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Part one[[edit] | [edit source]]


Part two[[edit] | [edit source]]


Part three[[edit] | [edit source]]


Part four[[edit] | [edit source]]


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2.2 The Forsaken[[edit] | [edit source]]

Part one[[edit] | [edit source]]

Private James Jackson and his platoon are under enemy fire and escape. Meanwhile, the TARDIS crew consisting of the Doctor, Jamie, Ben and Polly arrive on Kenga in Singapore during the Japanese invasion in 1942. The air smells like sea salt and they decide to go have a look around. On the beachfront Polly spots a figure that mysteriously vanishes and Polly believes it to be death personified. They go investigate. They encounter Captain Clive Freeman who takes them to a hotel for American tourists. He warns them of the invading Japanese fleets.

They find the hotel to be in a run-down state and visit the bar where they meet Maggie Bishop, Mr. Andrews (a diplomat), Corporal Gibbs, Private Lawson and Private James "Jim" Jackson, where an astonished Ben later privately reveals that James Jackson is his father. While it is insisted they leave, the Doctor declares they must stay and investigate the mysterious figure Polly saw on the beach. Jamie goes to get some food for the group at Maggie's instructions, and ends up seeing the same figure Polly saw. He rushes to go tell the group. The Doctor, Ben and Jamie go investigate. They find a locked door and once they manage to open it, find a room full of dead bodies despite Maggie telling them that all the hotel staff had fled once they caught wind of the Japanese forces approaching...

Part two[[edit] | [edit source]]

The Doctor explains that the staff have just "died", without any trace of actually having been murdered. They reconvene with Polly and explain their discovery to her. Despite her insistence they leave, the Doctor says they must stay and it is revealed Ben wants to stay to make sure his father survives so that his existence won't be put in jeopardy, which the Doctor agrees. The four then join the returned Captain Freeman and company when they are suddenly bombed by fighter planes, and Private Andrews is injured. Jamie and Ben later go to retrieve a recovering Andrews, only to find him dead and bearing the same scratches they saw earlier on the dead bodies in the locked room. Agreeing that whatever did this was not human, they decide they need to find whatever did this and stop it. They tell the others of Andrew's death and then split into groups to search for potential intruders. Ben searches with his father while Polly talks with Maggie and Captain Freeman, claiming to have heard something, goes off to investigate by himself. The Doctor and Corporal Gibbs search one of the upper floors wile Jamie and Private Dawson search the ground floors. Ben spots something and he and Private Jackson chase after it while Jamie has an idea and sets a trap for the intruder, which the Doctor accidentally triggers, but the noise seems to attract the creature's attention and they attempt to capture it but fail. The creature, however, drops a metal disk that the Doctor picks up and later examines privately in a secluded room more closely when the creature interrupts his examination as it has come back to kill him...

Part three[[edit] | [edit source]]

The Doctor reveals he has tricked the creature and Jamie and Ben prepare to trap it when Maggie accidentally enters and the creature murders her and escapes into the jungle. The three reconvene and explain what is going on to the Captain and the soldiers. They decide to split up, Polly with the Doctor and Ben, Jamie and the Captain as a trio and they chase the creature into the jungle, as the Doctor is worried about it getting off the island and wreaking havoc in the world. He and Polly then investigate the hotel to try and discern the creature's motives. He eventually realises that the creature feasts on fear and tries to make its victims as scared as possible to give it a more filling meal. He worries it's trying to do this to Ben, Jamie and the platoon but decides they need to learn more about the creature first, believing they can take care of themselves and begin to analyze the metal disk.

Meanwhile the creature tricks, traps, lures and kills Private Lawson by disguising itself as Jamie. The Doctor, when he can't find the disk anymore, believes someone has taken it. He and Polly think, and realize that the creature can also change shapes and disguise itself as one of them. Ben, Jamie and the soldiers continue searching the jungle. The Doctor goes off into the jungle to warn the rest and makes Polly stay behind in case they return before he finds them. Later, she is joined by Captain Freeman who is looking for the Doctor and after Polly explains he went off to find him, he opts to stay and wait with her until he returns. Ben, Jamie and the soldiers, meanwhile, find a pile of bodies that have been dead for days, among them the body of Captain Freeman...

