Alice Lynch

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Alice Lynch, known after her marriage as Mistress Thomas Piper and called Greenaway after joining Faction Paradox, was a friend of Nate Silver who aided in the fight against the babel. (PROSE: Newtons Sleep [+]Loading...["Newtons Sleep (novel)"])

Biography[[edit] | edit source]

Two years after Charles restored the monarchy to England (PROSE: Newtons Sleep [+]Loading...["Newtons Sleep (novel)"]) in 1660, (PROSE: The Roundheads [+]Loading...["The Roundheads (novel)"]) she married Thomas Piper when she was 15 and he was almost three times her senior. They settled together at his home in Hornsey St Mary. Following his death from the plague (PROSE: Newtons Sleep [+]Loading...["Newtons Sleep (novel)"]) in 1665, (AUDIO: The Tactics of Defeat [+]Loading...["The Tactics of Defeat (audio story)"]) she met Faction Paradox. She was initiated as a Little Sister, taking Aki's place, and taking the name "Greenaway".

She was immediately set to work watching Nate Silver, who she had met on her father's estate years prior. She became his lover and confidante as he worked to gather many famous people from across Europe to Salomon's House, spying for Faction Paradox all the while. As Silver demonstrated his secret to those assembled, the Egg, and "Christ's Pilots" attacked him, Greenaway went inside the Egg, chasing after the Pilots, eventually encountering one of them and allowing it to ride her as a loa, naming it Erasmus.

As the meeting at Salomon's House turned out to be a trap for Silver set up by the service, Lynch fled with him to Paris, though would take his messages around the world, giving her ample opportunity to meet with her cell. On one occasion this involved her storming the House of the Infernal to apprehend the Jesuitess, a homeworlder threat.

When Silver was returned to England by le Pouvoir, Greenaway broke into the storeroom where they were keeping the Egg and retrieved it, using its power to return to England. She was then caught by surprise by Nick Plainsong, Nate Silver's former apprentice, and captured, Plainsong unmasking her as a spy as part of Jeova Unus Sanctus's plan to convince Silver to take over the Service.

During the confrontation between the crucified man that had emerged from Jeova and Larissa, Greenaway and Erasmus together used the Egg to contain and eliminate the crucified man. (PROSE: Newtons Sleep [+]Loading...["Newtons Sleep (novel)"])

Behind the scenes[[edit] | edit source]