Nathaniel Silver, also known as Nate or the Magus, was a long-lived 17th century human who played a large role in the events surrounding the babel's attempt to change Earth's timeline into a weapon for the War in Heaven.
Biography[[edit] | [edit source]]
Silver was born the year Charles I came to the throne, (PROSE: Newtons Sleep) 1625. (PROSE: The Roundheads)
In January 1642, Silver died at the Battle of Edgehill fighting on the side of the Roundheads. Members of the Pilots' Coterie resurrected Silver in an unaging body. He awoke on the battlefield clutching an egg-like posthuman technology and with a bullet still embedded in his forehead.
In January 1649, Silver attended the execution of Charles I at the Palace of Whitehall. Following this, Silver founded the Church of Christ Sublime, sponsored by Denzil Lynch. During this time he came to learn the secret of the Egg, and communicate with "Christ's Pilots" that gave it to him. However, the Church of Christ Sublime was not to last, as it collapsed due to the blue death and Denzil Lynch being indicted for forgery.
When Silver was released from prison due to his association with Lynch, he found himself in London and began to learn science and anatomy, taking as apprentice a young boy who had taken to following him around, Nick Plainsong.
In the late 1660s, Silver established himself as "The Magus" with the help of Plainsong and his lover Alice Lynch, the daughter of Denzil. He began corresponding with many strange individuals, including Jeova Unus Sanctus.
In 1671, the Magus demonstrated the properties of his egg to a group of assembled academics, magicians, and alchemists at Salomon's House. This meeting happened to be a trap set up by the Service, forcing Silver and Alice Lynch to flee to France, seeking refuge with le Pouvoir. While in France, le Pouvoir asked Silver to give them the ability to glance into the future, and using the Egg, he built them mirrors that did so, after many years.
Being of no more use to them, le Pouvoir sold Silver out to the Service, shipping him back to England, where he discovered that Alice Lynch had been spying on him on behalf of Faction Paradox, a betrayal used by Jeova Unus Sanctus to convince Silver to become head of the Service, to take control and guide human society forward to fight in the war in heaven against the adversary. Silver ultimately refuses, but saves Jeova's existence as Larissa pounces on him and stabs him with a continuity needle, pulling the needle out and ultimately tossing it in the Thames.
In his later life, Silver comforted Aphra Behn on the last day of her life. In spring 1727, Silver went to the Cunicularii with Nick Plainsong and died after having sex with Mademoiselle Machine. (PROSE: Newtons Sleep [+]Loading...["Newtons Sleep (novel)"])