Part four[[edit] | [edit source]]

Polly is cornered by Captain Freeman (the creature in disguise) but manages to escape after the creature reveals itself. The Doctor finds Ben, Jamie and the soldiers and after he manages to convince them he's not the alien creature he takes out a device and using it they manage to find the alien's spacecraft. The Doctor explains the metal disk the alien creature took from him while disguised as Captain Freeman was an identification disk for the spacecraft. The Doctor manages to get it open and he, Ben and Jamie go inside to investigate while Gibbs and Jackson stand guard outside. The three discover inside the spaceship that their creature is called a Forsaken and its mission is to come to planets at war and feed off the fear induced by the circumstances. They deduce that the creature's plan was likely to disguise itself and board the evacuation crafts for Captain Freeman's men when they were to arrive soon and feast on larger civilization once it arrived in Europe. Immediately they realize the danger Polly is in and scramble back to the hotel. The creature corners Polly inside the hotel but she manages to evade it once again, and runs straight into Jamie accompanied by the Doctor, Ben and the soldiers. The Doctor realizes that because the creature induces fear, they can weaken it by being brave and abandoning their fear. The Doctor manages to distract the creature by standing up to it and it focuses all its attention on trying to make the Doctor afraid, allowing the others the opportunity to try and shoot the creature down. However, they cannot and the creature instead assumes the form of the Captain again, and Private Jackson cannot bring himself to shoot it. The Doctor, however, joined by the others once they catch on, manages to scare the creature into its own death. When they head back to the hotel to pick up Polly, the Doctor explains that the creature always attacked and feasted on the most scared member of the group, so when they made the creature the most scared, it "feasted on itself" Jamie finishes to which the Doctor replies "Something like that".

They arrive at the hotel and Ben and Jamie ask The Doctor about the ship and he explains that the creature and ship were genetically linked through the disk and when the creature died, so did the ship, after which they hear a loud explosion in the distance (the ship self-destructing). They then hear the arrival of the evacuation party boats and they convince Private Jackson, who is scared to go home as his wife wants to start a family but he can't fathom raising a child in this war-stricken world, that it is the best thing he can do and he'll be a great father. They then head down to the beach but the four reveal that they will be evacuating by a different route to a confused Private Jackson and Corporal Gibbs.

While they prepare to part ways, when asked about names, Private Jackson reveals that he wants to call the child 'Polly', much to the party's amusement.

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Notes[[edit] | [edit source]]

  • The doctor says "et tu" when Jamie says he feels a horrible presence. This is a line from Shakespeare's play Julius Caesar.
  • In keeping with the show's continuity that the Doctor doesn't start to use the sonic screwdriver until its introduction in TV: Fury from the Deep, the Doctor picks a locked door. Despite this, however, when later listing the contents of his pockets to Polly he mentions that he keeps the sonic screwdriver in one of them.

Continuity[[edit] | [edit source]]

2.3 The Black Hole[[edit] | [edit source]]

Part one[[edit] | [edit source]]

Jamie, Victoria and the Doctor are traveling inside the TARDIS when it is mysteriously drawn off course and lands them in a mysterious space station. Venturing into the station, they find it is packed with people but a mysterious time anomaly, that freezes everyone for a few seconds, occurs but doesn't affect them, mystifying them. They decide to go look for whomever is in charge to find out what's going on. Eventually they stumble on the central control room and meet Commander Flail, who, after the Doctor reveals he is aware the effects must be caused by a near-by black hole, holds them at gun point. After she explains the situation, the Doctor offers his help but is nervous as they discover that the black hole was likely to have been "artificially created", which is supposedly impossible. The Doctor claims he has "specialist equipment" in the TARDIS that he needs to get in order to help them. Flail accompanies them, keeping them at gun-point, when another time anomaly hits partially freezing her and freezing everyone else, but she is still able to move and fires blasts at them as the Doctor makes a run for it and instructs Jamie and Victoria to follow suite.

Inside the TARDIS the Doctor explains to the two that there are people who can control black holes, his own people, and that is why they must leave but after Victoria tries to argue with him about how they would be abandoning all the helpless people on the station, he has a change of heart and they go outside to be greeted by Flail. The Doctor reasons with her after his display and they make a plan for him to find the person responsible for this, whom she knows, on the lower deck laboratories because the three of them are immune to the time dilation. After some protest from Flail whom they leave behind since the dilation affect her as well, they reach the lab and meet Pavo of the Chapter 9 police force, who tells the Doctor that just by being on the station he has already broken a law and reveals that their punishment is death...

Part two[[edit] | [edit source]]

They stop Pavo by pointing out that he is also in violation of protocol as well and Pavo reveals that someone else is controlling the black hole and that currently the station is in a 'quantum mixed state' with the people phasing in and out because their probability of existing is being lowered as the state is being tampered with by the black hole. They create a plan to try and stabilize the black hole, involving the Doctor going into the center of the black hole. They decide to use Commander Flail's help and split up, the Doctor in the TARDIS while Victoria goes with Pavo in his TARDIS and Flail remains in the space station with Jamie. The operation commences but Pavo, linked to his TARDIS as the Doctor explains, falls ill due to the harsh effects of the black hole on his TARDIS. The operation is a success but Pavo and Victoria are left in a terrible state.

