The Celestial Toyroom/Vote now: Tardis Awards!

From Tardis Wiki, the free Doctor Who reference

This contest has been concluded. If you wish to talk about the results, please go to this thread. A copy of the final tally at the time of closure can be found here.

Awards DrWho header.jpg
If there's one thing Doctor Who fans love, it's expressing their preference. Polls, forums, podcasts — you name it, we'll jump in line to be a part of it. Doctor Who Magazine, of course, has been measuring fan opinion at the end of every season since Tom Baker was the Doctor. So we here at Wikia wanted to start our very own tradition. Call 'em the Tardis Community Choice Awards, if ya like. Or maybe even the Golden Tardis Awards.[1]
Who will win the golden TARDIS?

Heck, it don't matter. The point is that we've created ten awards categories for you to vote on. And we've placed them within three sections for three types of fan: casual, obsessive and rabid. The further you go down on the list, the more likely it is that you'll need to have a deeper knowledge of Doctor Who.

So there's something for every level of fan in these awards. Whether you've been watching since Matt Smith or William Hartnell, you'll probably find a category here that'll tickle your brain and spark conversation!

So have fun voting! Just make sure that your votes are in by 2 June 2014. After that, the whole event gets time locked and ya can't play any more!


Best costume

If you chose to take a look, you may have gotten excited by the new suit Peter Capaldi is gonna rock. But we haven't really seen that costume in action yet. So which of these following past Doctors has the best threads?

<poll> Which past Doctor has the best clothes? Four Eight Nine Ten Eleven Five </poll>

Most faithful friend

Which companion of the modern era have you enjoyed most. Not who was the best for the Doctor or the best written or anything complicated like that. Just tell us which one you like hangin' with most.

<poll> Who's your favourite companion of the modern era? Rose Martha Donna Amy Rory Clara </poll>

Best use of classic opponents

One of the perennial tasks of the current Doctor Who producers is to find a way to adapt 40-year-old monsters to the modern day.  Which alien do you think got the best revamp?

<poll> Which old school baddie is the best in the modern series? Daleks Zygons Cybermen Ice Warriors Silurians Sontarans </poll>

Best regeneration

Regeneration makes for some of the best Doctor Who. But which regeneration scene do you think did it better than any other?

<poll> Which Doctor had the best exit? Ten Nine Eleven Four Five Seven </poll>


To answer these questions, you're going to need to know a little bit more about the programme. Still, most of you should find these pretty plain sailing!

Best location filming

Though often studio-bound, Doctor Who does sometimes bust out for a bit of location filming. Where do you think the location was used to best effect?

<poll> Which story got the most bang for its location filming buck? City of Death The Two Doctors Arc of Infinity Vincent and the Doctor The Impossible Astronaut A Town Called Mercy </poll>

Best companion exit

Almost as moving as the regeneration of a Doctor is the departure of a companion. Which of these televised ends hit you the hardest?

<poll> Which companion had the best farewell? Rose Martha Donna Jo Sarah Susan </poll>

Best TV story

There are a ton of ways to have chosen a list of the best Doctor Who stories. We've cheated and used most of the top of Doctor Who Magazine's list from 2009, with a few from Matt Smith's era sprinkled in.

<poll> What's the best televised story? City of Death The Talons of Weng-Chiang The Caves of Androzani Inferno The War Games The Five Doctors Blink Genesis of the Daleks The Empty Child The Waters of Mars The Eleventh Hour Vincent and the Doctor The Day of the Doctor The Doctor's Wife Midnight </poll>


And now for the tough stuff. Just how well do you actually know your Doctor Who history? If you think you know the past of your favourite programme, please play through.

Best woman working for the Beeb

First up is a real doozy. Doctor Who is famous for having had a woman at the helm at the start of both major eras of the programme. And that's a great thing. But, when trying to assess which woman you think made the greatest overall contribution it's also a difficult thing.

<poll> Which of these women do you think has made the greatest contribution to Doctor Who history? Lorraine Heggessey Verity Lambert Jane Tranter Julie Gardner Delia Derbyshire Biddy Baxter </poll>

Best modern director

And now something for the film buffs. Directors have come and gone over the years, but a few have done such high profile work, they've gotten noticed by even a few casual observers. Because it wouldn't be fair to compare the modern series with the 20th century version, though, lets just concentrate on finding the best BBC Wales director:

<poll> Who directed Who best? Toby Haynes Graeme Harper Euros Lyn Nick Hurran Adam Smith Alice Troughton </poll>

Best audio

Not everyone knows that much about audio Doctor Who. But those who listen to it generally are pretty passionate about it. So for those in our community who care about audio, this question: what's the best of all time?

<poll> Which audio reigns supreme? Dead Air Spare Parts The Chimes of Midnight Jubilee The Holy Terror The One Doctor The Company of Friends To the Death A Death in the Family Davros The Architects of History Circular Time </poll>

Your turn

Maybe you think something should have been nominated that wasn't. Perhaps you need to cry foul on the categories that were chosen. Or maybe you just want to talk about how difficult it was to make a choice. Feel free to use the space below to add to the conversation.

As always though, play nice and attack the point, not the person!


  1. Thanks go out to the many Tardis members who helped out with the planning, and made this bit of interactive fun possible!