Purity of the Daleks (episode)

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Purity of the Daleks was the fourth event in the Lost in Time video game made by Eastside Games. It featured the Twelfth Doctor and Bill Potts.

Synopsis[[edit] | [edit source]]

Skaro materializes over Earth as the Dalek Empire is on a cleansing crusade, attempting to destroy every divergent Dalek from the Universe as a way to avoid any imperfect Daleks ruining their plans. The Twelfth Doctor and Bill Potts will face this peril.

Plot[[edit] | [edit source]]

At UNIT HQ, Kate Stewart considers dismantling the UNIT Lab. Petronella Osgood objects, saying that the place is a historic site and they can’t just ignore that. Kate says she’s aware but that they don't have the budget to maintain it. Osgood suggests donating her own wages, but Kate says that she doesn't think UNIT pays her enough to make a difference. Osgood says that this is the Doctor's lab and they can't just destroy it. Kate says that if the Doctor can fix their budget shortfall, she'll gladly save the place. She is interrupted by an officer who has a situation that requires her attention, which she asks what is about. The officer says that a new planet has appeared in the sky close to Earth. She says to call the Doctor.

(the above paragraph documents a later addition to the storyline which wasn’t present in the originally released story)

A television broadcaster reports of panicking in the streets as a new planet appears in the sky above London. Kate sarcastically quibs to Osgood that containment might be an impossibility. At the same time the TARDIS materializes. An annoyed Twelfth Doctor asks what could be so important that he has to be dragged down to Earth, to which Kate replies that there’s an unidentified planet in the sky. The Doctor sarcastically answers that there are many planets in the sky and she’d be surprised just how many are visible. Irritated, Kate replies that that is not what she meant and she was talking about… but the TV interrupts her as the broadcaster continues that the massive red planet looms over theirs and scientists are baffled. The Doctor says that if UNIT has an alarm, now would be the time to turn it on as that planet above is Skaro, the Dalek homeworld.

On Skaro, one Dalek is reporting to a second Dalek that molecular reconstitution has been achieved, and the other Dalek commands it to initiate the scanners and scan. A third Dalek comes in and says to find the impure and exterminate them. The second Dalek exclaims that they will cleanse their race from the stain of impurity, and the first Dalek continues that they will return to their origin. The second Dalek says that they will be pure. The first Dalek scans the planet across the Time-Space Continuum, but the second Dalek reports that sensors are draining their teleportation technology. The third Dalek commands to ignore the drain and focus all energy into the scanners and tells them to scan.

The Doctor takes Kate and Osgood to the UNIT Moonbase and Kate thanks him as they have better instruments up there. Osgood says that the instruments are now online and scanning the planet. Bill Potts says she can't believe she's standing on the moon. The Doctor corrects her that she's standing under the moon and ask for readings. Osgood says the planet used some kind of molecular disassembler to transport. The Doctor says that’s very nasty as it does horrors to molecular cohesion and deducts the Daleks must be on a warpath. Kate asks if they wouldn’t have attacked already if this was the case. Osgood says they're scanning for energy signatures across time, but mostly in London. The Doctor asks what kind of energy sources, and Osgood says that her best guess would be anything beyond Earth's technology.

A Dalek calls over radio for the humans on Natural Satellite Base and commands a response. Kate tells Osgood to open the channel. The Dalek says they come in peace, which the Doctor says is a new one. The Dalek continues that their mission is to find impure Daleks and exterminate them. Kate responds that the Daleks have no right to invade their airspace or send any soldiers to their planet. The Dalek retorts that they don’t need rights and will do what Daleks must.

Kate says that as always, the Daleks have the subtlety of a hammer. The Doctor jokes that they should then use a scalpel, then says that they're looking all over the world for impure Daleks, even through history, and questions what single factor all these impure Daleks might have in common. Bill suggests him. Kate says the idea is brilliant and tells Osgood to piggyback on the Daleks' scans and isolate signals of Daleks containing the Doctor's Artron signature. Osgood says they have a ping on Victorian London. The Doctor says that this is where they will go and orders Bill with him.