A week later they materialise inside a library inside the station and meet with Pavo where they confirm that everyone on board the station has been saved and things have returned to normal. They had hoped bringing Victoria to the library would help her regain her senses. It seems Pavo sacrificed his TARDIS to save them and the symbiotic link had caused permanent damage to him as a result, while Victoria is in a near catatonic state. Pavo explains to the Doctor that the Stattenheim remote he had hooked up and that changed his TARDIS interior's appearance means that their people now have dual control of his TARDIS much to his annoyance. Pavo explains that to complete his mission he is to go and arrest genetic engineer Joinson Dastari. The Doctor, claiming to be an old friend, convinces Pavo to let him go in his place and perhaps settle the situation in a more fair manner. Jamie and the Doctor leave to fulfill the task after Pavo promises to take care of Victoria for the time being. Pavo and Victoria then do some research into where the black hole may have come from, reading logs, entries and accounts by previous station inhabitants for clues about time distortions and any other related phenomenon. Victoria, using the principles of reasoning that she learned from her father, manages to deduce that the black hole did not simply arise out of nowhere but may have been created over a period of time. Suddenly they are interrupted by Commander Flail who contacts Pavo over the terminal screen interface and asks him if they are ready, with two ominous, shadowy figures lurking in the corner of her office, which Pavo says they are indeed. Victoria, by now, has figured out the plan and Pavo reveals his true identity to her and that the entire operation was a set-up to trick their people into thinking the Doctor is the real culprit, throwing off any suspicion directed at him, and he is free to continue his research on the black hole as he has sent the Doctor and Jamie into the middle of a Sontaran battle with no hope of survival. He finally reveals to Victoria that he only pretended to be Pavo, points his weapon at her, and that he has had many disguises over the years but he first met the Doctor while posing as a monk...

Part three[[edit] | [edit source]]

The Doctor and Jamie return to the station's laboratory, having been gone a few weeks and been on a few adventures, only to find that the same problem as before has resumed. They hide themselves and go investigate. Eventually they accidentally stumble on the Monk's arrival at the station where he is interrogated by Pavo. They realise they have arrived at the station at an earlier point when the Monk first arrived, and witness him almost kill Pavo, take his form using his special ring, stuff the body in his TARDIS and then sets it on fire and leaves, disguising himself with Pavo's appearance thanks to the ring. The Doctor and Jamie manage to rescue Pavo and try to get him to the TARDIS by taking him through station.

The Monk, disguised as Pavo, uses this new image to take command of the station and to be left alone in peace to do his work. Meanwhile inside the Doctor's TARDIS, Pavo regenerates into Commander Flail and the Doctor begins to understand. Flail attempts to take charge of the station but the Doctor explains that stopping the Monk now will cause a paradox and so they need to let the events happen and they make a plan.

Ten days later, Flail contacts "Pavo" (the Monk) who has Victoria in his company as they are researching the clues about time distortions and any other related phenomenon aboard the station as from earlier and the shadowy figures, unbeknownst to them are Jamie and the Doctor. The Monk confirms with Flail that all is fine and then Victoria reveals she has figured out the plan so the Monk takes her prisoner. Jamie and the Doctor go to investigate his lab, unaware of the changed circumstances. They find the Monk's TARDIS, which turned out to not have been destroyed when he "rescued" them by sacrificing it and "destroying" the black hole. Just then they are found by the Monk who reveals his plan and why he wanted to create the black hole: he wants to free the Seeth from their pocket dimension and help them conquer the planet before the earth empire rises to power in two hundred year's time and makes doing so impossible thanks to amassing an army during the Analogue wars. He then manages to deduce what the Doctor has done and been up to all this time, since the Doctor's TARDIS was counteracting the Monk's TARDIS and his attempt to warp space and time to make a black hole. He shuts off his TARDIS's power and a black hole finally emerges, and the Seeth begin to break through from their pocket dimension and enter the station...

Part four[[edit] | [edit source]]

The Seeth break into the station and cause mass panic. Meanwhile, Flail, in the Doctor's TARDIS, unintentionally rescues Victoria who was trapped by being locked in the library by the Monk after revealing his identity and leaving. She explains to Victoria that she can't detect where the Doctor or Jamie are or even if they're even alive at all. She reveals that she needs to call in their people as the situation has become too difficult to handle but finds she cannot contact them. The Doctor and Jamie wake up in the center of the black hole, stuck in a singularity. He manages to summon the TARDIS back having swiped the control off the Monk earlier and they find Victoria safe and sound inside, but the Doctor, to his horror, realises that the Monk still has the TARDIS key. Flail reveals to the Doctor she can't contact their people for help but he assures her that they can find a way, and he does, managing to freeze everyone to prevent further deaths by having his TARDIS jam the Monk's using the Stattenheim remote. The Monk, confronted by a Seeth captain, uses his Stattenheim remote to reverse the effects. The Doctor and the Monk continue to battle using the Statenheim remotes until they reach a stalemate where the Seeth can't get onto the control deck but the four of them can't leave it. The Monk contacts them to request a deal initially but reveals he has the upper hand as he has a Seeth army at his disposal and takes control of and orders them to find the humans and kill them unless the Doctor surrenders.

