having come back and heard the confession, the Doctor asks him if he is sure about that. Martha is glad to see him again. The Doctor tells him that Minyan Ships use rudimentary Time Lord technology, explaining that he has fixed it and made sure it can’t be ruined again. Jenstra now wants a word with Reysa. Desperate, Reysa takes Martha hostage and begs to differ, threatening the Doctor to help him or he will kill Martha. The Doctor tries to reason with Reysa, but Reysa doesn’t care about words and only seek action.

The Doctor tells Reysa that he himself once thought like that but that he made a mistake, but Reysa commands him to be silent. The Doctor continues that he killed his entire race guided by desperation, but Reysa tells the Doctor shut up and that Martha will die if he continues. Martha then tells him that he should listen to the Doctor and not do something he will regret and to not let his revenge hurt his own people. Reysa attempts to make a comeback, but is speechless. Eldane then explains to him that their ancestors died because of humans, but they saved the rest of the race. Jenstra says that even if she doesn’t like them, she can understand this and urges Reysa to follow that line of thinking. Reysa says he wasn’t aware of this.

Reysa pleads for them to kill him, as he admits to having committed a horrible sin. Jenstra tells him that they won’t as they can forgive their own as they have forgiven the humans. Eldane chimes in in agreement, saying they’ve all learned from their mistakes. The Doctor tells him that there’s always time to redeem oneself, that he can change. Martha tells him that not all humans are like the ones who hurt his people and hopes Reysa will understand that in the future. Reysa admits to being blinded by hate. Jenstra tells him as punishment he will remain in hibernation until they reach their destination. Eldane thanks the Doctor, hoping the engines are fixed. The Doctor tells him there’s no need to think him and it was all in a day‘s work.

At the UNIT Moonbase, a couple of Cybermen are discussing, the first Cyberman reporting that the intruders have vanished, to which the second Cyberman says that the reptilian altered the trajectory of the wrist-gun with her tongue. The first Cyberman says that the human-looking one hacked its gun with a sonic device. The second Cyberman concludes that this must be the Doctor, and the Cyber command will not be pleased with their performance. The first Cyberman tells it to inform them of their encounter with the Doctor, and the second Cyberman says it will send them the information to update the Doctor’s file in their database. The first Cyberman tells it to remove the other organic lifeform from the report as it is pointless. The second Cyberman agrees that it is.

Having found their way to Greece, Martha expresses hope that Reysa can find redemption. The Doctor replies that he really hopes this too. Martha asks if the Doctor is alright, to which he replies that a trip to a new stunning location should fix it. Martha asks if she can pick, and the Doctor lets her do so. Martha tells him she wants to see their planet and says she wants to see them thriving, saying that he could use it too. The Doctor gets ready to take off again.

Characters[[edit] | [edit source]]

Event Tips[[edit] | [edit source]]

Jenstra automates ALL Waypoints. Upgrade the Tenth Doctor as it's one of the only ways to get more Cards for Jenstra. Upgrade Resya to get more Silurian Warrior Masks! You can get more Cards for the Tenth Doctor and Resya from store Kerblams!

Continuity[[edit] | [edit source]]