The War King's Homeworld

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From 6 years before the War broke out, until the Judgement of Sutekh, the War King ruled a version of the Homeworld thought to be the original.

History[[edit] | [edit source]]

Origins[[edit] | [edit source]]

The Book of the War stated that it "assume[ed] that the Homeworld generally percieved to be the original, was in fact the original", whilst admiting this was "by no means certain" (PROSE: The Book of the War [+]Loading...{"namepart":"The Nine Homeworlds","1":"The Book of the War (novel)"})

However, numerous other accounts held seemingly distinct Gallifreys to be the original. (PROSE: The Ancestor Cell [+]Loading...["The Ancestor Cell (novel)"], Doctor Who and the Time War [+]Loading...["Doctor Who and the Time War (short story)"], etc.) Most notably, Romana III's Gallifrey occupied Gallifrey's original coordinates, (PROSE: The Ancestor Cell) although The Book of the War justified this by suggesting that the "original Homeworld could have been moved" as a means of deception against the Enemy.

The Book of the War also speculated that any of the eight cloneworlds could easily believe themselves to be the original, offering an explanation as to why multiple Gallifreys claimed to be so. (PROSE: "The Nine Homeworlds" [+]Part of The Book of the War, Loading...{"namedpart":"The Nine Homeworlds","1":"The Book of the War (novel)"})

Lead-up to the War[[edit] | [edit source]]

After Lady President Romana III (PROSE: The Shadows of Avalon) seemed to mysteriously disappear from this Homeworld, possibly because she was now leading another cloneworld (or because she had stayed on that Homeworld all along and had never actually ruled this one), the new 412th President, 95 years before the War, supported the interventionists' idea that the War was an impossibility, as any possible enemy could just be neutralised with ease. (PROSE: "Modern Time: The Paradox Era" [+]Part of Crimes Against History (second edition), Loading...{"namedpart":"Modern Time: The Paradox Era","name":"CAH","var":"second edition","1":"Crimes Against History (short story)"}) Because of this, 76 years before the War, the renegade who would later become the War King forced his way into the President's office to warn him of the Enemy and future War. However, the President re-affirmed his denial of any possibility of a threatening enemy, even when the rest of the ruling Houses were convinced.

Thirty-five years before the War, the renegade returned yet again and was immediately arrested. During his trial the President declared the Faraway Declaration, intending to set up a colony on the planet Faraway, allegedly "the homeworld of the Enemy", to disprove of their existence, and left Umbaste as a "temporary President". (PROSE: "The Faraway Declaration" [+]Part of The Book of the War, Loading...{"namedpart":"The Faraway Declaration","1":"The Book of the War (novel)"}) However, this President was instead returned to the Homeworld later than planned, and as the First Message from the Enemy, leading to Umbaste staying president.

Later, Umbaste's biodata and mind were utterly destroyed when he opened them up to the caldera, continually repeating the word "One". Following the sudden lack of leadership, the to-be War King willingly accepted all of the duties of the presidency, but refused to use the title "President", instead inventing the term "War King", claiming "the new War Era wil need a new kind of leadership". It was around this time that the Great Houses' timeline became intertwined with posthumanity, which some speculated was due to the Enemy making alliances there. Similarily, the Houses began the controversial decision to make alliances with time-active lesser species. (PROSE: The Book of the War)

Led by the War King in the War[[edit] | [edit source]]

Main article: The War King#As War King

Near the begining of the War, some kind of deal was founded between Compassion and the War King, creating the 103-forms, (PROSE: The Book of the War) starting with Antipathy. (PROSE: Of the City of the Saved...)

During the fiftieth year of the War in Heaven, (AUDIO: The Eleven Day Empire [+]Loading...["The Eleven Day Empire (audio story)"]) the War King, as his "last act as sitting ruler of the Homeworld", reinstated Faction Paradox as a rightful Great House. (PROSE: The War King [+]Loading...["The War King (feature)"])

Led by Lilith[[edit] | [edit source]]

Main article: Lolita#Ascendancy and demise

After consuming the Eleven-Day Empire (AUDIO: The Eleven Day Empire [+]Loading...["The Eleven Day Empire (audio story)"], The Shadow Play [+]Loading...["The Shadow Play (audio story)"]) under the "alias" Lolita, Lilith returned to the Homeworld as an "honoured guest", lying and threatening her way into a seat on the War Council, (PROSE: Lilith [+]Loading...["Lilith (feature)"]) and eventually consuming the War King after he attempted to undermine her. (AUDIO: Words from Nine Divinities [+]Loading...["Words from Nine Divinities (audio story)"]) However, she was "dealt with" by Horus during their invasion of the Homeworld with seven hundread Osirans, whom history recoreded as killig Sutekh. (AUDIO: The Judgment of Sutekh [+]Loading...["The Judgment of Sutekh (audio story)"])

Fate[[edit] | [edit source]]

An account which treated this Homeworl as the original stated that after the "Fall of the Homeworld", the remaining eight cloneworlds which had, by that point, created more cloneworlds still, re-opened communications, creating a new "united front". (PROSE: Crimes Against History (second edition) [+]Loading...{"var":"second edition","1":"Crimes Against History (short story)"}) Indeed, Homunculette claimed, during Qixotl's auction, to have trained at Gallifrey XII after the fall of the original Gallifrey. (PROSE: Alien Bodies)

Another account dealing with the "fall of Gallifrey" showed the War being completely undone following it, (PROSE: The Ancestor Cell) resulting in the post-War universe. (PROSE: The Burning [+]Loading...["The Burning (novel)"], et al.)