The Doctor uses the Stattenheim remote to inadvertently cause the Monk's TARDIS to malfunction, the black hole to appear at that TARDIS and suck most of the Seeth back into it. Then, using the ring the Monk stole earlier from Pavo to control the is hand, they make him open his TARDIS door and get sucked out. Their objective accomplished, they breathe a sigh of relief.

Victoria and Pavo/Flail talk on a bench while the Doctor and Jamie return from helping those aboard the station. The three prepare to leave but Flail explains that the Doctor has broken a number of laws relating to time and she therefore must arrest him, however, without his help she would never have been able to stop the Monk. So as a sign of gratitude she says she will let him go but has the Doctor return the Stattenheim remote and erases their memories in the process. The three suddenly come back to their senses inside the TARDIS and prepare to embark on their next adventure, having no idea of the events that had transpired.

References[[edit] | [edit source]]

Notes[[edit] | [edit source]]

  • The first clue that Commander Flail is the monk is that when the Doctor offers a plan in which he would put all 20,000 people in the space station aboard his "capsule", the Commander wasn't phased nor asked how it was even possible to fit that many people inside such a tiny ship, and instead jumped to saying that it would take too long since everyone would have to line up. The Monk, being a Time Lord, is already familiar with Trans-dimensional engineering.
  • Story attempts to discuss quantum mechanics
  • When the Monk kills Pavo and puts him in his TARDIS, he says "Sorry, not much room, is there?" This may be a reference to the state the Monk found his TARDIS in after the Doctor shrank it and left him stranded in Northumbria in the 11th century. (TV: The Time Meddler)
  • Victoria mentions to Flail that the Doctor has taken her to one hundred years in her future. Depending on when this adventure takes place, she could be referencing a number of different adventures including TV: The Abominable Snowmen, TV: The Web of Fear, or many possible AUDIO and PROSE adaptions.

Continuity[[edit] | [edit source]]

  • Jamie mentions the Ice Warriors as a potential threat after their previous encounter with them. (TV: The Ice Warriors)
  • When the Doctor tries to explain to them that the mysterious computers computers aboard the space station belong to scientists and rhetorically asks when have they met evil scietists, Victoria reminds him by mentioned Theodore Maxtibil and Eric Klieg (TV: The Evil of the Daleks, The Tomb of the Cybermen)
  • Jamie asks if the Daleks can control a black hole, since in a previous encounter they could already travel through time. (TV: The Evil of the Daleks)
  • The Doctor and Jamie return from the city of owls and people of mckenzie
  • When Commander Flail discovers that the Doctor has broken the first law of time and reiterates that meeting an earlier version of oneself "never goes well", the Doctor muses "Oh I don't know about that..." In this context, the Doctor had just met his sixth incarnation a little earlier before arriving back on the station, and occasionally the Doctor often teams up with their past or future self. (TV: The Two Doctors, The Three Doctors, The Five Doctors, et al.)

2.4 The ISOS Network[[edit] | [edit source]]

Part one[[edit] | [edit source]]

The Doctor, Jamie and Zoe are leaving Earth in the TARDIS after thwarting the previous Cyberman invasion, when they discover one Cyber-ship escaping and attempt to follow it. However, the TARDIS is damaged in the pursuit and they land on the planet Isos II and decide to go exploring for the ship since the TARDIS needs to re-calibrate. They discover a large seemingly-abandoned city and accidentally step in some slime, then decide to move inside the city and figure out what's going on when they realise no one is around and there's lots of slimy trail. They are surrounded by slug creatures who at first appear to want to hurt them but turn out to be friendly and play with the three. The three are eventually lead to a deserted underground monorail station and Zoe gets trapped in a lift where she is plummeted below.

Meanwhile an Isos ship, named the Braxos, lands on Isos and dispatches a crew to discover the source of an energy spike they picked up and end up finding the TARDIS, the source of the spike. They have been sent to discover what had happened to a colony on Isos II that disappeared. Jamie, while searching for Zoe, ends up falling down a broken escalator while the Doctor is discovered by the dispatched Isos security team. Zoe begins to explore the tunnels but she hears steps behind her and tries to outrun them. The Doctor is brought back to the Isos ship to talk with Commander Seru who demands he explain why the population of the planet they're on, Isos II, has disappeared to which the Doctor doesn't have an answer but a vague suspicion. Jamie stumbles on cyber-pods and the Cybership they were pursuing earlier and realises that the Cybermen have already arrived on the planet. Zoe follows a slime trail, wondering how the slug creatures could have penetrated this deep, only to be cornered by some Cybermen....

