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Timeline for 2010
21st century | 2010s

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Doctor Who Universe

Spring (March, April, May)




Unknown dates

The following events are conjectured as taking place in 2010. None of them, however, include any on-screen indication as to whether they actually occurred this year. Any of them could take place in a later year (or, in the case of the Newman encounter, earlier than 2010).

Other timelines

Due to time differences between the two worlds, they appear in 2007 in the other world. See also Pete's World.

Real world

NOTE: This section includes announced and surmised events in the future; dates, events, and titles are subject to change.
  • Series 4 of Torchwood is anticipated to go into production this year, based upon John Barrowman announcing in November 2009 that he had been signed to appear. Dependent on when production starts, broadcast of the season may occur in 2010 or 2011. What is unclear is whether it will be a BBC production or an American production by the Fox network, per media reports in early 2010.
  • A DVD box set entitled Revisitations is scheduled for UK release in 2010. The box set will include three stories previously released in bare-bones/"vanilla" DVD editions (early in the DVD line): DW: The Talons of Weng-Chiang, DW: The Caves of Androzani and the 1996 TV movie. A North American release of Revisitations is assumed, but it's not known if the TV movie will be included (due to complicated Region 1 rights issues).[1]

Early 2010

  • Big Finish announces it is reviving its Short Trips line as a series of short audio dramas, with the first release expected in late 2010.[2]


Special effects technician Ian Scoones dies in Bulgaria.












Late 2010


  • CC: Yet-to-be-titled First Doctor story is scheduled for release.
  • BFA: The Four Doctors, a multi-Doctor adventure issued as an exclusive for Big Finish subscribers, is scheduled for release.
  • According to an announcement made by IDW Publishing in February 2010, the final Tenth Doctor issue of its Doctor Who Ongoing series is scheduled to occur with issue #16 scheduled for publication this month.[54]
  • 09 - Coronation Street, long Doctor Who's biggest competitor, marks its 50th anniversary of broadcast. Since September it has been the longest-running English language drama series in the world.
  • Christmas - a yet-to-be-titled Doctor Who Christmas special is scheduled for broadcast.[55]