Andred (Weapon of Choice)

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Andred was a Time Lord from the House of the Redloom.


During Vardan invasion

Andred was a member of the Chancellery Guard. He organised the Time Lords opposed to the the Doctor's presidency after he had helped the Vardans invade. He attempted to kill him as a traitor. Leela fell in love with Andred. She stayed on Gallifrey with him, accompanied by K9 Mark I. (DW: The Invasion of Time)

Later events

One account tells that Andred was made Castellan following Spandrell and that his cousin Redred was captain of the Prydonian Chapterhouse. This account says Leela then became pregnant to him. (NA: Lungbarrow)

Several other accounts contradict this however. After spending many years with Leela, Castellan Andred became suspicious of certain activities by the Celestial Intervention Agency, and in particular suspected Coordinator Narvin of violent anti-alien tendancies, in contradiction to President Romana's new policies. He made attempted overtures towards Narvin, claiming that his wife Leela had shown him the incompatibility of off-worlders living on Gallifrey. Narvin easily saw through Andred's ruse, and when Andred invited Narvin to meet him in the Citadel catacombs, he guessed that Andred might try to assassinate him. He sent his most trusted agent, Commander Torvald, in his place. In the confrontation, Andred and Torvald shot each other. Torvald was killed outright while Andred was forced to regenerate. Sensing an opportunity, Andred changed clothes with the unrecognisable corpse of Torvald and claimed his identity when found by guards. Believing Andred killed, Narvin covered up the incident and denied all knowledge of why Andred had suddenly disappeared, before eventually telling Leela that he had been killed by Torvald. Andred, meanwhile, continued to act as Narvin's loyal henchman in the hopes of uncovering any plot, sometimes working with Presidential bodyguard Leela. He finally revealed the truth to Leela, Narvin and Romana when they went back in time and confronted the real Torvald on one of his missions at a point before his death. (BFG: Weapon of Choice, Square One, The Inquiry, A Blind Eye)

Andred was arrested and imprisoned for his deception, and earned the hatred of Leela for letting her believe he was dead. In his cell, he was visited by Inquisitor Darkel who conspired with him. She allowed him to escape, and after Andred visited the Archivist to collect evidence, Darkel had the Archivist murdered and Narvin framed Andred for the crime, forcing Andred to go on the run for some time, hunted by Leela. While in hiding, Andred caught one of the off-world students, Gillestes, about to introduce a Free Time virus to the water supply of the citadel. He handed her over to Wynter, his Andred's successor as Castellan following his original disappearance, in return for a pardon. After Wynter was attacked by the Pandora creature and mistakenly drank the quarantined Free Time virus, Chancellor Braxiatel had appointed Leela as his interim replacement. After Brax's exile, Darkel returned Andred to the post of Castellan. Not long afterwards, Taylor, a student from Earth, had tried to locate the Key of Rassilon. While trying to prevent him, Andred was stabbed through both hearts by Romana, acting under the influence of Pandora. Leela once again grieved for her husband, who was buried outside of the city walls, and began to wish she could join him in death.. (BFG: Lies, Spirit, Pandora, Insurgency)

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