Shadow Dimensions

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The Shadow Dimensions (TV: The Curse of Fenric [+]Loading...["The Curse of Fenric (TV story)"], etc.) was a bleak grey void with shifting patterns which formed the surrounding. According to the Mandarin, the dimension was an "unimaginative" non-world, a "dimension of shadows and half-lives". (PROSE: Games [+]Loading...{"page":"22","1":"Games (short story)"}) Torchwood's Captain Jack Harkness also described the dimension as being devoid of anything but the sorrow and guilt of the lost and the breeding ground of creatures that drain emotional energy. (AUDIO: The Sin Eaters [+]Loading...["The Sin Eaters (audio story)"])

While "the Entity" considered the dimension to be his domain, the Mandarin contrarily felt it was rather his prison. (PROSE: Games [+]Loading...{"page":"22","1":"Games (short story)"})

History[[edit] | edit source]

This section's awfully stubby.

Information from AUDIO: The Sin Eaters and Fenric's escape from the Shadow Dimensions in TV: The Curse of Fenric should be added.

The Doctor banished Fenric to the Shadows Dimensions in a flask during their battle in the 3rd century at the conclusion of a chess game. (TV: The Curse of Fenric [+]Loading...["The Curse of Fenric (TV story)"]) According to the ancient Arabian legend of their encounter, the flask contained the "Seven Shadows". Like Fenric himself, the Shadows were a remnant of "the time before Time". (PROSE: The Curse of Fenric [+]Loading...["The Curse of Fenric (novelisation)"])

The Mandarin was unimpeded in reaching the location, having wanted to challenge "the Entity" before his banishment. There, the Mandarin and the Entity played a game of four dimensional chess, eventually reaching a stalemate. The Mandarin thanked the Entity for teaching him that concept, fading away as he left; the words spoken by the Mandarin remained with the Entity long after he left. (PROSE: Games [+]Loading...{"page":"22","1":"Games (short story)"})

Undated events[[edit] | edit source]

The Demon described his home as being "a tiny backwater in a shadow dimension... bearing practically no resemblance to this physical universe." (AUDIO: Sepulchre [+]Loading...["Sepulchre (audio story)"])