Part two[[edit] | [edit source]]

The Doctor shows the Braxos crew that the energy signatures they detected were not his TARDIS but something else. Zoe is saved by a creature, an Ison named Hilsee, and Jamie stumbles on the Cybermen. Seru interrogates the Doctor further to find out why he has come to Isos II. Hilsee explains to Zoe what happened to Isos II after the arrival of the Cybermen and she discovers that he has already been partially converted before he escaped. The Doctor explains to Seru that he deduces the Cybermen arrived and converted the inhabitants of Isos II. They use the ship's built-in navigations and maps, they manage to locate Zoe and Jamie. Jamie watches as one of the slug creatures they played with earlier confront and get killed by a Cyberman. The Doctor, Seru and a security squad penetrate the depths of Isos II, heading into the tunnels of the monorail track, while the Doctor warns Seru to request back-up from her home planet, but she refuses, confident in the team she has chosen. The Cybermen observe them from the shadows and prepare their counter-measures. Hilsee takes Zoe to the chamber containing the cyber-pods and shows where he was converted, and explains everything that happened to him to Zoe, how he lost his friends and family as they were murdered in the conversion process and so forth.

The Cybermen, in a separate chamber, discuss a plan to increase power in order to awaken the Cyber-controller (the same as the one found in the tombs). Jamie finds a shaft similar to the one Zoe fell down earlier and attempts to scale it but he is discovered by masked men...

Part three[[edit] | [edit source]]

The masked men are revealed to be part of the Braxos security team lead by Captain Enab that had been dispatched earlier. Meanwhile, Zoe explains to Hilsee that they must find the Doctor and explain what's happening and Hilsee reluctantly agrees to help. Jamie is reunited with the Doctor and reveals what he found out and they make a plan but the slime from the slug-creatures all over the junction box catches the Doctor's attention and he proceeds to investigate. Zoe and Hilsee accidentally destroy some of the slug's eggs while also investigating the slime all over the junction box and make a break for it when the slugs become angry with them. The Doctor deduces that the slugs have been using the slime to cut the power by having it short-circuit the boxes. However, they see they are being watched by the Cybermen through a surveillance camera and destroy it and immediately make a plan. The slugs carry Zoe and Hilsee off and Zoe hesitantly assures him that the slug creatures seem nice and wouldn't want to hurt them and guesses that they're being taken to the surface. The Cybermen and Cyber-leader revive the Cyber-controller and bring them up to date on the situation. Jamie and the Doctor, Seru, Enab and the squad are found by the previously dispatched Cybermen and they kill a squad member. They attempt to escape the Cybermen but half the squad is killed in the ensuing bout. The Doctor instructs them to try something that works at first but then fails, however, they are saved by the slug creatures who have brought Zoe and Hilsee along.

The Doctor conjectures that the slugs are can at least sense feelings and responded to Zoe's emotional need for help. In the meantime, Jamie hears something along the monorail track and it turns out the Cybermen have activated a travel pod to head to the Doctor and company's current position and run them over. The eggs on the monorail line begin to hatch but they see the pod headed towards them, its light getting brighter...

Part four[[edit] | [edit source]]

The liquid from the cocoon drips onto the power junction and short-circuits it, deactivating and stopping the travel pod. The Doctor notes that this pod is different to the ones they saw on the surface. The Cybermen prepare another plan of attack after the Cyber-controller accesses the repository of cyber-experiences and identifies their enemy as the Doctor. The Doctor, Jamie, Zoe and Hilsee go inside the travel pod but before they can get out, the pod shuts and they get stuck inside and the pod begins to move, bringing themt o the controller. Hilsee realises that he is being controlled by the Cyber-controller and the Doctor deduces who they are being brought to... but they also realise the pod is capable of traveling through hyper-spatial gateways and that its next destination is Earth. The Doctor and company are brought before the Cyber-controller and Hilsee, now under the control of the Cyber-controller, escorts Jamie and Zoe to be converted. Meanwhile, Seru attempts to call for help. The Cyber-controller intercepts Seru's call but reveals it wants Seru to summon back-up, much to the Doctor's confusion. Just then, they are distracted by a blinding light. While they are distracted, the Doctor slips into the travel pod as the Cyber-controller prepares to activate the conversion process on Jamie and Zoe, but the Doctor's actions do not escape its notice and it sends Hilsee to go deal with him.

Hilsee confronts the Doctor but the Doctor manages to help him struggle and break free of the Cyber-controller's grasp, while Jamie manages to escape the conversion bed and helps Zoe. The controller sees this and brings Hilsee, back under his control and orders him to capture them but Hilsee begins to struggle again and Jamie, Zoe, and the Doctor in the moment of distraction, escape, with Jamie and Zoe heading into the tunnels on the Doctor's instruction while the Doctor goes back into the pod. Hilsee helps the Doctor as he programs the pod to explode and destroy the entire underground network. However, the pod cannot be detonated automatically and must be piloted and the Doctor initially prepares to sacrifice himself, however, Hilsee, much to the Doctor's protests, volunteers himself instead, claiming he is already dead having been partially cyber-converted. Just then the Cyber-controller confronts Hilsee and they fight, while Hilsee helps the Doctor escape and seals himself and the controller in the pod and it rockets away. Initially distraught, thinking they are trapped underground with the explosion imminent, the three are found by the slugs and despite Zoe's protests to save Hilsee, they manage to escape the tunnels with the slug's help in time before the pod detonates, with Hilsee successfully declaring his victory just as it explodes.

