Rowbarton Estate

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The Rowbarton Estate (PROSE: Night Terrors) being visited by the Doctor, Amy, and Rory. (TV: Night Terrors)

The Rowbarton Estate (PROSE: Night Terrors) was a council estate in England. Its landlord was Jim Purcell. (TV: Night Terrors)

Tenants[[edit] | edit source]

The estate was home to Alex and Claire Thompson, and their son, George Thompson. (PROSE: My Special Book) Other residents included: Elsie Rossiter; Julie and her twin daughters, a traffic warden from Croatia; a man with ten cats; three old ladies; and the landlord, Jim Purcell. (TV: Night Terrors)

History[[edit] | edit source]

The Thompsons lived in their flat in the estate since George was little, as he had memories of going in the lift since when he was aroun five. By the time George was seven and a quarter, he had developed phobias of things in the estate, such as the noise of the lift and Mrs Rossiter. He wrote about these fears in his special book. (PROSE: My Special Book) When George was eight, he misinterpreted his parents dicussing him getting help with his phobias as rejectment, sending a psychic messgae to the Eleventh Doctor's psychic paper, and George began to send things, such as Mrs Rossiter and Jim Purcell, that scared him into his dolls house, where they were hunted by peg dolls, and transformed into additional dolls after capture. After the Eleventh Doctor and Alex got George to confront his fears, the people that had transformed were reverted to normal. (TV: Night Terrors)

Behind the scenes[[edit] | edit source]

The Rowbarton Estate was not named in TV: Night Terrors, only in its prose adaptation. The scenes for the Rowbarton Estate were filmed in Waring House, Bristol.[1] In Doctor Who: The Encyclopedia, the estate is referred to as the "Rowbarton House" and "Rowbarton housing estate" interchangably. The book also clarifies that Alex and Claire had been living in the estate from at least 2003.

Footnotes[[edit] | edit source]