Fix-it-All (episode)

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Fix-it-All was the sixteenth event in the Lost in Time video game made by Eastside Games. It featured the Eleventh Doctor and Amy Pond.

Synopsis[[edit] | [edit source]]

Always get a certified technician when you need to fix your devices.

Plot[[edit] | [edit source]]

The TARDIS lands on UNIT Moonbase, with the Eleventh Doctor and Amy Pond stepping out, bickering. The Doctor exclaims it wasn’t his fault, then admits that it maybe was. Amy retorts that his sonic screwdriver made the light bulb explode, likening his reaction to a small dog. The Doctor, offended, tells Amy it might have been her husband, asking where he is. Amy tells him Rory was stuck at home with a cold. The Doctor then tries to divert the conversation to blaming Amy for joining the Doctor instead of staying with Rory. Amy replies that the Doctor said it was important and that Brian is taking care of him. The Doctor then says they gotta find out if the Moonbase has the equipment he needs. Amy asks if the UNIT staff won’t get mad if he takes their stuff.

Amy asks why they aren’t getting the job done in the TARDIS, to which the Doctor says that she was acting a bit temperamental today and didn’t want to interface with the sonic, so he needed the base. Amy asks if he has any idea what’s wrong with the screwdriver, to which he says no as it hasn’t done it before. Amy suggests he needs a new one, telling that Rory got a new mobile the other day. The Doctor says there aren’t other models and that he just needs to run some scans, and it’ll take 10 minutes tops. Amy shrugs, pondering a call to check on Rory. The computer starts interfacing.

The computer detects foreign software, initializing scan and translation. Amy asks if they should worry about it being foreign, but the Doctor tells her that it is only obvious that the sonic is foreign. The computer alerts to a detection of infection and aborts the translation. Amy taunts the Doctor, who says it must be a mistake, trying to remove the sonic, but it is stuck. The computer alerts that security has been compromised and the transmat access altered. Amy asks what that is and the Doctor tells her that it means they’re gonna have some guests. At the same time they hear a "fwoosh!".

The Daleks have appeared and ready to exterminate. The Doctor is confused as to how they managed to infect his sonic screwdriver, which Amy says is a question for another time. The Daleks sees the Doctor and prepares. The Doctor tells Amy they should run, and a plan will come to him sooner or later. The Daleks exclaim they must capture the Doctor, which disappoints the him, making him think his value is down. Another "fwooosh!" can be heard, and asks if that wasn’t the same noise the Daleks made. Kate Stewart appears, telling the system to active defense protocol Reginald.

Kate tells the Daleks to get off the station. There is a loud explosion which involved sonic disruptors, disintegrators and Dalek energy cannons, impressing the Doctor. Kate tells him that UNIT had scavenged it from their many attempted invasions of Earth. The Doctor then tells her he was about to solve it, then being chastised by Amy for it, who thanks Kate. Kate tells them they can do a favour in exchange. The Doctor asks what he can do, except for a desk job as he hate desks and jobs. Kate asks him what he is doing on the base and then tell her how the Daleks got through the Moonbase's defenses.

Kate chastises the Doctor for neglecting to check the antivirus program. The Doctor tells her that as the Doctor, this rarely happens to him. Amy interrupts him, saying it always happens to him and that she should have stayed with Rory. The Doctor says he thinks they can’t go anywhere right now. Kate adds that the only exit is through the transmat portal after defense protocols are re-activated. The Doctor has the coordinates set to the destination the Daleks came from, and says they need to see where that is and why they want to capture him. He says he can connect to the Daleks' database thanks to the sonic overload. A "fwooosh!" is heard on Skaro, the Doctor and Amy appear. The Doctor tells Amy to follow his lead. Davros greets them, saying he is glad the Doctor could join them again. The Doctor mockingly asks if this is the third or fourth Skaro, as he has lost count. Davros tells the Doctor not to be a sore loser and accept his capture. A Dalek wants to exterminate the Doctor, but Davros says there is no need and that it has fulfilled its mission. The Doctor asks Davros what he wants this time, and if it involves conquering the universe again. Davros replies that it will happen ultimately but that today the Doctor is his guest and main attraction, that his sacrifice will be "the centerpiece of the celebrations of New Skaro.

The Doctor tells Davros he has something to say. Davros asks if those are final words, to which the Doctor says he just has two: "Amy, run!". Amy tells the Doctor not to take a long time. Davros yells for the Daleks to capture her. The Doctor tells him that the Daleks are just empty shells of Nitro 9. Davros, confused, asks him how he managed to destroy the Daleks' defenses so quickly, which the Doctor says is due to the sonic overcharge and without it he wouldn’t have been able to do it, and that Davros' transmat gate to Earth is going down. Davros screams curses at the Doctor.

Back at the Moonbase, a "fwooosh!" is heard, transmat closed. Amy tells Kate to wait as the Doctor isn’t back yet. Kate says the Doctor told her, before they left, to close it and sever the connection. Amy keeps protesting. The TARDIS materialises in the base and out steps the Doctor. Amy is confused. The Doctor tells her he was clever as he made a mental note of his previous encounters with Davros. Kate, now equally confused, asks him about that. The Doctor then says he used it to calculate a delayed TARDIS dematerialization. He then tells them that their transmat facility is in ruins and the threat is over.

On Skaro Davros curses at the sky that he will be the victor next time. He ponders that perhaps he should work on perfecting his Daleks once again and that he has so many choices and so little time. He ponders about "time", then figures that that must be the answer and he just have to wait until the Doctor lowers his guard. Then he will truly begin the ascension of his creations.

Back at the Moonbase, Petronella Osgood is disappointed with Kate that she met the Doctor without her again. Kate excuses herself that she was just checking an emergency alert and tells her he stopped a Dalek invasion that was his own fault. Osgood asks her if she recorded it, which Kate tells her the Moonbase cameras must have. Osgood says she wants to use some vacation time, but Kate tells her she can’t take the footage to her house. As Osgood protests, Kate tells her she can watch it after work. Osgood agrees.

Characters[[edit] | [edit source]]

Event Tips[[edit] | [edit source]]

Speed bonuses are helpful early on, but Payout bonuses are stronger! Keep an eye out for trades that will let you exchange Common Characters for Rare ones!

Continuity[[edit] | [edit source]]

To be added