Planned Obsolescence (episode)

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Planned Obsolescence was the eleventh event in the Lost in Time video game made by Eastside Games. It featured the Seventh Doctor and Young Ace.

Synopsis[[edit] | [edit source]]

The Doctor is tracking down a series of malfunctioning Vortex Manipulators

Plot[[edit] | [edit source]]

In a vortex Manipulator factory somewhere in the 52nd century, a Gold Dalek orders the activation of the Time Vortex Magnetron to maximum setting. A Grey Dalek responds that whoever uses the time devices will be drawn to them. The Gold Dalek orders them to be exterminated and their devices confiscated and then use them to make humanity exterminate themselves. He says that the Cold War had Flashpoints the Daleks can use. Another Grey Dalek says that 1962 and 1983 have optimal conditions to provoke a thermonuclear war.

One of the Grey Daleks discover River Song and claims her prisoner of the Daleks. River is disappointed that she hasn’t arrived at the lost city of Atlantis. The Daleks says that her Vortex Manipulator is not functioning because they have locked on to its frequency. River retorically asks if she was to alter the frequency, she can leave. The Dalek exclaims it impossible to alter operating frequencies. River retorts that she has a sonic device to override that. The Dalek, surprised, exclaims that she is an ally of the Doctor, to which River says she isn’t yet and those are spoilers. The Dalek cries out that River has escaped and that it has failed.

Lady Christina suddenly appears, having been in the middle of contacting a buyer, discovering that she isn’t at the Royal Museum any longer. Two Grey Daleks exclaims that she is a prisoner of the Daleks and orders her not to move. The Gold Dalek orders them to conficate her Vortex Manipulator and take her to the detention area for interrogation. The Grey Daleks obey and order Christina to move. Christina, annoyed, tells it to not get its skirt in a knot. The Gold Dalek says that the Vortex Manipulator has scrambled and is useless. The first Grey Dalek ask if it could be a security feature. The Gold Dalek orders work on the Time Vortex Magnetron to continue.

Jenny, the Doctor's daughter, appears, greeting the Daleks. The Gold Dalek notices that she is not human, but a Time Lord. Jenny asks it if it knows her dad and if he is there as he and the Daleks are never far apart. The second Grey Dalek reports that her Vortex Manipulator is also non-functional. The Gold Dalek orders it to take her to the detention area as well, saying that every Vortex Manipulator they have captured is useless to them. The Grey Dalek responds that they are defective and are only good for two uses. The Gold Dalek orders power increased as they must find the source. The Grey Dalek responds that this may accelerate the temporal zone collapse. The Gold Dalek says that they must escape this temporaral zone and orders the Daleks to continue.

In Atlantis, the Seventh Doctor and Ace find a scrambled vortex manipulator. The Doctor deducts that the thief has not escaped through time. Ace is amazed by its ability and compares it to the TARDIS. The Doctor repeats that it doesn’t travel anymore and remarks that it is nothing like the TARDIS. Ace asks him what they’re gonna do with it. The Doctor says that opening it up should set it to Recall Mode. Ace asks if they’re going to the complaints department. Landing on Thoros Beta, the Doctor deducts that such a defective product can only be made by defective minds. Sil notices the Doctor and asks him why he is present. Ace then asks the Doctor who "that worm thing" is. Sil concurs that the Doctor should introduce him to his companion.

The Doctor tells Sil that even though the technology is shoddy, it is beyond him and asks him where he got them, or rather who he stole them from. Sil is offended by the accusation, saying that he bought them with a reasonable margin for profit, but beyond that has no idea of their origin nor takes responsibility for their use. The Doctor clocks that he stole them from the Time Agency and didn’t bother to check, then tells him that they are designed for suicide missions or long-term assignments for Time Agents. Ace remarks that the Doctor's mobile is ringing. The Doctor answers it, the caller calling him "Sweetie" and telling him of the situation. Ace asks him what it was about. The Doctor tells her that it was about Daleks and says to bring her bat and a fresh batch of Nitro-9.

The Doctor chastises Sil for being responsible for the situation and asks him what he will do to make amends, suggesting to call the Time Lords and have them erase him from existence. Sil replies that he don’t want Time Lords on the planet, as it is bad for business, offering the Doctor all the vortex manipulators, saying he’ll just declare them lost and claim the expenses. Ace comments on what a disgusting creature he is. The Doctor remarks that if she think that’s bad, she should see them eating, then starts to daisy chain the vortex manipulators together. Ace asks what the beeping noise means, which the Doctor says means there’s a strong attractor operating in the space time vortex. They lock onto a signal and tells Ace to follow along.

At the factory, Ace and the Doctor arrives, Ace warns the Doctor about the Daleks. The Doctor tells Ace to put the bat away, as there are too many Daleks. The Grey Daleks tell them they are prisoners of the Daleks and order them not to move, asking who they are. The Doctor tells them that they’re nobody important, just travellers in the fourth dimension. The Daleks order them to remain and not move. The Doctor tells them that they won’t move a muscle. The Grey Daleks tells the Gold Dalek that he is not the Doctor as the human called him "Professor", but that they will verify with a mind scan at maximum setting. The Gold Daleks has an alternative, telling them to bring the other prisoners, saying that if he is the Doctor he will try to save them.

The Daleks confirm that he is the Doctor and threaten to exterminate the prisoners. Jenny objects that this isn’t her dad since he was taller. Lady Christine concurs that this isn’t the Doctor she knew. The Doctor says that it’s a simple case of mistaken archenemy, suddenly hearing that the Daleks have more people coming in. The Grey Daleks alert that they are under attack and humans have surrounded them. The Gold Dalek order all the forces to defend the command centre. The Daleks disappear as a wave overcomes the place. Jenny asks what happened because she felt time travelling away from her. Lady Christina asks the Doctor what he did. The Doctor says he set up a feedback loop in the vortex manipulators and that it expedited the demise of the doomed reality.

In the 22nd century, Ace now asks the Doctor where they are, to which the Doctor replies that they’re in a mine in North Wales where the Dalek operation will never have been. Jenny asks if that wave she felt was history restoring itself. The Doctor replies that this was exactly what the Daleks were trying to prevent. Jenny asks whether the man is his dad. The Doctor says that so many things haven’t happened yet that he cannot keep track, telling her that she’ll meet him again just not as him. Jenny sort of understands. The Doctor then hands her a working vortex manipulator, warning her to beware Mentors offering discounts.

Lady Christina asks where all the time guerillas are that the Daleks panicked about. The Doctor tells her that they never were. Ace says that she stashed Nitro-9 in the past, around where the factory would be. The Doctor continues that they had remote detonators and perception filters, as he needed all Daleks in one place. Lady Christina asks if they’re in the 22nd century. The Doctor confirms, saying that the deficiencies at least are human-made, but that he will return her back to the 21st century, and asks her if she’ll stay out of trouble. Lady Christina tells him to not count on it, which Ace applauds. The Doctor tells her that’s the spirit and tells her to come with them to the TARDIS, as that’s a much more civilised way of travel.

Characters[[edit] | [edit source]]

Event Tips[[edit] | [edit source]]

UNIT Moonbase gives Mars Cards, Snowcap Base gives Victorian London Cards, and UNIT Lab gives Pandorica Cards!

Continuity[[edit] | [edit source]]

to be added