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Timeline for 1969
20th century | 1960s

1963 • 1964 • 1965 • 1966 • 1967 • 1968 • 1970 • 1971 • 1972 • 1973 • 1974 • 1975




  • 8 - The Eleventh Doctor, Amy Pond, Rory Williams, River Song and Canton Delaware were hired by President Richard Nixon to investigate a young girl that kept phoning him. The Doctor traced the girl to a building in Florida. River and Rory discovered a long passageway of ancient caves, populated with aliens that they would forget about once they looked away. Amy shot the Astronaut, thinking it was the one that would kill a future version of the Doctor in 2011, (DW: The Impossible Astronaut) though she survived; the suit working as a life support. The group eventually went on the run for several months, uncertain on how to fight these aliens. (DW: Day of the Moon)


Prior to July

  • The Tenth Doctor, Martha Jones and Billy Shipton were touched by the Weeping Angels in 2007 and ended up in this time. Working with future information given to him by Sally Sparrow, the Doctor contacted Shipton and the now-elderly Kathy Nightingale and arranged for messages to be passed on to Sparrow in 2007, one of which was a recorded message by the Doctor. (DW: Blink)


  • Before 20th July - After spending months on the run, the Eleventh Doctor, Amy and Roy feigned capture, while River leapt out of a building to be caught by the TARDIS, continuing their plot to take down the alien beings that they would forget about when they turned away. Canton captured one of these creature, who claimed to be of the Silence, and the Doctor interrogated it. The Doctor and River discovered the girl that contacted Nixon had escaped from the astronaut suit. (DW: Day of the Moon)
  • 20 - Neil Armstrong walked on the Moon. (MA: Who Killed Kennedy) Martha Jones later claimed that she and the Tenth Doctor viewed the event four times. (DW: Blink) The Eleventh Doctor secretly attached a video of one of the Silence saying that humans should kill them on sight to the broadcast of the Moon landing, causing every person who watched the landings to post-hypnotically attack the Silence. (DW: Day of the Moon)


Unknown date

See also

Behind the scenes








  • 03 - The final new episode of the original Star Trek series is broadcast in America.
  • 04 - Julie Gardner is born.
  • 07 - DW: The War Games Episode 8 is first broadcast.
  • 12 - Final taping session for DW: The War Games, marking the end of Patrick Troughton's regular involvement with the programme. It is also the last black and white taping session before the conversion to colour production.
  • 14 - DW: The War Games Episode 9 is first broadcast.
  • 21 - DW: The War Games Episode 10, concluding Season 6, is first broadcast, ending in Patrick Troughton's regeneration (Jon Pertwee, however, does not appear). Frazer Hines and Wendy Padbury also leave the series with this episode. The Time Lords and Gallifrey are officially introduced to the series (although the planet's name isn't revealed for several more years). This is the final episode of the series to be produced in black and white. This end of the series also marks the end of the show's long seasons; beginning in 1970 the number of episodes per season is reduced considerably. The hiatus of more than five months that follows before the start of Season 7 is the longest break for the show to date, although longer intervals are still to come.