The slugs bring the three to the TARDIS just as the tunnels explode and cause the city to collapse, seemingly destroying the Cybermen once and for all. The three mourn Hilsee but are then found by Captain Seru's reinforcements, however, they slip away in time. Jamie asks the Doctor if that truly is the end of the Cybermen but the Doctor reluctantly explains that since the Cybermen base their lives around survival, the three may likely encounter them again, however the events of today have certainly been a major set-back for the Cybermen. They then dematerialise in the TARDIS.

References[[edit] | [edit source]]

Notes[[edit] | [edit source]]

  • The sonic screwdriver is used, in keeping with the show's continuity when the sonic screwdriver only appeared at the end of season 5's TV: Fury from the Deep and not appearing anytime before.
  • The Doctor claims he is from "Earth", in keeping with the show's continuity of the time before the end of the Second Doctor's run when his true race as a Timelord was revealed in the final serial TV: The War Games, but before then was still unknown.
  • Cybermen kill, see inverted colours, reference to practical effect used in classic series

Continuity[[edit] | [edit source]]

4.1 The Night Witches[[edit] | [edit source]]

Part one[[edit] | [edit source]]

Ben asks the Doctor if he can have a turn piloting the TARDIS and Polly and Jamie chime in as well. When Polly demonstrates that she remembers the procedure correctly, the Doctor lets her materialise at their intended destination of the Winter Palace in Russia in 1782. Polly gently lands the TARDIS and they go out to investigate only to discover they have landed near a base belonging to the famed Russian Night Witches being invaded by German soldiers. Just then the tanks discover the TARDIS and prepare to fire at it but they are promptly wiped out by overhead planes. One of the planes is hit in the battle and crashes. Unable to get back to the TARDIS safely, they instead go to help the injured pilot of the crashed plane, who turns out to be a woman. She reveals her name to be Lilya and panics upon seeing Polly before passing out. Jamie and the Doctor go out to find the base which she came from based on her directions while Polly and Ben follow while carrying Lilya. They are found by Nadia who reveals they have captured Ben and Polly and accuse them of being German spies. They are taken to see their friend when Lilya comes to and again expresses her disbelief again at seeing Polly. Just then a crash occurs outside. Jamie and the Doctor go to investigate the wreckage when in the burning remains they much to their disbelief see what appears to be Polly...

Part two[[edit] | [edit source]]

The woman greets Nadia and identifies herself as Tatiana Kregki and the Doctor, Ben and Jamie realise that Tatiana merely looks identical to Polly. Nadia turns on the three and again reverts back to accusing them of being German spies and they try to persuade her otherwise. Polly awakens and sees Tatiana for herself but before she can do much, Nadia takes her aside and questions her while Lilya asks Ben to help her fix her plane. The other women are not convinced that they are German spies and express this to Nadia who is still skeptical. Eventually the Doctor and Jamie are let free but Ben and Polly are still kept under watch in case. Polly and Tatiana bond in the tent while the Doctor and Jamie prepare to take a plane out of the base to find the TARDIS with Nadia in tow, who threatens them saying that if they really are German spies part of a trap, then she will have Ben and Polly executed. Ben and Lilya talk and he accidentally let slips that he travels in time, and Lilya hypothesises that Ben wants to leave because he knows what will happen and runs off, upset, having taken quite a liking to him. She talks with Nadia who reveals her real plan to dispose of the Doctor and Jamie, convinced they are German spies, against Lilya's wishes as she has grown fond of Ben. Nadia then talks to Tatiana to whom she says that they will use Polly as part of their plan by having her captured by the Germans and killed, and due to looking almost identical, it will seem like she (Tatiana) has risen from the grave when she will "miraculously" be seen the next time, instilling fear in the German hearts and cementing their position in the Russian air force as a top unit. Tatiana is unsure but unable to express her opposition as Nadia takes off. Lilya manages to find Ben and Polly in the medical tent eating the tree bark stew and warns them about Nadia's plan for The Doctor and Jamie but it is too late as the Doctor and Jamie see Nadia in the distance and begin to act according to their "plan" they had discussed with her earlier, except Nadia begins to drop bombs on them...

Part three[[edit] | [edit source]]

Ben, Polly and Lilya confront Tatiana about Nadia's plan but she denies having any knowledge and assures them Nadia is going to help them. Later, Polly asks Tatiana to fly her out in her plane and also talks with Tatiana and they tell each other more about themselves. They soon prepare to take off, but they see Nadia's plane incoming and wait and ask her what happened. Nadia explains that the Doctor and Jamie were killed in a confrontation with German panzers and although she did everything she could to help, they are gone. Ben and Polly are distraught. Polly gears up and prepares to seek out the TARDIS with Tatiana in her plane and they take off. Despite being told to stay grounded and not follow Polly by Nadia, Lilya comes clean to Ben and says that although she trusts him Nadia has other plans and they prepare to take off after Polly but Nadia shoots and kills Lilya for her betrayal and has Ben put under guard.