In Victorian London, Rusty attempts to calm Madame Vastra and Jenny Flint, assuring them he only wishes to kill Daleks, but Vastra tells him that he can’t trick them as they know of the Daleks. Rusty exclaims that nobody will stop him in his endeavour to kill Daleks. But the Doctor calls from afar to cease any killing. Vastra is shocked to find the Doctor has arrived, along with Bill Potts, and ask him what he’s doing there. The Doctor replies that he is stopping them from killing something as rare as an honest politician. Confused, Vastra asks whether he’s referring to the Dalek. The Doctor tells them that Rusty is as good as a Dalek can be asked to be. Rusty says that he hates all Daleks and they must be exterminated. Vastra gets what the Doctor means.

The Doctor demands Rusty, now that he got Vastra and Jenny off his casing, to speak and tell him why he is in Victorian London. Rusty tells the Doctor that he is on a mission to end his fellow Daleks. The Doctor asks him if it has to be specifically there. Rusty tells him that it was a miscalculation and he was failed by a faulty Vortex Time Manipulator. The Doctor ask him where he had planned to go to which Rusty answers he was planning on New York City in 1930, which tells the Doctor that he was looking for the Cult of Skaro. Bill asks who that is, to which the Doctor replies that they are special Daleks with creativity and are smarter than the average ones. Rusty tells them that he requires their Human-Dalek Hybridization technology.

The Doctor tells Rusty to leave, however much he wants to know Rusty’s plan. Rusty says that he will not leave as all Daleks "must be exter…", but the Doctor interrupts him, knowing Rusty was about to say "exterminated" and warns him that all those Daleks are now coming for Rusty. Rusty replies that he is aware that he is being chased and that he expected it and says that he will exterminate them all. The Doctor worries about the people of Earth, to which Rusty says that humanity will serve as fuel for his mission. Bill warns the Doctor that the planet has appeared in the sky, and Rusty exclaims that the Daleks must be exterminated. The Doctor concludes he must be planning to use the Daleks' time travel technology to jump to the 30s.

On Skaro, Rusty claims all Daleks will be exterminated. The first Dalek declares that a target has been detected, to which Rusty responds that it will be the last thing it detects. The second Dalek commands Rusty to obey or perish to their purity, to which Rusty retorts that when he is finished none of them will be pure. The first Dalek commands extermination of the impure, at which point the TARDIS materializes.

The Doctor orders everyone to stop and says nobody will wage a war while he’s on the planet. Rusty exclaims that there will be no war, only total extermination. The first Dalek exclaims that there will be no war, only total purification. The Doctor questions the Daleks that, since they fear impurity, about how they would feel about sharing Rusty’s impurity, saying that they have been using cheap and nasty technology to transport their planet and their molecules are a mess. The second Dalek declares it insignificant. The Doctor then says that this is very significant and that he can see the cracks with his sonic sunglasses, and that he can widen just like Rusty has, and that these cracks affect their programming. The first Dalek exclaims that this is impossible, and the Doctor threatens them to try him.

The Daleks call for evacuation. Rusty tells the Doctor that he won't stop him. The Doctor says that he does not plan to but won't accept collateral damage. Rusty calls it acceptable sacrifices. The Doctor says that there is no such thing if one fights for life in the Universe. Rusty says he does not understand, but that he does not wish to face the Doctor yet, and says that next time they meet, the Doctor will die. Bill asks what they do now. The Doctor says they now ponder about the morality of a different kind of Dalek and what that means for the Universe.

Characters[[edit] | [edit source]]

Event Tips[[edit] | [edit source]]

Watch for Vortex Energy bonuses from Kerblams to unlock new Waypoints quickly!

Cards have different maximum Levels, and fully upgrading a Card grants big bonuses! Trades appear frequently and will help you get Cards that you need!

Continuity[[edit] | [edit source]]

to be added