The Doctor and Jamie, meanwhile, managed to jump out just in time when their plane was hit and are now lost. The Doctor reconstructs a map from memory on how to get back to the TARDIS knowing now where they are relative to the base. Nadia finds Ben and apologises to him and demands his help against the German forces that will likely be arriving tomorrow. He is resistant at first but reluctantly agrees. As he digs trenches around the base, he thinks he hallucinates seeing Lilya. The figure turns out to be the real Lilya, who managed to survive being shot but is bleeding badly and Ben tries to find a way to sneak her to the medical tent, less Nadia find out and kill her as she suspects. Nadia hears a lorry outside and a German one with the TARDIS in the back pulls up, from which the Doctor and Jamie exit and confront Nadia about leaving them but they are thrown into a prisoner's tent. They find Ben and hatch a plan to escape. Polly, in the meantime, is told by Tatiana that she thinks Polly arrived for a reason, which is to let her escape the horrors of fighting and tells Polly her plan, then flies away leaving Polly behind on the ground...

Part four[[edit] | [edit source]]

Polly, left behind by Tatiana begins looking for the TARDIS, unaware of it already being in the Doctor's possession back at the Night Witch's base. The Doctor, Jamie and Ben break out of the base and prepare to try and find Polly. Polly finds the German base and steals a radio and keeps going through the blizzard-filled night but realises she needs to find shelter soon less she die in the cold. Nadia, however, corners them and demands the Doctor help them lay traps. They secretly, however hatch plans, with Ben wanting to go save Lilya while the Doctor insists they find Polly. Polly finds a cave to hide in and tries to radio for help. A plane crashes into the Night Witch's base which Nadia realises is Tatiana's and they go to help her. Polly, devoid of hope, notices writing on the cave wall and realises it's the Doctor's handwriting and he has drawn a map to get back to the Night Witch's base. In the meantime Tatiana, disguised as Polly, is found and brought to the medical tent and manages to fool Ben and Jamie and seemingly the Doctor. Nadia questions Tatiana (pretending to be Polly) about what happened to Tatiana but Tatiana reiterates that she simply wants to go home, and the Doctor, Ben and Jamie prepare to take her and leave, Nadia's plan to use Polly as a decoy to Tatiana having been revealed.

Polly manages to find the base while the Doctor, Ben, Jamie and Tatiana (whom they are convinced is Polly) enter the TARDIS but Tatiana slips up a bit which the Doctor catches and begins to suspect her of what's really going on. Nadia finds Polly who explains everything and they hurry to get to the TARDIS to stop it from taking off. The Doctor, suspicious, tries to get "Polly" to repeat the procedure he taught her earlier using the TARDIS fine temporal coordinate modulator but "Polly" claims she's too tired and Jamie and Ben tell the Doctor to lay off her but he's not convinced. Polly starts banging on the door but cannot be heard and to make matters worse, the Germans arrive in their oanzer tanks and begin bombing the Night Witch's base. When asked about WOTAN, something only the real Polly would know, Tatiana slips up and her real identity is revealed. The Doctor opens the door and the real Polly steps in, however followed by Nadia, enraged at Tatiana's betrayal at trying to run away and attempts to shoot both of them. Polly and Tatiana, however, speaking identically, confuse Nadia in an attempt to escape. Nadia takes them outside at gunpoint and prepares to shoot them both when she herself is shot dead by Lilya. Inspired by her courage and bravery, Tatiana tells Lilya she will resume command of the Night Wtiches and will get her treated right away for her injuries, and they thank the TARDIS crew and the two groups part company. Polly asks if they can do anything for them but the Doctor sadly declares they cannot, but promises that he will try take them to Spain for a holiday.

References[[edit] | [edit source]]

  • The Doctor uses smelling salts from Ritalo III to wake up Lilya (and later Jamie), colloquially known as the "Stinking Planet". Ben notes that they smell awful. (11:00)
  • The pilots threw Hessian bags ___ to create the explosions
  • Tatiana calls Lilya a "love-struck teenager".
  • The Doctor mentions that Zaragoza, Spain reaches temperatures as warm as 44 degrees centigrade in 2015.
  • Some Russian dialects omit the definite article in speech, which tips the Doctor off as to Tatiana likely pretending to be Polly.

Notes[[edit] | [edit source]]

  • Nadia explains that the Germans were the ones who gave them the name the "Night Witches" because they arrived so quietly in the night to drop bombs that they were compared to witches riding broomsticks.

Continuity[[edit] | [edit source]]

  • When Polly asks if there was anything they could do to help the Night Witches before leaving, the Doctor reaffirms his non-intervention policy. The Doctor was originally a firm believer in not changing history. (TV: The Aztecs et al.) However, he would later relax this stance and intervene more often. (TV: The Fires of Pompeii et al.)

4.2 The Outliers[[edit] | [edit source]]

Part one[[edit] | [edit source]]

The Doctor, Jamie, Ben and Polly arrive in a flooded cavern underground full of abandoned and are mystified when they cannot find anyone around. They are spotted via security by Richard Tipple and his crew through a security camera. As the four investigate, they hear a noise and see some uniformed personnel and hide to avoid trouble but are called out anyway and concede and surrender. They manage to convince them and their commander Chatura Sharma that they are Earth Ambassadors but before more can be explained, an alarm goes off and the four are dragged off by Chatura to go investigate. They discover in one of the houses ciripedes and Chatura explains about a series of disappearances that they have been investigating. Chatura informs the Doctor that she has orders to bring him to higher authority and he and Ben depart, leaving Polly and Jamie behind to investigate and he leaves the Earth examiner badge with Polly. Ben and the Doctor are greeted by Tipple while Jamie and Polly meet Dr Goro. Polly helps Dr Goro reconfigure some numbers after doing a data scan and they discover people have been going missing at a rate of two per hour for over a decade...

Part two[[edit] | [edit source]]

The Doctor manages to dissuade Tipple from having them shot after suspecting them of being saboteurs and he agrees to temporarily help them investigate the disappearances. They return to the base of operations and there learn that Tipple supervises the mining of arconite, a dangerous substance used in the destruction of whole planets. Tipple receives a call from Goro requesting his presence, and the Doctor accompanies him, leaving Ben to investigate the mines. On the journey, Tipple admits to the Doctor that he had fudged with the data because the disappearances seemed like statistical outliers and he wanted them to be ignored so people wouldn't interfere with the mining operations. They arrive and are found by Jamie who explains that Polly's not with him because there was just an attack and the guards with him disappeared. In the meantime, Ben and Chatura descend into the depths of the mine to investigate and discover massive amounts of "barnacles" and the core is hot, something unusual for an asteroid where the mining is taking place. Tipple puts the Doctor in charge seemingly admitting he has made too many mistakes and put everyone in danger.

Ben is swallowed by a large wave of water, frightening Chatura, however she manages to save him and they go off to tell the Doctor about their findings. The Doctor, against protests, goes down to talk to the creature Ben informed him about but in the middle of discourse the Doctor is suddenly pulled into the water...

Part three[[edit] | [edit source]]

Ben, Polly and Chatura make a plan to rescue the Doctor despite Tipple refusing to help and forcing them into jobs to try and keep them apart. The three of them and Jamie travel through the caverns looking for any traces of the Doctor. Jamie decides to go for a deep dive in a wet suit but suddenly disappears and the scanner registers a massive shape which chases them. Polly, in the ensuing chase, is also thrown overboard while Ben attempts to take the creature head-on and manages to successfully lose it but discovers Chatura has gone missing when suddenly he is dragged into the water as well by the strange creature....

Part four[[edit] | [edit source]]

Ben has a strange dream about living in the tropics with an older Polly before he is awoken by the Doctor who is accompanied by Chatura, Jamie and Polly. They deduce that the ceripides are trying to communicate to them in the only way they know how, which is transmitting visions of the future. They awaken again inside the creature and the Doctor explains he has found a way to communicate with it. They manage to make contact with ciripedes Orthogona who gives them a cryptic message explaining that something terrible is about to happen and that the five of them may be able to stop them. Jamie and Chatura return to Tipple and explain the situation but he misinterprets and prepares an attack in an attempt to save the mine. The Doctor, Ben and Polly, however, learn that the ciripedes are dying due to Tipple's actions and try to go stop him. Tipple orders two guards to shoot Jamie and Chatura who are being held prisoner, but Chatura, who worked with them, convinces them something is amiss. Receiving some information from Imperial Command she confronts Tipple for covering up the disappearances and for playing all parties, as discovered in Dr Goro's notes. They also see the gas released by the Doctor as shown to them by the creature, which appears on Tipple's scanner and ends his charade for good, showing his mining to be doing more harm than good.

The Doctor, Chatura, Jamie, Ben and Polly take a boat back to the TARDIS while they explain Jamie's hypothesis as to why the creature didn't harm Chatura, because it only communicates potential futures and the creature didn't harm her because it sensed that she had potential to help alter the future and save them by stopping the mining.

References[[edit] | [edit source]]

  • The Doctor explains to Ben and Polly what a dishwasher is, since they were not widely common-place in Ben and Polly's time.
  • The Doctor has a piece of string and child's catapult in his pocket.
  • Arconite is a mineral being mined on the asteroid colony, and is the active ingredient in Robust Planetary Cleansing; it was used to end the Deltron war. It is used to obliterate whole worlds.
  • The year is 7691

Notes[[edit] | [edit source]]

  • T

Continuity[[edit] | [edit source]]